
  • 网络not a thing
  1. 别丢了——这可不是一般东西。

    Don 't lose it ─ it 's special .

  2. 但准确地说,SOAP本身并不是这些东西。

    But SOAP itself is none of those things exactly .

  3. Meeraj:SCA不只是呆板地实现SOA典型视图:不是所有东西都是松耦合或是无状态的。

    Meeraj : SCA is not just about realizing the stereotypical view of SOA : not everything is loosely coupled or stateless .

  4. 尽管BPDM不是新东西,但它依旧还处于内部讨论阶段,没有正式发布。

    Although BPDM is not new , it is still being discussed internally without an official release .

  5. 你和他半斤八两,都不是好东西。

    You 're just as bad as him . ; 2 .

  6. 我希望你看出他不是好东西。

    I was hoping you 'd see he was bad news .

  7. 宝贝,是不是什么东西撒裙子上了?

    Hey , babe . You spill something on your dress ?

  8. 这栋房子里也不是所有东西都是麦金托什风格的。

    Not everything in the house is in the Mackintosh style .

  9. 在她离了三次婚以后,她开始认为婚姻不是好东西。

    After three divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed .

  10. 间谍软件并不是新东西,但它正在广泛应用。

    Spy ware isn 't new , but it 's gaining ground .

  11. 这个人声明他不是偷东西的贼。

    The man declared that he was not the thief .

  12. 我去市场是买东西,不是卖东西。

    I went to the market , to buy , not to sell .

  13. 那些是过去的好日子,那时并不是所有东西都收费的。

    Those were the good old days when not everything had a price .

  14. 这部分我不同意,科比不是好东西。

    I don 't know about that part . kobe 's a hater .

  15. 他不是把好东西都留在我自己家。

    He did not keep all the good things for his own family .

  16. 记者间谍软件并不是新东西,但它正在广泛应用。

    CORRESPONDENT Spy ware isn 't new , but it 's gaining ground .

  17. 对于狗狗们而言,狂咬一通并不是吃东西,还可能是因为同类对它龇牙咧嘴。

    For dogs , choosing a bite may depend on another 's bark .

  18. 奥父:她不是的东西多着呢。

    Barret : she 's not many things .

  19. 既然男人不是好东西,女人怎么一个个又离不开男人?

    Since man not is good thing , how can one woman and man ?

  20. 我笑着说道,我的东西难道就不是好东西么?

    I mention with a laugh , my thing isn 't a good thing ?

  21. 你也不是好东西!

    You 're as bad as they are !

  22. 装扮成我们本不是的东西。

    Pretending to be something we 're not .

  23. 你得藉由你不是的东西来界定你自己是什么。

    It is by that which you are not that you yourself are defined .

  24. 你跟费耶德一样,都不是好东西。

    You 're just as bad as fayed .

  25. 酒不是好东西。

    Wine is not a good thing .

  26. 他们全不是好东西。

    They are all full of shit .

  27. 听我说:床底下并不是藏东西的好地方。

    Take it from me : Under the bed is not a good hiding spot .

  28. 什么是“卡尔”,这根本不是样东西。

    What 's with this " carlness "? It 's not even a real word .

  29. 这位政客不是好东西。

    The politician is a baby kisser .

  30. 困难不是坏东西。

    Obstacles aren 't a bad thing ;