
  1. 她的拥抱和亲吻就像阳光,让我们的爱不断生长。

    Her hugsand kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love growing day after day .

  2. 然而,我们的爱,不能回到过去!

    We love however , can not be back to past !

  3. 我知道我们的爱就只是飞来横祸。

    I knew that our love wasjust a car crash away .

  4. 父母对我们的爱是无私的,伟大的。

    The love coming from our parents is unselfish and great .

  5. 对敬爱的老师献上我们的爱与关怀。

    Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers .

  6. 在这世间,也许我们的爱是错。

    In a world that may say that we 're wrong .

  7. 你认为我们的爱能带我们一起走吗?

    Do you think our love could take us away together ?

  8. 我也可以忘记我们的爱。

    That I too wiII remember our love so iittie .

  9. 我们的爱不足以坚定到永远。

    Our love 's not strong enough tO last forever .

  10. 我们的爱在怀中,永不,分散!

    It will be in your arms without leaving mine .

  11. 请把我们的爱和谢谢献给教堂。

    Please give our love and thanks to the church .

  12. 顺服上帝,就是向上帝表达我们的爱。

    Obedience to God is an expression of our love for God .

  13. 我想,是舒适的感觉让我们的爱延续。

    I guess our love lasts because it is comfortable .

  14. 我们的爱不是一个来而又往的驿站。

    Our love is not a place we came to and left .

  15. 我们的爱在浮动不安的世界里垂垂找到了最初的安稳。

    Our love in the blundering world gradually find the initial stability .

  16. 你将你的爱给我,我们的爱是盲目的。

    You give your love to me , our love is blind .

  17. 我相信我们的爱会连续地成长。

    I believe that our love will grow and grow .

  18. 我们的爱,甜蜜的爱,不是真爱。

    Yeah , our love , sweet love , ain 't love .

  19. 你认为我们的爱能创造奇迹吗?

    Do you think that our love can create miracles ?

  20. 让我们的爱遗失它单一的名字。

    And our dear love lose name of single one .

  21. 正是在我们的爱我们之间保持的距离。

    It is in our love we are keeping between the distance .

  22. 耶稣教给我们的爱与宽容和自由选择。

    Jesus taught tolerance and love and gave us freedom of choice .

  23. 最失败的谎言往往出于我们的爱

    The worst lies we tell are out of love .

  24. 我们的爱陷入冬眠,它被雪花惊醒了。

    Our love fell asleep , it was surprised by the snow .

  25. 上天作证:我们的爱不会结束!

    The heaven testifies : Our love cannot end !

  26. 我们的爱再也回不来,这是一句多么哀痛的话。

    Our love never come back , how sad it is a word .

  27. 并且他们终会因我们的爱而知晓我们。

    And they will know us by our love !

  28. 但是有一样东西他们将会永远拥有:我们的爱和奉献。

    But one thing they 'll always have : our love and devotion .

  29. 我明白,爸爸妈妈对我们的爱。

    Every second , my parents'deep love surrond me .

  30. 那废弃的厅殿,拍卖的舞会,曾是我们的爱。

    The abandoned hall and the sold ball , once were our love .