
  • 网络Rainbow Heaven;Will Liu
  1. 特别感谢彩虹天堂乐团,舞台,音响,灯光组,海蝶音乐,当然还有你们每一位观众!你们最棒!

    Big shout outs to the Rainbow Heaven Band , all the stage , sound and lighting crew , Ocean Butterflies Music , and of course the beautiful audience that night !

  2. 白云落下泪水,让我唤醒爱的彩虹线通天堂。

    The white cloud drops tears ; let me awaken the love rainbow line reaches to the heaven .

  3. 在古老的日本神话里,彩虹是连接天堂和人间的桥梁,人类的第一个男人和女人一起从这座桥上走下来,学习人间世事。

    In an ancient Japanese myth , the rainbow is a bridge from heaven to earth . The first man and woman walked down this bridge to learn the ways of the world .