
  1. 我好想你哦,你有想我吗

    I missed you so much . Did you miss me ?

  2. 我好想你,泰迪。我怀念以前

    I miss you , Teddy . I miss us .

  3. 亲爱的!我好想你!

    My love ! I miss you so much !

  4. 我好想你!真的!我无时不刻的在想你!

    I miss you ! Really ! I never stopped thinking about you !

  5. 这个冬至,我好想你。

    This winter , I am Xiangnai .

  6. 我好想你,每日每夜,不管何时、不管何地、不管做什么!

    I miss you a lot . Day and night , whenever , wherever , whatever !

  7. 今天我好想你,但我们不能在一起。我回忆好和你共同度过的无数的昨日,快乐无比,我期盼更多的明日,美好甜蜜。

    I mssed you today ; we couldn 't be together , and I passed the time remembering happy yesterdays spent with you , and anticipating many wonderful tomorrows .

  8. 端午节,我好想请你去体验一下KTV!

    The Dragon Boat Festival , I want to ask you to experience the KTV !

  9. 快走吧我妈妈好想你呢

    Now let 's go . My mom misses you .

  10. 而我好想告诉你说我爱你!

    And I want to tell you so much , I love you !

  11. 现在的我好想好想你哦!你知道的吧?

    Now I want to miss you so much ! Do you know that ?

  12. 我好想陪伴你无论是高山峡谷,荆棘丛生;

    I is it accompany you no matter alpine barranca , overgrown with brambles to really want ;

  13. 我好想冲进你的教室,跳过那些小桌子椅子,从背后抓起那个撞翻你的小男孩,把他送进少管所。

    Every cell in me wanted to bust through that door , leap over the little table , grab that kid by the back of his overalls and haul him off to juvie .

  14. 今晚,我真的好想你。

    Today night , I true of good think you .

  15. 颖,你知道吗?我真的好想你!

    Girl , did you know how I miss you !

  16. 老爸在这里.我真的好想你。

    This way daddy . I really need you .

  17. 索妮娅我好想�想念你身上臭烘烘的味道

    Sonya , I miss you , baby !

  18. 但是我真的好想你。

    But I really miss you .

  19. 纸条上写了什么,我好想要听你说,让字字句句,充满我们的笑容。

    What was written on the note , I want to hear you say , let the beginning , we smile .

  20. 书不尽言,言不尽意,意不尽情,情不自禁地对你说声:我真的好想你!

    Books are not the words , words not the meaning , meaning does not enjoy , you can not help but say : I really miss you !

  21. 我真的好想与你在一起。

    You got me going crazy .

  22. 我想说我真的好想你

    I want to say I really good thinks you

  23. 我写这封信就是想告诉你,我好想你。

    Im writing this letter to tell you how much Ive missed you .

  24. 如果我是眼中的一颗泪,我会滑落在你的双唇之间,因为我好想吻你!

    If I were a tear in your eye , I will fall down to kiss your lips !