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  • unsigned number
无符号数[wú fú hào shù]
  1. 这对于Java程序又产生了问题,因为Java编程语言不支持无符号数类型。

    This poses a problem for Java programs because the Java programming language does not support unsigned types .

  2. 该乘法器具有完整的控制接口,考虑了一个通用高性能CPU对乘法器的要求。除法器使用non-resorting算法,以无符号数除法为基础,把有符号数除法转化为无符号数除法来处理。

    The divider unit uses non-resorting algorithm to deal with unsigned division and transforms the signed division to unsigned one .

  3. 所有这些整数类型都有相应的无符号数类型。

    All these integer types also have corresponding unsigned types .

  4. 基于单片机汇编语言的通用多字节无符号数除法的改进

    General Unsigned Multi-bytes Division Based on Single-chip Assembly Language

  5. 使用同一套电路处理无符号数乘法和有符号数乘法,并且简化了部分积的符号扩展。

    The multiplier uses the same circuit to deal with operand with or without sign .

  6. 如果是无符号数,它要比有符号的快得多。

    And if it is unsigned , then it will be more faster than the signed division .

  7. 一些处理器在处理无符号整型数要比处理符号整型数快得多,这也是一个好的习惯,有利于代码的自我文档化(self-documenting)。

    Some processors can handle unsigned integer arithmetic considerably faster than signed ( this is also good practice , and helps make for self-documenting code ) .

  8. 一些转换器用无符号二进制数类型,其他转换器使用有符号二进制补码数据。

    Some converters use unsigned-binary-data types ; other converters use two 's-complement signed data .

  9. 本文提出了一种将无符号的二进制数转换为十进制小数(BCD码表示)的方法。

    This paper discusses the method of a unsigned binary number to decimal fixed-point fraction ( express at BCD )