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  1. 妇产科手术治疗中应用血代的体会

    Experience of Using Plasma Substitute in Obstetrics and Gynecology Operation

  2. 在宫外孕、产后大出血及剖腹产等妇产科手术治疗中应用血代,可为抢救休克、准备输血的病人争取时间,使病人转危为安;

    Using plasma substitute in obstetrics and gynecology operation , such as ectopic pregnancy , puerperal hemorrhage and caesarean section , we can win time to rescue shock patient and make patient dangerous into secure .

  3. 但停药血传15代抗性基本消失。

    However the resistance disappeared essentially at 15 blood passages after stopping drug pressure .

  4. 克氏原螯虾的血淋巴细胞原代培养

    The Primary Cell Culture of Crawfish Hemocytes

  5. 经连续血传80代,历时560天,其抗性指数(I(90))分别为5.7和9.8。

    Continuous blood passages over 560 days resulted in resistance indices ( I_ ( 90 )) of 5.7 and 9.8 respectively .

  6. 脂肪组织是体内最大的游离胆固醇储存池,而且对血循环胆固醇代谢起缓冲作用。

    Adipose tissue is the largest pool of free cholesterol in the body and performs " buffer " function for circulating cholesterol metabolism .

  7. 维生素E和槲皮素都是有效的抗氧化剂,但VE和槲皮素是否可以通过胎盘屏障和血脑屏障对子代小鼠的神经系统产生保护作用,目前还不清楚。

    Vitamin E and quercetin are both effective anti-oxidant , but it is still unclear whether VE and quercetin can protect nerval system of mice through crossing placenta barrier and blood-brain barrier .

  8. 以往认为紧密连接是血-脑屏障代名词。

    It was believed that tight junction was typical of blood-brain barrier .

  9. 目的:比较血定安与血代两类药物对患者凝血功能的影响。

    : Objective : To evaluate the effect of two plasma substitutes ( Gelofusne and Hemaccd ) on blood coagulation .

  10. ~3H-去甲斑蝥素正常小鼠/荷瘤小鼠药代动力学与组织分布及去甲斑蝥素片人体血/尿药代动力学

    Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of ~ 3H-Norcantharidin in Normal Mice / Mice Bearing Tumor and Serum / Urine Pharmacokinetics of Norcantharidin Tablets in Human