
  • 网络the New Music;New Age music
  1. 周一,苹果公布了名为AppleMusic的新音乐流媒体服务。虽然这一服务面临激烈的市场竞争,但它能提供优势显著的产品。

    Apple announced its new music streaming service on Monday , dubbed Apple Music , entering a hotly competitive market but offering a product that comes with tremendous strengths .

  2. 这是一个为他与NickiMinaj的歌曲《美和节奏》录的新音乐视频。

    It was a new music video for his song Beauty and A Beat featuring Nicki Minaj .

  3. 新音乐厅的传声效果极佳。

    The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent .

  4. 几个著名交响乐团受邀演出,以庆祝新音乐厅的启用。

    To christen the new hall , a number of great orchestras have been invited to play .

  5. 谷歌Play音乐可能会成为你的新音乐播放器。

    Google Play Music may become your go-to music player .

  6. 新音乐快递(注:NewMusicalExpress,简称NME,英国著名流行音乐杂志)发表了一篇文章,文中列举了这首热门单曲三十个不广为人知的事实细节。

    In a word , yes : NME has published a list of 30 lesser-known tidbits about the mega-single .

  7. Google推出的新音乐功能可以让搜索者一键点击就可以收听完整长度的歌曲。这个简捷的设计可以将多达四首歌曲添加到搜索结果的顶端。

    Google music feature to allow one-click listening-Telegraph The simple design brings up to four songs to the top of search results .

  8. 《新音乐快报》(NewMusicalExpress)或许是英国最有影响力的音乐杂志,它给这张专辑的评论是这样开头的:“尼克·凯夫的《从她到永恒》是迄今为止最伟大的摇滚专辑之一。”

    The New Musical Express , probably Britain 's most influential music magazine , began its review with : " Nick Cave 's ' From Her to Eternity " is one of the greatest rock albums ever made . "

  9. 但是在她的新音乐视频HelloKitty中,AvrilLavigne进行了一百八十度大转变,将自己打造成科技舞曲女神。

    But for her latest music video Hello Kitty Avril Lavigne has taken a dramatic turn , transforming herself into a techno goddess .

  10. 负责iTunes和新音乐服务的苹果高管库伊表示,他周日与斯威夫特进行了交谈。

    Mr. Cue , the Apple executive in charge of iTunes and Apple 's new music service , said that he had spoken to Ms. Swift on Sunday .

  11. JAZMIN最近获得全国性曝光出现在MTV的热门流行乐队之一,入围的新音乐系列现实。

    JAZMIN recently gained nation-wide exposure appearing on MTV 's Top Pop Group as one of the finalists on the new music reality series .

  12. 使用MusicStrands搜索新音乐。

    MusicStrands : Search MusicStrands to discover new music .

  13. 音乐杂志《新音乐快报》(NME)曾称维纳为“trip-hop的祖母”,不过她说她自己“甚至不确定trip-hop是什么”。轻松活泼、出类拔萃的《约翰常说》(JohnSays)是这张专辑中最精彩的歌曲之一。

    the music journal NME once called Winer the " grandmother of trip-hop , " though she says she 's " not even sure what trip-hop is . " The breezily transcendent " John Says , " one of the album 's highlights , appears here .

  14. 星期四晚上的演出中,布兰塔诺四重奏组(BrentanoQuartet)将演出他的弦乐四重奏2号(流水),该演出中还有纽约新音乐乐团和塔鲁琼乐团(Talujon)。

    On Thursday night 's program , the Brentano Quartet will perform his String Quartet No. 2 ( " Streams " ) in a program that also features the New York New Music Ensemble and Talujon .

  15. 软件的幕后英雄是达洛西奥,一位从12岁开始自学计算机编程的少年。他以前也开发了几款应用程序,如分析一个人Facebook账户以判断其心情的Facemood,还有一种帮助人们发现新音乐的应用。

    Behind the app was Mr. D'Aloisio , who taught himself how to create computer programs at age 12 , and previously created several apps , including Facemood , which analyzed a person 's Facebook FB - 2.33 % account to determine their mood , and a service that helps people discover new music .

  16. 如今我多数时候通过Soundcloud和Tumblr发现新音乐,这样做方便太多,我的身体都不需要离开手提电脑,但这个过程不像以前那样有种冒险的感觉。

    Now I discover most new music on Soundcloud and Tumblr , and while it 's infinitely more convenient insofar as it does not require me to physically part myself from my laptop , it doesn 't feel quite as adventuresome .

  17. 那部新音乐喜剧受到大众的青睐。

    The new musical comedy took the fancy of the public .

  18. 维也纳,下一个实验艺术和新音乐的中心?

    Vienna , the next centre of experimental art and new music ?

  19. 汉译英新音乐是由业已存在的材料构建出来的。

    The new music was built out of materials already in existence .

  20. 他说他是你的新音乐老师。

    He says he 's your new music teacher .

  21. 酷的音响效果,迷人的新音乐!

    Cool sound effects and entrancing new music !

  22. 近代拯救意识与中国新音乐

    Modern Ideology of Salvation and Chinese Modern Music

  23. 我要写电影、电视节目和新音乐专辑的评论。

    I 'll write reviews of movies , TV programmes and new music CDs .

  24. 学堂乐歌的兴起是中国新音乐发展所经历的一种必然现象;

    This popularity is an inevitable phenomenon in the development of new Chinese music .

  25. 没有关于她的新音乐何时出现的话。

    There 's no word on when she might come out with new music .

  26. 陶喆:新音乐的拓荒者

    Tao Zhe : A Pioneer In New Music

  27. 新音乐中的传统继承性&试析勋伯格《钢琴小品六首》

    Traditional Inheritance in New Music & Analysis of Schoenberg s Six Piano Pieces ;

  28. 为什么老年人讨厌新音乐?

    Why do old people dislike new music ?

  29. 玛丽将在新音乐喜剧中以歌手的身份首次亮相。

    Mary will make her bow as a singer in a new musical comedy .

  30. 发展出来的是一种有无穷表现力的新音乐。

    What developed is a new music capable of a limitless range of expression .