
  1. 无论何时,只要有目标,你就要牺牲一定的自由以达到它。

    Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it .

  2. 来信中名列第一的谚语是:“有志者事竟成”,意思是只要有目标、有干劲就一定能克服困难。

    The top proverb among these listeners is this one : " Where there is a will , there is a way . " This means that you can rise above your problems if you have a goal and work very hard .

  3. 只要你有目标,有行动,王老师就能把你的梦想变成现实!

    As long as you have the aim and the action , Ms Wang will help you make your dream come true .

  4. 只要你自信有目标,工作努力日薪可达600元以上。

    As long as you condition excellent , hard-working up to a maximum daily wage of600 yuan .

  5. 国防部明确表示,这些战机准备好执行攻击任务——只要有合适的打击目标。

    The MoD made clear that the aircraft had been ready to be used in an attack role if appropriate targets had been identified .

  6. 只要您有明确的目标和跟踪电子商务交易中,您可以使用数据转换的目标和电子商务的标签,以评估执行情况的任何活动。

    As long as you have defined goals and track ecommerce transactions , you can use the metrics on the Goal Conversion and Ecommerce tabs to assess the performance of any campaign .