
  1. 就在上班前宁静的清晨,我写这篇文章时,那可爱的猫咪从寒风中归来了。

    As I write this , in the early morning quiet before work , the affectionate cat has just come in from the cold .

  2. 在这宁静的清晨有这样一幅美丽的画面,我的心情如鲜花般层层盛开、绽放。

    In this early morning quiet of such a beautiful picture , I feel as if the layers of flowers in full bloom , bloom .

  3. 在一个宁静的夏日清晨

    In the calm of a summer morning

  4. 在树木繁茂的萨里郡,在一个宁静的早春清晨,这些话听上去颇有道理。

    In the calm of an early spring morning in leafy Surrey , these words seem sensible .