
xīn mǎ
  • Singapore and Malaysia;remount
  1. 新马华侨华人妇女史研究述评

    Review on the Historical Research of Chinese Women is Singapore and Malaysia

  2. 新马两国是地理位置上的邻国,在历史上也曾是一家的双胞胎。

    Singapore and Malaysia are the neighbor of geography .

  3. 他们的新马很容易受惊。

    Their new horse is very highly strung .

  4. 从新马填海案看ITLOS临时措施

    Provisional Measures of ITLOS from the Perspective of " the Land Reclamation Case "

  5. 难道驯马师没跟你提起这匹新马吗?

    Didn 't the trainer tell you about the new horse ?

  6. 我和妈妈二人去了新马泰自由行。

    I visited Thailand , Singapore and Malaysia with my mother .

  7. 那时新马华文文学作品有两个主要的主题。

    As for Chinese , we read more writings in the literary .

  8. 太原旅游推介轰动新马泰

    Tour Taiyuan Promotion Causes a Sensation in Singapore , Malaysia and Thailand

  9. 每15到20英里会在驿站上做短暂地停留以换取新马。

    He stopped every 15 to 25 miles to get a fresh horse .

  10. 新马早期华人社会的民间信仰初探

    On the Folk Religion of the Early Chinese Community in Singapore and Malaya

  11. 他在那匹新马上押了20美元;她押这场比赛。

    He played $ 20 on the new horse ; she plays the races .

  12. 我的新马跳跃而且举起了高的在空气中的她前面的脚。

    My new horse jumped and lifted her front feet high in the air .

  13. 与新马中信「青年品格塑造营」及「全人关怀团队」事工配搭。

    Work with CCM in Singapore and Malaysia in youth camp and care ministry .

  14. 你押的是哪匹马?;我押的是那匹新马。

    Which horse are you backing ? I 'm betting on the new horse .

  15. 在新加坡独立之前,我们习惯将新马当作一个整体。

    Before Independence , we were used to treating Singapore and Malaysia as an entity .

  16. 新马关系中的水因素

    Water as a factor in Singapore-Malaysia relations

  17. 战后新马华人秘密会党的变迁

    The Change of the Chinese Secret Societies in Singapore and Malaya after the World War

  18. 中国我新/马新马华文小说的三维研究

    China-Me-Singapore and Malaysia & The three-dimensional study of the Chinese novels of Singapore and Malaysia

  19. 专门(以前)用于替换在战争中战死或受伤的新马。

    A fresh horse especially ( formerly ) to replace one killed or injured in battle .

  20. 新马的华文文坛有一段非常活跃的时代。

    The Chinese literary scene in Singapore and Malaysia had gone through a very active phase .

  21. 水资源在某种程度上是马来西亚对新马关系中的一张水牌。

    Water resource is , to some extent , a water card for Malaysia in Malaysia-Singapore relations .

  22. 中国传统文学在新马的传播&兼论土生华人的作用

    The Spread of Traditional Chinese Literature in Singapore and Malaysia : The Role of the Straits Born Chinese

  23. 论白礁岛主权争端及其对新马关系和东盟发展的影响

    Study on the Pedra Branca Dispute and Its Influence on Relations between Singapore and Malaysia and ASEAN 's Development

  24. 20世纪中叶新马华人社会与华南互动之探讨

    Probe into the Interaction between the Singaporean / Malaysian Ethnic Chinese Communities and South China in the Mid-20th Century

  25. 中国我新马的思维三角确立起来的是新马华族自我肯定的强烈意志。

    Three dimensions of China-Me-Singapore and Malaysia has established the self-affirmation of intense volition about the Chinese of Singapore and Malaysia .

  26. 我们不会有漂亮的新马啦,也没有大堆的金钱买礼物啦!

    I killed the old horse , and I suppose I ought to do something to get ye a new one .

  27. 对新马华文文学史撰写及其文学大系编纂之研究

    Research on the Composing of the Chinese Literary History of Singapore and Malaysia and the Compiling of Singaporean and Malaysian Literature

  28. 他也是发生于十九世纪末二十世纪初,影响深远的新马孔教复兴运动的主要领导者。

    He also was the main leader in the Confucian Revival Movement took place at the end of19th century and early20th century .

  29. 春节期间,我们一家人报名参加了新马泰五日游,真是很有意思。

    Lunar New Year period , we were enrolled in a five tour Thailand , Malaysia and Singapore , is really very interesting .

  30. 目前还担任世界华文文学学会副会长、新马侨联名誉会长。

    At present he is Vice Chairman of the World Chinese Literature Society , Honorary Chairman of Overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia .