
tuì hòu
  • give back;back;fall behind;step back;recede;recession
退后 [tuì hòu]
  • [give back;fall behind] 退下,退去

  • 站在门周围的民兵退后让法官们通过

退后[tuì hòu]
  1. 我退后一步给他们让路。

    I stepped back to let them pass .

  2. 他退后几步欣赏他的手工制品。

    He stood back to admire his handiwork .

  3. 画完以后,她退后一步,以审视总体效果。

    When she finished painting , she stepped back to admire the overall effect .

  4. 他退后一步。

    He took a step backwards .

  5. 警察要观看者退后。

    The policeman asked the spectators to stand back .

  6. 潮水退后小船搁浅了。

    When the tide went out the boat was high and dry .

  7. 所以退后一步,关掉自动驾驶仪,真正停下来反思我们的重要事务我们的价值观和我们的人际关系等等。

    " So take a step back , switch off the automatic pilot and actually stop and reflect about things like our priorities , our values , and our relationships . "

  8. 一旦消防队员和急救人员到达后,拉里和另一个人立马退后,把工作交给他们去做。

    Once fire and emergency people arrive , Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work .

  9. 阿姆拉姆:告辞,陛下。(他退后。)(幕布)

    Amram : Good day , your Majesty .( He backs away ).( Curtain )

  10. 每次有大群人来,她都退后一步,把自己锁在一个房间里。

    Every time a great crowd come , she steps back and locks herself up in a room .

  11. 我相信我自己,倔强不允许我退后!

    I believe oneself , I am obstinate disallow me to stay back !

  12. fallbehind落后;下降;退后我们爬山时,他掉队了。

    He fell behind when we were climbing the mountain .

  13. CNN主播邱曼怡:对一位艺术家来说,在耗时许久完成作品后,退后并看看它一定会是件很有成就感的事。

    PAULINE CHIOU , CNN ANCHOR : Well , for an artist it must be rewarding to take a step back and admire a time-consuming project once it 's finally finished .

  14. 下半场刚刚开始,吉奥瓦尼·多斯桑托斯(GiovanidosSantos)就从禁区外一个刁钻的角度地射门成功,这是他两年来在国际比赛中首次射门得分;兴奋感消退后,墨西哥人在很长时间里成功地防住了荷兰队。

    Giovani dos Santos scored his first international goal in two years with a wicked shot from outside the penalty area just after halftime , and once the euphoria subsided , the Mexicans packed in and held off the Netherlands for so long .

  15. 比伯的朋友19岁的饶舌歌手里尔推斯特当时正驾驶着比伯价值20万美元的法拉利,被警察叫下进行检查。当Guerra赶到现场时警察告诫他退后。

    The singer 's friend , 19-year-old rapper Lil Twist , was reportedly driving Bieber 's $ 200,000 Ferrari and was stopped by police when Guerra rushed to the scene and was told by authorities to step back .

  16. 愿恨恶锡安的都蒙羞退后!

    May all who hate Zion be turned back in shame .

  17. 退后,你会吓着鹿儿的。

    Back off , slick . you 'll scare the deer .

  18. 你退后给我一点空间。

    Try backing up and giving me just a little room .

  19. 退后!你们不能伤及这些人。

    Get back ! You 're not to hurt these people .

  20. 许多基督徒所以冷淡退后,就是因为不认识这个真理。

    Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught .

  21. 没事了,你必须退后。

    It 's ok . you 've got to back away .

  22. 洪水退后地基下陷了(两英尺)。

    The foundations sank ( two feet ) after the flood .

  23. 所以,他们退后,通过别人庆祝自己的成就。

    So they stand back and celebrate their accomplishments through others .

  24. 运动可以向前,也可以退后,甚至可以兜圈子。

    Motion may go forward or backward or even in circles .

  25. 议员,小姐,请您退后

    Congressman . Miss you need to step away from him .

  26. 我说停,你们就停止攻击,退后。

    When I say break , stop punching and step back .

  27. 这三个有了,就连撒旦都退后了。

    With these three , and even Satan is the back .

  28. 退后,伙计,炮火来袭。

    Ross : Stand back , everyone . Incoming ego shrapnel .

  29. 这61个国家每个都退后了至少5年。

    These 61 countries have each lost at least five years .

  30. 您得退后,议员

    I have to ask you to stay back , congressman .