
  1. 我不配得到这些赞扬。

    I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me .

  2. 你知道吗,我不配得到这些。

    You know what ? I don 't deserve this .

  3. 我不配叫你一声哥哥。

    I am not worthy of calling you a brother .

  4. 我不配做一盏明灯。

    I , however , don 't qualify for a bright lamp .

  5. 好吧,没有你觉得我不配拥有你全部的注意力是吧?

    Okay . No. You don 't think I deserve your attention ?

  6. 我不配得到你所提议的荣誉。

    I am unworthy of the honour you propose .

  7. 我不配再作为海盗成员

    I don 't have what it takes to be a Pirate anymore .

  8. 我不配,也不想写小说。

    I have neither aptitude nor inclination for fiction .

  9. 我不配吃这些可口的纸托蛋糕。

    I don 't deserve these delicious cupcakes .

  10. 已经过了六个月你还是只字未回,我不配吗?

    It 's been six months and still no word-I don 't deserve it ?

  11. 我不配获得这样的荣誉。

    I am unworthy of such an honour .

  12. 我不配吗,小猫咪?

    I am not fit , little kitten ?

  13. 我不配。

    I do not deserve it .

  14. 我不配再称作你的儿子,把我当作你的一个佣工罢!

    I am not worthy to be called thy son : make me as one of thy hired servants .

  15. 乔治,既然你觉得我不配,我不想你娶我。

    George , I don 't want you to marry me because you think I 'm now worthy of you .

  16. 从今以后,我不配称为你的儿子,把我当作一个雇工吧!

    19I am no longer worthy to be called your son ; make me like one of your hired men .

  17. 我不配做一盏明灯。那么就让我做一块木柴罢。

    I am not qualified to make a lamp , so I would try to be a piece of wood instead .

  18. 我都不配被爱

    I am not good enough to be loved

  19. 我根本不配做你的搭档。

    I don 't deserve to be your partner .

  20. 我可不配做王子的妻子。

    I am no wife for a Prince .

  21. 亲爱的,我就不配真爱你了,但是真的,我会亲切地,真诚地爱你。

    I could not love thee , dear , so much , But indeed I would love you fondly and truly .

  22. 我根本不配同时拥有全部的死亡圣器,这已多次得到证实,而这是最后一次证明。

    I was unworthy to unite the Deathly Hallows , I had proved it time and again , and here was final proof .

  23. 我觉得你不配拥有你的生命。

    I call you unworthy of the life you 've been given .

  24. 我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。

    I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious .

  25. 我觉得我不配拿礼物了

    I don 't think I deserve a present .

  26. 我想那种不配的事情不会发生在我身上。

    I hope this not-marching thing doesn 't have anything to do with me .

  27. 我觉得自己不配得到神对我的医治并赦免我的罪。

    I feel unworthy to be forgiven of my sins and healed of my guilt .

  28. clash:发生冲突,抵触sofa:沙发它跟我的沙发不配“。

    It clashes with my sofa . "

  29. 这条裤子不但太大,而且月我的夹克不配。

    Apart from being to large , the trousers don 't match my jacket , either .

  30. 主,我知道我不配得,但是你却让我看到。

    Lord I know I don 't deserve it , but you want me to see .