
  • 网络Movie Trailer;Film trailers;Crazy Love
  1. 每位配角出场时播放的剪辑长得像电影预告片,各部分拼接在一起,就跟Youtube视频一个水平。

    Each supporting actor had a clip long enough to be a movie trailer , spliced together like a YouTube mash-up .

  2. 所以他做了一个电影预告片。

    So He Made A Movie Trailer .

  3. 一些日本人在看过电影预告后大表惊艳。

    And some Japanese who saw the preview were pleasantly surprised .

  4. 电影预告十分搞笑,让他们非常想去看那部电影。

    The funny previews made them want to see the movie .

  5. 有些电影预告片甚至比它们宣传的电影还精彩。

    Some trailers are even more exciting than the movies they advertise .

  6. 电影预告片和播客可以发现,在同样的方式。

    Movie Trailers and Podcasts can be found in the same way .

  7. 别那么急!会有十分钟的电影预告片。

    B : Cool your jets ! The preview will be ten minutes long .

  8. 目前,集团正从网站的横幅广告和电影预告片中获得广告收入。

    Already , it earns advertising revenue from banner ads and trailers on its website .

  9. 电影预告片与海报、影评等宣传资料,一同构成电影的广告话语。

    Movie trailers constitute the advertising words with other propaganda material such as posters and reviews .

  10. 电影预告片是促使观众去看电影的最主要的一个手段。

    Movie trailers play a dominant role in all the means of encouraging people to see a movie .

  11. 他们有环球网络和市场营销兵团,并能把电影预告片与大片绑在一起。

    They have global networks and legions of marketing men & and can attach their trailers to blockbusters .

  12. 因此,该组织投入巨资把招聘信息在会前说,电影预告显示上映。

    So the organization invested heavily in putting recruiting messages in the pre-movie trailers that are shown in theaters .

  13. 在来自schema.org的例子中,标记了一个指向电影预告片的链接。

    In the example from schema . org , a link to the movie 's trailer was marked up .

  14. 当您登录到媒体指南时,可以访问最新的音乐、电影预告片和新闻。

    When you log on to Media Guide , you can access the latest music , movie trailers , and news updates .

  15. 电影预告片和电视广告是激发人们对电影好奇心的两种最有效的手段,但在中国,这些方法使用起来有些困难。

    Trailers and television advertisements , the two most effective methods to drum up interest , are difficult marketing tools to use in China .

  16. 拟公映的电影预告、教育影片和文化影片也须送检,但无须分级。

    Film trailers , instructional films and cultural films intended for public exhibition also require censorship but do not need to be classified into any categories .

  17. 电影预告片向满怀期待的观众们展示了“一位激动人心的新福尔摩斯”首次以饱满艳丽的彩色电影展现出来。

    The trailer for the film showed expectant audiences " A new and exciting Holmes " for the very first time in rich , lurid Technicolor .

  18. 影院已经尝试了很多办法让手机“安静”,比如,让引座员制止观众接听手机,或者播放有趣的模仿电影预告片提醒观众关机。

    Theaters are trying a number of ways to silence cell phones , from sweeps by ushers to funny fake movie trailers urging viewers to shut off phones .

  19. 电影预告片自1912年诞生以来获得了巨大的发展,如今已经形成独特的视听风格。

    Film trailer has got a dramatic and rapid development since the year 1912 it was born . Now the trailers has formed its own specific visual narrative style .

  20. 本片将于2013年2月8日在英国上映(2013年2月1日美国上映)让我们先欣赏下2分钟的电影预告吧。

    The film is due to hit UK cinemas 8 February 2013 ( 1 February 2013 USA ) . Check out the first two minutes of the film below .

  21. 工作室发布电影预告片的理念,从本质上讲,就是预览试映效果,这似乎有些荒谬,但是这就是我们现在生活的世界。

    The notion of studios releasing previews of movie trailers essentially , previews of previews might seem a bit ridiculous , but thats the world we live in now .

  22. 在新闻发布会上播放的电影预告片中,李充满了做为一名中国人的自豪,他在击败一名外国对手后向观众高呼“我是一名中国人”。

    Lee is shown bursting with Chinese pride in a trailer shown at the news conference , bellowing " I am Chinese " to spectators after defeating a foreign opponent .

  23. 章子怡在接到邀请后,特别调整工作行程前往戛纳,并在30秒的电影预告片放映后以英文发言介绍影片。

    After receiving the invitation to Zhang Ziyi , in particular the adjustment of trip to Cannes , and in the30-second trailer for the film after the screening to introduce the English speaking films .

  24. 我看过以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。

    I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs .

  25. 我看了斯皮尔伯格最新一部电影的预告片,觉得看上去很有趣。

    I saw a trailer for the latest Spielberg film and thought it looked quite interesting .

  26. 电影的预告和广告一味强调片中的爱情情节;大部分电影里的爱情故事都是盲目的,非理智的。

    Trailers and ads focus solely on the love story ; There arent many intelligent motion picture romances .

  27. 我们的影片不会在英国上映。在英国,电影的预告片也只有在官方电影网站才能看到。

    Our film is not being shown in the UK and the trailer is only viewable in the UK on the official movie website .

  28. 为了纪念这一展现人类聪明才智的重大时刻,该公司发布了一个就像动作电影的预告片的3分钟视频。

    To mark this momentous occasion of human ingenuity , the company released a three-minute video that resembles a trailer for an action movie .

  29. 我很喜欢到电影院看未上映电影的预告。还有可使影片和电视广告快速播放的遥控器。

    I love going to the theater and seeing the previews for coming movies . Remote controls , which have caused an acceleration in the pace of films and television commercials .

  30. 大家在《欢乐合唱团》3D电影版的预告片里发现这个小伙子了吗?

    Did you see this little one in the trailer ?