
  • 网络no halogen;Halogen-free;Halogen Free
  1. 显示器同样符合能源标准和绿电金奖的要求。显示器同样使用无卤素材料制作,底座还采用了25%可回收塑料。

    The device meets Energy Star and EPEAT Gold standards , while integrating halogen-free laminates and using a chassis composed of25-percent post-consumer recycled plastics .

  2. 戴尔宣称这款产品采用了无卤素材料制作,因此对环境造成的污染极低,显示器同时还满足能源之星标准和绿电金奖(EPEATGold)的要求。

    The company claims to have utilized halogen-reduced materials to minimize environmental impact , while the monitor also meets EPEAT Gold and Energy Star standards .

  3. 按照优化配方制备出无铅松香芯焊锡丝中助焊剂和免清洗液态助焊剂两款无卤素助焊剂并依据标准对其进行性能测试。

    Rosin-core flux for lead-free solder wire and no-clean liquid flux were developed according to optimized fomulation , then the property of these fluxs were test in accordance with correlative standard .