
pài dìnɡ
  • piperidine;hexahydropyridine
  1. 甲酰基及乙酰基吡咯烷、哌啶、吗啡啉的~(13)cNMR谱图研究

    13 C NMR studies on N formyl and N acetyl pyrrolidine , piperidine , morpholine

  2. 通过氮氧自由基与维生素C的反应也可制备还原产物哌啶羟胺。

    In order to examine this reaction , an alternative route to prepare the piperidine hydroxylamines was carried out via the reactions of the nitroxides with vitamin C .

  3. 氟哌啶组病人术后12小时的镇静评分明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The droperidol groups has significantly higher sedation scores than the other groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 上述效应可被腹腔内注射DA受体阻断剂氟哌啶所阻断。

    This effects could be blocked by DA antagonist droperidol .

  5. 结论酞胺哌啶酮对HCC生长无明显抑制作用,但明显能抑制肿瘤血管生成和HCC的肝内转移和肺转移。

    Conclusion Thalidomide can obviously inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma .

  6. 鬼臼酰肼哌啶腙氮氧自由基和鬼臼乙叉甙对体外培养癌细胞增殖、有丝分裂指数和DNA合成的影响

    Effects of podophyllic acid piperidyl hydr-azone nitroxide radical on the proliferation , mitotic index and DNA synthesis of some cancer cells in vitro

  7. 用阳离子交换法和溶剂分离法研究了在N,N&二甲基哌啶鎓氯化物水溶液中氯化钠的分离提取问题。

    The separation of sodium chloride from aqueous solution of mepiquat chloride by cation exchange method and solvent separation method has been investigated .

  8. 自然丰度氮-15核磁共振的研究(Ⅰ)&哌啶衍生物中4-位取代基对~(15)N化学位移的远程相互作用及其与~(13)C化学位移的关系

    Studies on Natural-Abundance Nitrogen-15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (ⅰ) & Long-Range Interaction on Nitrogen-15 Chemical Shifts of 4-Substituted Piperidines and Their Correlation with Carbon-is Chemical Shifts

  9. 本文研究不同PH和去氧对数种哌啶系氮氧自由基在溶液中的ESR波谱的影响。

    Effects of different PH 's and deoxygenation were studied on ESR spectra of several piperidine nitroxyl radicals in solutions .

  10. 新显色剂哌啶荒酸哌啶萃取光度法测定Ni(Ⅱ)的研究和应用

    Extraction Spectrophotometric Studies of a New Reagent Piperidine Dithiocarbamate Piperidine on the Determination of Micro Amount of Ni (ⅱ) and its Application

  11. 发现在电鳐电器官中有一个高特异性、低亲和力的2-噻吩基-哌啶基-1,1-环己烷(TCP)结合位点,这个结合位点具有可饱和性。

    A high specificity low affinity 2-thienyl-piperidyl-1,1-cyclohexane ( TCP ) saturable binding site was found at the cell membrane of Torpedo electric organ .

  12. 四种哌啶系氮氧自由基的ESR特性研究Ⅲ.pH效应和去氧效应

    Studies on the ESR characteristics of four piperidine nitroxyl radicals . ⅲ . pH effects and deoxygenation effects

  13. 叔二苯哌啶拮抗MPTP对多巴胺神经元毒性作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on budipine antagonizing the dopaminergic neurotoxic effect of MPTP

  14. 罗哌卡因加曲马多和氟哌啶用于开胸术后PCEA的临床观察

    Ropivacaine mixed with tramadol and droperidol apply to clinical investigation to PCEA of the post-exploratory thorax

  15. 选用哌啶作为AISI304不锈钢在中性氯化钠介质中的孔蚀缓蚀剂。运用稳态阳极极化曲线和P-G瞬态响应测试研究哌啶的缓蚀作用。

    The inhibition effect of piperidine ( PD ) for pitting initiation and propagation of AISI 304 stainless steel in NaCl solution of various concentrations was investigated by potentiodynamic anodic polarization and P-G transient inhibition measurements .

  16. 目的比较术后病人自控镇痛(PCA)曲马多与曲马多加氟哌啶的镇痛效果和副作用。

    Objective To compare the clinical efficacy and side effects of tramadol and the mixture of tramadol and droperidol for postoperative patient-controlled analgesia ( PCA ) .

  17. 本文研究了五种哌啶类稳定氮氧自由基在九种极性不同的溶剂中EPR谱特性。

    In this paper the behaviour of five title nitroxides in nine solvents with different polarity has been studied by EPR spectrometry .

  18. 治疗组-2和对照组-2,皮下移植第15天开始分别给予酞胺哌啶酮200mgkg。

    Experimental group-2 and control group-2 were treated with thalidomide , 200mg / kg .

  19. 首先就哌啶醇催化氧化合成TEMPO反应使用的催化剂进行筛选,得出催化效果显著的硅钨钼酸与乙二胺四乙酸复合催化剂。

    Firstly , we selected the catalyst for piperidine oxidation reaction , and obtained the compound catalyst of silicon tungsten molybdic acid .

  20. 并用哌啶做了同期交叉自身镇痛对比研究,结果表明:两药的镇痛效果相似(P>0.05),但痛力克的不良反应发生率明显低于哌啶。

    Then the patients were crossed over to Pethidine as control . The results showed that Ketorolac Tromethamine has a similar analgesic effect with Pethidine ( P > 0.05 ), while rate of the side effect is far below that of Pethidine .

  21. 本文应用UV法研究了哌啶氮氧自由基与卤代甲烷所形成CCT络合物及其光诱导的电子转移反应。

    The contact Charge transfer ( CCT ) complexes formed from piperidine nitroxides and halomethanes and their photo-induced electron transfer reactions were studied by UV absorption spectrometry .

  22. 鬼臼酰乙基肼和鬼臼酰肼哌啶腙氮氧自由基(GPI)对小鼠移植性肿瘤作用的实验观察

    Podophyllic Acid Ethyl Hydrazide and Podophyllic Acid Piperidyl Hydrazone Nitroxide Radical on the Transplanted Tumours in Mice

  23. 2-(哌啶-硫代磺酸酯)-1,3-丁二烯与C60的Diels-Alder反应研究

    The Diels-Alder Reaction of 2 - ( Piperidine-carbodithioate ) - 1 , 3-Butadiene with C_ ( 60 ) - fullerene

  24. 哌啶缓蚀作用的原子吸收光谱(AAS)研究&Ⅱ.NaCl介质中304不锈钢孔蚀发展过程及哌啶的缓蚀作用

    Study on inhibition by piperidine using atomic absorption spectrometry ⅱ . pitting growth for Type 304 stainless steel in NaCl solution and its inhibition by piperidine

  25. 与LiBr和哌啶发生两次SN2反应制得S苯丙哌林。

    S - benproperine was obtained by submitting the same tosylate to two consecutive S_N2-type reactions with LiBr and piperidine .

  26. 本文用Ami法计算研究了2-(对甲氧苯基)-亚氨基哌啶-糖苷键水解过渡类似物电子结构。

    The systematical calculation studies on the electronic structures of 2 - ( P - Methoxyphenyls ) - Imino-piperidine-a transition state analogue in hydrolysis of glycoside bond were made by using Ami method .

  27. 结果酞胺哌啶酮能明显增加PVL鼠的平均动脉压,降低其门脉压力和血浆TNF水平。

    Results Thalidomide treatment induced a significant increase in mean arterial pressure and a significant decrease in portal pressure . Plasma TNF levels were lowered in thalidomide treated rats .

  28. 采用2-巯基苯并噻唑(2-Mercaptobenzothiazole)(MBT)为引发剂,在2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶氮氧自由基(TEMPO)存在下,研究了苯乙烯的氮氧稳定自由基聚合。

    2-mercaptobenzothiazole ( MET ) was used as initiator for the stable free radical polymerization of styrene in the presence of TEMPO .

  29. 沙利度胺(酞胺哌啶酮thalidomide)属于非巴比妥类药物,最早作为镇静止吐药物用于临床,后发现具有严重的致畸作用而被禁用。

    Thalidomide , a non-barbiturate drug , is used as a sedative antiemetic drug , and shows a significant teratogenic effect , has once been banned .

  30. 胍乙啶、胍乙哌啶、BD-37和BD-31抑制酪胺的升压作用;

    P , BD-37 , BD-31 and G inhibited the hypertensive effect of tyramine .
