
  1. 那个郑国人坚持说:“我宁愿相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚。”

    The man of Zheng insisted : " I would rather trust the measurement than my own feet . "

  2. 我宁愿相信那里是天堂。

    I would like to believe that there is a Paradise .

  3. 我宁愿相信一匹饿狼也不愿意相信政客。

    I 'd rather trust a hungry wolf than a politician .

  4. 我宁愿相信别的什么鬼故事,也不相信你说的。

    But I can come closer to believing a ghost story than this .

  5. 这一次,我宁愿相信我自己的眼睛。

    In this case , the eyes have it .

  6. 奥斯卡:你宁愿相信陌生人的评论,而不是自己的亲身体验,是吗?

    Oscar : You 're putting strangers ' reviews above our own experience ?

  7. 你宁愿相信那个俄国叛徒也不相信我?

    You believe that Russian traitor before me ?

  8. 事实上,我宁愿相信一个骗子也不想相信政治家。

    In fact , I 'd much rather trust a hoodie than a politician .

  9. 我宁愿相信他人的最好的一面,这样可以省去很多麻烦。

    I always prefer to believe the best of everybody ; it saves so much trouble .

  10. 我宁愿相信百度以前的美好,快速准确,简单简洁

    I aux would rather believe the happiness before Baidu , fast and accurate , simple and concise

  11. “我想,每个人都宁愿相信他会再回到这里。”托瑞爷爷说。

    " I think everybody would like to believe he 'll be back here ," torre said .

  12. 可是,很多人还是宁愿相信的确出现了奇异的星星,而且那纯粹是个奇迹。

    Still , many people prefer to believe that the strange star did appear , and that it was simply a miracle .

  13. 他们宁愿相信那已有60年历史、狭窄崎岖的两车道公路,已经被时间、山崩、雨林季风和沼泽湿地所湮灭。

    That its two stringy lanes now six decades old have been devoured by time and landslides , jungle monsoons and swampy earth .

  14. 科学家告诉家长接种疫苗是安全的,但许多家长宁愿相信自己的直觉——接种疫苗不安全。

    Scientists tell parents that vaccinations are safe . But many parents prefer to trust their gut instinct that they 're not safe .

  15. 我仍然宁愿相信,这还是一个虽然残缺但至少还有点诚实的社会。

    I still would rather believe that there are still some honesty existing in this world even its not that whole any more .

  16. 我还是宁愿相信人死后有灵魂,这样可以令我在生前不畏惧死亡,令我生活得更加谨慎。

    I would rather believe that there is soul after death , so I will be not afraid of death and live more cautious .

  17. 此刻我宁愿相信天堂的存在,因为那样,我们就没有理由再悲哀。

    Right now , I would rather to believe there is another paradise place , if so we would not to keep sad for anyone has left us .

  18. 我们只需记得,总有一些人,他们固执地否认最显而易见的事实,而宁愿相信这些事实的证据只是世界共谋的结果。

    Just remember there will always be people who wilfully deny the most obvious truths and prefer to believe evidence for these truths is a result of worldwide conspiracy .

  19. 说谎是为了不想让对方担心,不过奇怪,有时女人宁愿相信大谎言多于事真。

    Lies is for does not want to let opposite party worry , but strange , sometimes the woman rather believed the big rumor is more than the matter to be real .

  20. 他们宁愿相信二战期间他们所开凿的、于印度陡峭的帕特开山、由缅甸的热带雨林、后通往中国的那条道路已经不存在了。

    They 'd prefer to think that the road they hacked across India 's steep Patkai Range and down through the jungles of Burma to China during World War II is gone .

  21. 我宁愿去相信我正在变好,但是要慢慢来。

    I would like to believe that I 'm getting better , but it 's a work in progress .

  22. 我不认为成功是有害的,如很多人所说。宁愿,我相信它对天份是不可或缺的,再不也可增加天份。

    I don 't think success is harmful , as so many people say . Rather , I believe it indispensable to talent , if for nothing else than to increase the talent .