
  • should not;Shouldn't.;Shouldn't of
不该 [bù gāi]
  • [should not] 不应当,不应该

  • 你不该浪费时间

  1. 去参加会议的人往往都是不该去的人。

    People who go to conferences are the ones who shouldn 't.

  2. 也许我们不该来你放松些好吗?

    Maybe we shouldn 't. Would you please relax ?

  3. 我拿不准该不该把这事告诉你。

    I 'm not sure whether I should tell you this .

  4. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

    You should know better than to behave like that .

  5. 你本不该插一杠子,横加指责,让人难受。

    You shouldn 't have waded in with all those unpleasant accusations .

  6. 你不该不和我商量就做了这件事。

    You shouldn 't have done it without consulting me .

  7. 我当初就不该接受那份工作。

    I should never have taken that job in the first place .

  8. 对不起,我不该发脾气。

    I 'm sorry , I shouldn 't have lost my temper .

  9. 我真不该把我的地址给他。

    I made the mistake of giving him my address .

  10. 按公事说,我是不该到这里来的。

    I 'm not officially supposed to be here .

  11. 凡有法制伦理的国家都不该允许这种可怕的不公正行为。

    No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices .

  12. 那是他的事,他不该把问题甩给你。

    It 's his problem , not something he should unload onto you .

  13. “你不该讲那样的话。”她一本正经地说。

    ' You 're not supposed to say that , ' she said primly .

  14. 他本该射门,不该传球。

    He should have shot instead of passing .

  15. 你不该酒后驾车。

    You shouldn 't drink and drive .

  16. 他责备她不该匆匆离去。

    He reproved her for rushing away .

  17. 他们不该赢。

    They didn 't deserve to win .

  18. 关键是不该等那么长时间才看病。

    The point is you shouldn 't have to wait so long to see a doctor .

  19. 她小小年纪涉世未深,实在还不该处理这样的问题。

    She shouldn 't be having to deal with problems like this at such a tender age .

  20. 我不该把我的公文包和相机包留在那儿无人看管。

    I should not leave my briefcase and camera bag unguarded .

  21. 他不该在没有征得演唱者同意的情况下录音。

    He shouldn 't be taping without the singer 's permission .

  22. 你当时是怎么想的?你不该偷东西。

    What were you thinking of ? You shouldn 't steal .

  23. 任何人都不该身背债务开始工作生涯。

    No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck

  24. 原谅我,我不该草率地下结论。

    Forgive me . I shouldn 't be jumping to conclusions .

  25. 你有没有做不该做的事?

    Have you been fooling around with something you shouldn 't ?

  26. 她不该亵渎宗教领袖的画像。

    She shouldn 't have desecrated the picture of a religious leader

  27. 你不该把钱浪费在那种小奢侈品上。

    You cannot chuck money away on little luxuries like that .

  28. 我不该抱怨妈妈——她真的很好。

    I shouldn 't grumble about Mum — she 's lovely really

  29. 任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。

    No one should mistake how serious the issue is .

  30. 他们的工作不该由我来做。

    It 's not my place to do their job .