
  • 网络The Faceless
  1. 听说布拉佛斯有个叫'无面者'的组织。派席尔大学士提议。

    On Braavos there is a society called the Faceless Men , Grand Maester Pycelle offered .

  2. 认识到自己同父亲之间无法摆脱的差距后,安东开始了自己对于无面者的远征。

    Knowing he will now never resolve his differences with his father , Anton begins his crusade against the Faceless .

  3. 最深处的许多地区被无面者们所占据。

    Many of deepest areas are held by faceless ones .

  4. 反正封号挺便宜,无面者却花消不起。

    Titles are cheap . The Faceless Men are expensive .

  5. 无面者也云集其下,急切地渴望着能够再次重返地表世界。

    Forgotten ones seethe below , eager to return to the world above .

  6. 当天使和无面者之间的冲突最终爆发成全面战争的时候,米迦勒受命领导光明的子民对抗黑暗的子民。

    When a smoldering conflict between the Angels and the Faceless broke into open war , Michael was appointed to lead the children of Light into battle against the children of Darkness .

  7. 他早年耳边萦绕着的神秘声音曾在其父亲的顾问尤根的帮助下消失了一段时间,但是现在那个声音又回来了,并且将一切归咎于无面者。

    The mysterious voices that plagued his early years but had been eventually muted with the help of Jorgen , one of his father 's councilors , return and blame the Faceless .