
  • no worries;Don't worry;Don't worry about it;never mind
  1. 不用担心费用!

    Never mind the expense !

  2. 不用担心防火墙和公司禁止访问无聊网站的政策。

    Never mind firewalls and company policies blocking access to dodgy websites .

  3. 不用担心——只是有点儿头痛。

    It 's nothing to worry about ─ just a simple headache .

  4. 他不会离开你的,你不用担心。

    He 'll never leave you . You need have no worry

  5. 如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心。

    Don 't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy .

  6. 不用担心,他只不过是在小题大做罢了。

    Don 't worry , he 's just being a drama queen .

  7. 你不用担心我。我水性很好。

    You don 't have to worry about me . I 'm a good swimmer

  8. 她这个年龄的孩子都会做傻事,根本不用担心。

    All kids her age do silly things ; it 's nothing to worry about .

  9. 我自己的观点是:我们可以交往,不用担心结果会如何。

    My own view is that we can have a relationship without worrying where it will end

  10. 这使他们可以肆意到处惹是生非,而不用担心受到惩罚。

    This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution .

  11. “这个你什么都不用担心,”她轻拍着我的膝盖说。

    ' Don 't you worry about any of this , ' she said patting me on the knee

  12. 不用担心,我会带你回家的。

    Don 't worry , I 'll bring you home .

  13. 不用担心,您的玉音我已于前天收到。

    Don 't worry , I have received your letter .

  14. 不用担心,这是个良性肿瘤。

    Take it easy , this is a benign tumour .

  15. 他们不用担心,他们必须睡觉,于是他们疲惫不堪的筋骨不知不觉地松弛了。

    They mustn 't worry ; they must sleep ; and rest stole into their jaded bones .

  16. 没问题!不用担心。

    No problem ! There is nothing to worry about .

  17. 但有了云护照,你就不用担心了。

    But with the cloud passport , you don 't have to worry about that .

  18. 而且不用担心在鱼量稀少时开船会浪费燃料。

    And there 's no worry about wasted fuel on occasions when fish are scarce .

  19. 不过,有了设计师彭敏旭的“第三只眼”,你就可以一边走路一边发短信或刷社交媒体,不用担心发生事故。

    Well , thanks to Minwook Paeng 's Third Eye , you 'll be able to text or browse Instagram as you walk , without fear of accidents .

  20. 市场调查显示,医生和护士几乎不用担心失业问题:即使发生经济危机,医疗工作者通常也能保住自己的工作。

    According to market research , doctors and nurses almost never face the unemployment issue : even when economic crises take place , medical workers usually are able to keep their jobs .

  21. 男士回答道:“我听见护士说,‘这只是一个简单的手术。不用担心,我相信不会出问题的。’”

    He said , " I heard the nurse say , ' It 's a very simple operation , don 't worry , I 'm sure it will be all right . ' "

  22. 它的理念是不让这个日新月异的、躁动的世界让你觉得自己不够好,而是让你全心全意过好自己的生活,不用担心自己的生活不够好,也不用停下自己生活的脚步去窥探他人的生活。

    It 's about not allowing the new , noisy world make you feel inadequate3 . Instead you fully4 engage in your own life rather than constantly interrupting it to worry it 's inadequate and eavesdrop5 on other people 's.

  23. 实现Rational产品来处理变更流程,就完全不用担心遵从性的问题。

    Implementing Rational products to handle change process takes out the compliance worries .

  24. 不用担心的细节COM接口,可变类型。

    Don 't worry about the details of COM interfaces , Variable types .

  25. 所以我不用担心这个物品,是花瓶还是手表或者油画,我只要说这是第n个元素就好。

    So I 'm not going to worry whether this item is a vase or a watch or painting I 'm just going to say it 's the n'th element .

  26. NIO服务器完全不用担心这一点,因此它们可以扩展到大量用户。

    NIO servers are relieved of this and therefore can scale to larger numbers of users .

  27. 它建立于JavaSoundAPi之上,并让作曲家可以在音乐水平上进行创作而不用担心低层音频编程细节。

    It 's built on top of the Java Sound API and allows composers to think at the musical level without having to worry about low-level audio programming details .

  28. 应该感激Ajax使您能够专心编写漂亮的应用程序和界面,而不用担心复杂的HTTP请求/响应代码。

    You 'll appreciate how it frees you up to concentrate on cool applications and interfaces rather than complicated HTTP request / response code .

  29. Catherine很爱脸书的另外一点就是,她看她家人发的状态时也不用担心时差。

    Another thing Catherine loved about Facebook was that she didn 't have to think about time zones when updating family .

  30. 因为Java技术能保证构造函数调用,您不用担心出现未初始化的对象&不管是不是由Guice创建的。

    Because Java technology guarantees constructor invocation , you don 't need to worry about objects arriving in an uninitialized state & whether or not Guice creates them .