
  • 网络color camera;COLOR CCD CAMERA
  1. 主要是对二维视觉传感器CCD彩色摄像机、三维视觉传感器激光雷达、以及立体视觉进行了仿真。

    CCD Color Camera , Laser Radar , and Stereo Vision were researched and simulated .

  2. 基于全局彩色摄像机的移动机器人定位

    Localization for Mobile Robot Based on Global Color Camera

  3. CCD彩色摄像机,分辨率为12微米。

    Color CCD digital camera , resolution12um .

  4. 采集箱中采用黑色背景设计,内装有PanasonicWV-CP240/G彩色摄像机作为系统的输入传感器,40W环形灯作为照明设备,保证了图像采集的质量。

    The box adopts black background and installs Panasonic WV-CP240 / G color video camera . And the 40W loop light guarantees the collected image quality .

  5. 基于彩色摄像机的三维物体双投影测量法

    Double Projecting Measurement Method of 3D Object Based on Color CCD

  6. 运管子和其它设备的小车设备上有个极小的彩色摄像机。

    The device contains an extremely small , color video camera .

  7. 彩色摄像机的白平衡调整

    The adjustment of white color balance of color Video-Cameras

  8. 利用数字式光处理技术将在计算机上用软件产生的颜色编码图案投射到被测三维物体上,用彩色摄像机摄取物体图像。

    A color-encoded pattern created by software on a computer screen is projected to an object with digital light processing technology .

  9. 上部安装彩色摄像机连接彩色监视器直接观察。

    A colour camera connected with colour supervisor mounted on te upper part of the main body is used for direct observation .

  10. 普通场景监控系统一般使用彩色摄像机,但是彩色摄像机在夜晚拍摄的视频质量较差,导致识别正确率较低。

    Ordinary surveillance systems typically use color cameras , but the quality of video in night is poor , resulting in lower recognition accuracy .

  11. 本文概述了采用微处理器分区,自动控制三管式彩色摄像机的区域误差,提高其重合精度的新方法。

    In this paper the author introduces a new method of improving the coincident accuracy of a3-tube color camera by using a microprocessor for automatically controlling its partial errors .

  12. 由安装于现场的彩色摄像机将视频和数据信号传送至监控中心,监控中心对视频图像进行实时监视和控制。

    The video frequency and data signals are transmitted to the inspect center by locale color vidicon , and the video image is real-time monitored in the inspect center .

  13. 该成像系统由彩色摄像机、观察窗和转向镜、广角收集和准直透镜组、采集卡和计算机组成。

    The imaging system consists of a color video camera , an observation window and a turning mirror , a wide-angle collector and collimating lens , a video capture card as well as a portable computer .

  14. 本文在彩色摄像机实际光谱特性曲线未知,并与理论光谱特性曲线又存在偏离情况下使用线性变换原理,提出一种改善摄像机彩色重现性的方法。

    In this paper , a new mathematical method using linear transformation for the improvement of color reproducibility of video camera is proposed , provided that the practical spectral distribution of video camera is unknown and has a deviation with the theoretical spectral distribution .

  15. 平列式线阵彩色CCD摄像机的色彩偏移与校正

    Color Excursion and Correction of Parallel Color Linear Array CCD Camera

  16. 基于彩色CCD摄像机的锅炉燃烧二维温度场测量

    Measuring Two-Dimensional Temperature Field of Furnace by CCD Color Video Camera

  17. 虚拟环境中的彩色CCD摄像机校准

    Color Camera Calibration in Virtual Environment

  18. 分析了彩色CCD摄像机测量机理,推导和分析了相应的三色温度测量模型。

    The measurement mechanism of CCD color video camera is analyzed , and tri-color thermometry model is developed and analyzed .

  19. 应用彩色CCD摄像机获取炉内火焰图像,进而计算出工业炉内温度场分布情况是一项全新的技术。

    It is a new technology to use color CCD camera to acquire flame images and calculate the temperature distribution .

  20. 分析了几种三维物体模型的输入方法,并介绍了利用线激光器及彩色CCD摄像机构成的三维物体扫描输入系统。

    Several methods of 3D model digitalization and a practical 3D object digitalization system that consists of laser line generator and color CCD camera were introduced .

  21. 利用面阵彩色CCD摄像机获取辐射源图像信号,再利用数字像处理技术进行温度检测是近年来测温领域内的热点。

    It was a hot theme that used digital image processing technology to measure temperature . The digital image can be from a color plane surface array CCD .

  22. 文中采用彩色CCD摄像机对炉膛火焰进行温度场计算,并对计算方法的误差进行了详尽的分析。

    The present paper deals with the calculation of a furnace flame temperature field by using a colored CCD camera with a detailed analysis of the calculation error under this method being given .

  23. 由于彩色CCD摄像机是作为电视摄像或监视设备研制生产的,其功能与测温所需的功能有很大的不同,因此本文中着重研究了彩色CCD摄像机各种性能对温度测量的影响及其处理方法。

    In view of that some functions of CCD image sensor that is developed and manufactured as vidicon bring some adverse influence to temperature measurement , the method how to avoid such adverse influence is discussed .

  24. 其基本原理是采用彩色CCD摄像机获取细胞涂片的图像,运用计算机图像处理和模式识别技术对细胞进行分类,从而实现对细胞涂片的辅助阅片和诊断。

    Computer-aided diagnosis ( CAD ) of cell smears is realized by utilizing a color CCD video camera to capture cell images , making use of digital image processing and pattern recognizing techniques to classify cells .

  25. 针对高温窑炉难于定性检测炉膛内物料的煅烧温度,提出利用MATLAB中的图像处理工具箱,对彩色CCD摄像机所拍摄的水泥窑炉内彩色图像进行处理。

    In view of the difficulty of qualitatively detecting calcing heat of matter in the firepot of a high temperature furnace , the color image in cement furnace taking by colour CCD camera is processed by applying image processing tool box in MATLAB ;

  26. 采用彩色CCD摄像机获取火焰辐射图象,同时利用单点红外测温仪对火焰进行测温,进而做比对测量,建立温度图像与灰度的对应关系。

    Using the colored CCD camera as the sensor to take the flame image , and comparing the first result with the measured single spot temperature by the infrared pyrometer . We can up the corresponding relation between the temperature and gray level .

  27. 根据三色测温法原理,利用彩色CCD摄像机所摄取小钢坯图像中的彩色分量,在数字图像处理技术的基础上运用GHM多小波网络(MWNN)对实验数据进行处理,与BP网络处理方法进行比较。

    In this paper , by applying the digital image processing technology based on the three-color method and GHM wavelet neural networks and applying the color billet images photographed by high temperature CCD the experimental data are processed .

  28. 鸡蛋外部品质检测系统由光照箱、6支荧光灯(F40BX/840)、彩色CCD摄像机、图像采集卡、ADVANTECHINDUSTRIALCOMPUTER610工控机组成;

    The system for external quality inspection was composed of a lighting chamber , six fluorescent lamps ( F40BX / 840 ), a CCD camera , a frame grabber , and an industrial computer ( ADVANTECH INDUSTRIAL COMPUTER 610 ) .

  29. 本文旨在将图像处理技术与现有炉膛火焰监视设备结合起来,根据热辐射原理和彩色CCD摄像机的色度学基础,利用数字图像处理技术从火焰图像中提取计算所需的图像信息。

    In order to calculate the temperature of hearth 's combusting flame , with the image processing technology and the stakeout equipments on hearth 's combusting flame , the region of interesting flame image will be extracted based on the thermal radiation theory and the foundation of color CCD camera .

  30. 鲜艳的色彩能吸引小孩。小型彩色电视摄像机

    Bright colors appeal to small children . miniature colour TV camera