  • color;applause;coloured silk;variegated colour;colour festoons
  • 各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。

  • 五色的绸子:剪~。

  • 指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。

  • 称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。

  • 花样,完美的成分:丰富多~。文~。

  • 喻战士受伤流的血:挂~。~口。

  • 指彩金:~券。中(zhòng)~。


(多种颜色) variegated colour:

  • 彩云

    rosy clouds;

  • 五彩

    of different colours; multicoloured


(彩色丝绸) coloured [variegated] silk; colour festoons:

  • 剪彩

    cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony;

  • 张灯结彩

    decorate with lanterns and coloured ribbons


(称赞夸奖的欢呼声) applause; cheer:

  • 彩声

    acclamation; applause;

  • 喝彩

    acclaim; cheer


(花样; 光彩; 文彩) variety; splendour; brilliance; grace in art; gracefulness:

  • 丰富多彩

    rich and colourful [varied];

  • 文彩

    graceful beauty in wood grains; literary embellishment;

  • 词彩

    stylistic brilliance


(赌博或某种游戏中给得胜者的东西) lottery prize; winnings:

  • 中彩

    win a prize (in a lottery, etc.)


(旧剧中表示特殊情景时所用的技术; 魔术里所用手法) special effects in Chinese theater (symbolizing blood, fire, etc.):

  • 血彩

    special effects symbolizing blood


(负伤流血) blood from a wound:

  • 挂彩

    be wounded in battle

  1. 星期六进行抽彩。

    The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday .

  2. 谁跟我拉响这个彩炮?

    Who wants to pull this cracker with me ?

  3. 每个月的彩池奖金总额达1,350万英镑。

    Each month the total prize kitty is £ 13.5 million .

  4. 她在眼睑上涂了些亮彩眼影。

    She brushed gloss on to her eyelids .

  5. 每幅图片的彩样都单独印在一页上,而在该页的背面会映出清晰的轮廓。

    Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page .

  6. 市长到场为展览会剪了彩。

    The mayor was present and cut the ribbon for the exhibition .

  7. 他在战争中挂了两回彩。

    He was wounded twice in the war .

  8. 彩弹射击(真人CS)Paintballing彩弹射击是一项竞技性团体射击运动,玩家们用一种被称为彩弹的球形染色明胶胶囊击打对手,以此在比赛中淘汰对手。

    Paintballing is a competitive team shooting sport in which players eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules called paintballs that break upon impact .

  9. 吉米的战利品甜瓜被抽彩出售了,以筹集慈善资金

    Jimmy 's prize melon was raffled to raise money for charity .

  10. 古代青铜器动物被绿色彩铜绿笼罩。

    Ancient bronze animal are covered in vivid green patina .

  11. 彩屑撒在一双新人身上

    Confetti showered down on the newly-weds .

  12. 在节日中,欢庆的人们相互投掷带有香味的、五颜六色的彩漆和香水。

    During the festival , people throw scented4 coloured powder and perfume at each other .

  13. 瓯江彩鲤线粒体DNA的限制性内切酶分析

    Restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA in Oujiang color common carp

  14. B彩对病变的诊断准确率与黑白灰阶显示的结果相近,统计学无显著差异。

    The correct rates of diagnosis were no significant differences between color scale ultrasound and white-black ultrasound .

  15. 促进剂A能提高磷化膜的耐蚀性和彩膜附着力,促进剂B能加快磷化速度。

    Accelerant A improves corrosion resistance and adhesion of phosphate film accelerant B increases the phosphating rate .

  16. 彩板与C型檩条共同作用下屋面系统承载力的变化

    Variation of Roof System Bearing Capacity under the Action of Color Coated Steel Sheet and C shape Purlin Together

  17. 与色母有关的PE彩膜常见质量问题探析

    Study on several quality problems with color master batch in PE film

  18. 彩鲫ran基因原核表达蛋白多克隆抗体的制备

    Preparation of Multiclonal Antibody against Expressed Protein of Color Crucian Carp ran Gene in E.coli

  19. 瓯江彩鲤起源于单倍型II为主的母系祖先,推算分化时间分别约在11.5万年、9.5万年前;

    Oujiang color carp would have originated from a maternal ancestor mainly composed of haplotype II , 115 thousand and 95 thousand years ago respectively .

  20. 结论依据Cho/NAA分布伪彩-解剖叠加图测定脑肿瘤(Cho/NAA)max具有良好的可重复性。

    Conclusion According to color overlay map , there is good interobserver reproducibility in measuring ( Cho / NAA ) max.

  21. 本文主要阐述PROFIBUS现场总线在彩钢板生产线中的应用。

    The application of PROFIBUS in color coat production line is introduced in the paper .

  22. 彩阶超声在Budd-Chiari综合征诊断中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Color Scale Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Budd-chiari Syndrome

  23. 方法应用彩多多普勒功率显像(CDPI)和彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)观测50例(66个病灶)肝癌血流分布情况。

    Methods Blood flow characteristics of66 hepatocellular carcinoma foci in50 patients were studied by CDPI and color Uoppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) .

  24. 基于Android平台的应用软件设计体系结构,根据多媒体彩像系统结构和用户业务定制需求设计了多媒体彩像系统终端软件的各个功能模块。

    According to Android application software architecture , MCRV system structure and Custom user business needs , designing the terminal software function modules . 5 .

  25. 二是WTO的加入使得我国彩电业厂商之间无限次的多时期博弈变为有限次且已知的多时期博弈,这样囚徒困境的纳什均衡就成为彩电业的唯一均衡;

    Secondly , the games among the firms have turned into definite with the entry to the WTO , so the Nash Equilibrium of the " prisoner dilemma " is the only equilibrium of firms .

  26. 它不仅能够通过B阶图像观察到人体的解剖结构,而且可以通过伪彩图像显示出诸如血流的大小和方向等信息,为临床诊断提供了很好的辅助信息。

    It not only can show the anatomical structure of human beings through B-mode image , but also can display information such as magnitude and direction of blood flow velocity . This provides useful auxiliary information for clinical diagnosis .

  27. 本文介绍氢气还原工序中充H2速度和还原温度对制备超细银粉彩响方式。

    This paper describes how the speed of flowing H2 and the reducing temperature in hydrogen reduction process influence on the extra-fine silver powder .

  28. 采用VB和面向对象技术自行开发了简易进程通讯中间软件,实现2彩涂机组过程机系统的进程通讯。

    A simplified intermediate software for the process communication was developed by themselves with VB and object-oriented technologies . The process communication for No. 2 color coating line was also realized .

  29. 早期认知心理学家西蒙、纽厄尔等对格式塔心理学J宏彩视域与以劝范李亡提出的顿悟以及重新建构用信息加工的观点进行了解释,并设计了一些计算机程序对这些心理现象进行模拟。

    The early cognitive psychologists Simon and Newell explained insight and re-structuring of Gestalt psychology by using viewpoint of information processing , and designed computer programmes to simulate these psychology phenomena .

  30. 雌核发育银鲫和两性融合彩鲫卵母细胞体外诱导成熟过程中周期蛋白合成和MPF活性变化的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the changes in cyclin synthesis and MPF activity during oocyte maturation in vitro in gynogenetic and AMPHIMICTIC crucian carps