
  1. 即分子筛TS-1经过酸处理后,用无机碱溶液进行二次晶化,各种表征结果表明二次晶化后的分子筛骨架并没有遭到破坏。

    After pretreated with acid , the TS-1 zeolite was crystallized for the second time . The characteristic results showed that the framework Ti did not be destroyed .

  2. 由于铯离子效应,氢氧化铯的与其它无机碱(LiOH,NaOH,KOH)的相比,催化效果最好。

    Compared with other inorganic bases ( LiOH , NaOH , KOH ), we found that cesium hydroxide is the best catalyst because of it " cesium effect " .

  3. 采用可溶性有机高分子负载钯络合物作催化剂,在无机碱(NaOH)存在下于20-65℃的有机溶液中进行常压加氢脱卤反应。

    With the dissolubility organic high polymer loading palladium complex compound takes the role of catalyst , an atmospheric hydroprocessing dehalogenation reaction is conducted in the organic solution at 20-65 ℃ with inorganic alkali ( NaOH ) in it .

  4. 在无机碱和相转移催化剂存在下,考察了反应时间、溶剂、温度、无机碱种类、催化剂种类、催化剂用量、氯甲酸甲酯与碱的用量比和溶剂用量等工艺条件对DMDC收率的影响。

    With the inorganic alkali and the presence of phase transfer catalyst , nine synthetic conditions were studied : reaction time , solvent , temperature , inorganic alkali , catalyst , amount of catalyst , amount of Methyl chloroformate , amount of solvents .

  5. 本文以新鲜的红花油和纯甘油为原料,在无机碱催化剂的作用下,合成红花油衍生多元不饱和脂肪酸单甘酯。

    The safflower oil derived multi-unsaturated fatty acid monoglyceride was synthesized from net glycerin and virgin safflower oil catalyzed by inorganic bases .

  6. 染料:可溶性的色剂,有别于不能溶解的颜料。色淀颜料:可溶性染料在无机碱中沉淀而生的颜料,它不溶于水。

    Lake pigment : A pigment made by precipitation of a soluble dye on an inorganic base to render it insoluble in water .

  7. 原油脱钙技术使原油脱盐过程从原来只能脱除部分无机碱金属化合物过渡到脱除原油中的碱土金属及部分重金属,具有推广价值。

    This crude oil decalcification technology makes the electric desalting process capable to remove the alkali-earth metals and part of the heavy metals in addition to the alkali metals in crude oil .

  8. 以无机液体碱为催化剂存在碱液损耗大及产生大量高COD、高pH值废水,难于处理。

    The current problems for the inorganic liquid base process are that great loss of alkali and producing waste water with high COD and pH value which is hard to deal with .

  9. 无机酸处理碱洗污水工艺的研究

    Study on Processes for Treating Alkaline Wastewater by Inorganic Acid

  10. 研究表明,在静水体系中构成底泥汞释放的主要形态是水溶态汞、酸溶态无机汞和碱溶态汞,而在扰动体系中,几乎所有形态汞都对释放作了贡献。

    It was shown that the predominant species released from the sediment in a quiet water system were water soluble mercury , hydrochloric acid , soluble inorganic mercury and alkali soluble mercury , and almost all the mercury species contributed for the release in disturbed system .