
  • 网络Don't ask me
  1. 不要问我——我不是行家!

    Don 't ask me ─ I 'm no expert !

  2. 不要问我是否再相逢

    Don 't ask me whether or not we 'll meet again

  3. 我以非常低的价钱买了一块20英亩大的很好的土地。卖地的那个老人不愿告诉我们如此低价卖掉这块地的原因,他只是摇摇头,说:“请不要问我。”因此,我们打算自己来一探究竟。

    I just bought 20 acres of nice land and we got it for very cheap . The old man wouldn 't tell us why it was so cheap ; he just shook his head and said , " Please don 't ask " . So we took it on upon ourselves to find out .

  4. 不要问我怎么办到b的。

    Do not ask me how I did B.

  5. 现在不要问我LCA的费用和时间超出预算,那是另一个数十亿美元的问题。

    Now , don 't ask me what 's the cost and time overrun in LCA . That 's another billion-dollar question .

  6. 不要问我,相信你自己的判断力。

    Don 't ask me , but trust your own judgement .

  7. 不要问我带些什么到那边去。

    Ask not what I have with me to take there .

  8. 不要问我问题

    No , don 't ask me questions , all right ?

  9. 不要问我心痛的感觉,我无法描述。

    Don 't ask me heartache feeling , I can 't describe .

  10. 不要问我这个问题,我一点也不知道。

    Dont ask me that question . I know nothing about it .

  11. 但是不要问我20遍是否正在做事。

    But don 't ask me20 times whether I 'm doing it .

  12. 不要问我,我现在也毫无主意。

    Don 't ask me . I 'm all at sea now .

  13. 不要问我为什么,但时光却将我们分离。

    Don 't ask me why , but time has passed us by .

  14. 不要问我为什么难过。

    Don 't ask me why I 'm sad .

  15. 你不能对我有疑问,不要问我问题。

    You dont question me , dont ask why .

  16. 不要问我个人的私事!

    Don 't question me about my personal business !

  17. 不要问我为什麽,但是这块石头被移动了。

    Don 't ask me why , but the stone has been moved .

  18. 在你自己做之前,请不要问我。

    Dont ask me before you do it yourself .

  19. 不要问我一生曾经爱过多少人,你不懂我伤有多深。

    Don 't ask me how many people I loved in my life .

  20. 不要问我为什么,我只是觉得那样。

    Do not ask me why , I 've just felt that way .

  21. 请不要问我为什么目标而学!

    Dont 't answer to me why I study !

  22. 我不使用专家系统,所以不要问我。

    I don 't trade an EA , so please don 't ask .

  23. 不要问我问题,我恳求你(查尔斯·狄更斯)。

    Ask me no questions , I entreat you ( Charles Dickens ) .

  24. 不要问我拿电话!

    Don 't ask me for my phone number !

  25. 不要问我的家在哪里。

    Do no ask from where I 'm coming .

  26. 不要问我,史密斯先生负责这个办公室。

    Don 't ask me ! Mr Smith rules the roost in this office .

  27. 所以,不要问我任何有关谈判的事,他告诉记者。

    So don 't ask me anything about the talks , he told reporters .

  28. 不要问我怎麽样的事实,我不知道。

    Do not ask me how you love the fact I do not know .

  29. 这件事不要问我,我自己也是一无所知。

    Don 't ask me that . I am completely in the dark myself .

  30. 这就是结局。不要问我它的意义。

    And don 't ask what it means .