
cǎi mò huà
  • Colored Ink Painting;colour ink painting
  1. 彩墨画的发展与时代性

    On the Development and Era Character of the Chinese Color Drawing

  2. 聚焦彩墨画

    Focus on Colored Chinese Painting

  3. 中国画文化取向的转移&彩墨画问题三人谈

    Cultural Shift in Chinese Painting

  4. 从融合与互渗的角度去研究现代彩墨画,对于在当今多元文化共存的时代背景之下的中国画的发展,有着十分重要的意义。

    Under the background of multi-element cultures , we can find the development of Chinese painting which has a very important meaning .

  5. 他运用彩墨画和油画技法,刻画100个天真活泼的儿童,在天高气爽的秋日,三五成群地聚集在屋前树下,或聚精会神地研究地震仪,或兴致勃勃地下棋,或神采飞扬地探讨诗艺画法,或攀树嬉闹。

    By using a combination of Chinese ink styles and western oil , Wang vividly portrayed one hundred innocent and lively children , some clustered under a tree , others studying a seismograph or playing chess , and yet others discussing poems and painting or climbing trees .

  6. 现代彩墨艺术是中国画在新的时代环境中生成的新的绘画形式,它是中国画的自我创新,其鲜明的艺术图式特点反映了这个时代的要求。

    Modern Color Ink Art is the new form and self-innovation of Chinese painting in the new era , whose distinctive characteristics in art style reflects the demands of present time .