
xīn de yī nián
  • a new year
  1. 就是在新的一年,为数以百万计iPad用户打造的升级版iPad。

    The new iPad is just that : the iPad , updated for a new year and millions of new iPad users .

  2. 让我们共同努力迎接新的一年。

    Let 's work hard to welcome a new year .

  3. 新的一年里再见。

    I 'll see you in the new year .

  4. 厚厚的一层雾伴着阴冷潮湿的空气迎来了新的一年。

    Cold damp air brought in the new year under a blanket of fog .

  5. 对桑德罗来说,新的一年带来的是灾难。

    For Sandro , the new year brought disaster

  6. 我受邀为报纸撰写一篇文章,对新的一年进行预测。

    I was asked to contribute to a newspaper article making predictions for the new year

  7. 那么你在新的一年会有好运的。

    Then you 'll have good luck in the new year .

  8. 但如果你下决心想在新的一年中更快乐、更健康,清理一下你的朋友关系是个不错的开始。

    But if you 've resolved to be happier and healthier in the new year , taking stock of your relationships is a good place to start .

  9. 新的一年里,苹果(Apple)仍然蓄势待发,准备迎接又一个丰收年。

    Apple is gearing up for another huge year .

  10. 在新的一年里,有37个新奇的app能给你省0.01%的旅费。你有兴趣吗?

    Interested in 37 newfangled apps that will save you 0.01 percent on travel for the coming year ?

  11. 苹果(AppleInc.):对苹果来说,2013年是新的一年,是iPhone和iPad更新换代的又一年。

    Apple Inc. : For Apple , it was another year , another refresh of its iPhone and iPad .

  12. 当12月接近尾声wowgold,想到新的一年时,你有一大堆想用来改善生活的点子。

    As December comes to an end , you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life .

  13. 当CEO们在新的一年致力于改善公司业绩的时候,他们应该着重关注员工的满意度。

    When looking to make improvements to their businesses in the new year , CEOs should focus their attention on the satisfaction of their employees .

  14. 继Facebook前员工肖恩帕克(SeanParker)和查马斯帕里哈皮蒂亚(ChamathPalihapitiya)——二人谴责了社交媒体的成瘾性——之后,新的一年将有更多的科技行业工作者发声。

    Next year , more tech workers will speak out , following former Facebook employees Sean Parker and Chamath Palihapitiya , who have condemned social media 's addictive properties .

  15. 据统一党企业部发言人LeoVaradkar说,希望在新的一年里保持健康体魄的人应该仔细阅读体育馆和健身中心的规定条款,因为许多条款不公平。

    Those hoping to get fit in the new year should carefully read the terms of conditions of gyms and fitness centres as many of them are unfair , according to Fine Gael enterprise spokesman Leo Varadkar .

  16. 不过,新的一年可能给资源交易带来新的疑问,更强调在收购资源的同时考虑到消费者,比如过去两年里对Weetabix和AMC影院等品牌的投资。

    Still , the new year could bring new skepticism to resource deals and a greater emphasis on purchases made with consumers in mind , such as investments over the past two years in brands like Weetabix and AMC theaters .

  17. 愿大家在新的一年里身体健康、工作顺利!

    The new year has started , we experienced a year !

  18. 祝你在新的一年里身体健康,事业成功。

    I wish you health and success in the New Year !

  19. 据说在新的一年里情况会好转的。

    They say things will be better in the new year .

  20. 由于在新的一年里,我们都长一岁。

    Because in the new year , we all long one-year-old .

  21. 你看,在新的一年的到来,2009年。

    You see , the new year is coming , 2009 .

  22. 祝你在新的一年里一切梦想成真!

    May all your wishes come true in the new year !

  23. 祝福我的朋友要新的一年里有更丰盛的收获!

    My friends to the New Year has more abundant harvest !

  24. 在新的一年里我们都要好好的,都要开心的。

    In the New Year we will better good , happy .

  25. 人们提出了新的一年春联上墙,为良好的财富。

    People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

  26. 在新的一年里让我期待的影片!

    Most attraction movies of next year in my life !

  27. 我在新的一年里需要一个案头日历。

    I need a desk calendar for the new year .

  28. 我们在带着沮丧的热情和不容乐观中开始了新的一年。

    We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism .

  29. 你有什么在新的一年里决心要做的事情吗?

    Have you come up with your New Year 's resolution yet ?

  30. 祝在节和新的一年中享有无穷的快乐。

    To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year .