
  • 网络inorganic ion exchangers
  1. 除Cs用无机离子交换剂的筛选

    Sieving of inorganic ion exchangers

  2. 复合无机离子交换剂在酯化反应中的应用&阿斯匹林的合成

    Application of Complex Inorganic Ion Exchangers in Esterification & Preparation of Aspirin

  3. 通过大角度X射线散射分析,求出了新型无机离子交换剂六偏磷酸锡的径向分布函数,推断其化学结构。

    The structure of an amorphous inorganic ion exchanger-stannic hexametaphosphate is postulated with radial distribution function ( RDF ) by X-ray diffraction .

  4. 水合二氧化钛磷钼酸铵(HTOAMP)球形复合无机离子交换剂在一定条件下具有对Cs+和Sr2+同时交换的性能。

    Spherical hydrated titanium dioxide ammonium molybdophosphate ( HTO AMP ) can adsorb Cs + and Sr 2 + simultaneously in definite conditions .

  5. 本文合成了一种新型无机离子交换剂&硅酸铜,对其进行了中性氨基酸(Gly,Ala)的色谱分离研究,并与硅酸锌的分离性能进行了比较,显现出较好的特性。

    A new inorganic ion exchanger copper silicate has been synthesized . It has been used to separate the mixture of neutral amino acids ( Gly and Ala ) and been compared with those of the zinc silicate .

  6. 以硫酸锰和高锰酸钾为原料,合成了离子记忆无机离子交换剂&隐钾锰型水合二氧化锰(CRYMO)。

    Cryptomelane type hydrous manganese dioxide ( CRYMO ) was synthesized . It is a kind of inorganic ion memory exchanger .

  7. 水合二氧化钛-磷钼酸铵微球复合无机离子交换剂的合成

    Synthesis of spherical complex inorganic ion exchanger hydrated titanium DIOXIDE-AMMONIUM molybdophosphate

  8. 无机离子交换剂除砷的研究

    Elimination of arsenic from solution by inorganic ion exchange Agent-a study

  9. 新型无机离子交换剂研究&偏磷酸铈的气相色谱应用

    Studies on new inorganic ion-exchangers & gas chromatographic efficiency of cerous metaphosphate

  10. 本文首次合成了新型无机离子交换剂&锑酸锌。

    A new inorganic ion-exchanger , zinc antimonate , has been synthesized .

  11. 几种高选择性无机离子交换剂在放射性废水处理中的应用

    Application of Inorganic Ion Exchangers to Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment

  12. 采用自制的聚锑酸无机离子交换剂对锶的吸附性能进行了研究。

    The adsorption of strontium on the polyantimonic acid adsorbent was studied .

  13. 钨钼无机离子交换剂的合成与应用

    Synthesis and application of the tungsten and molybdenum ion exchangers

  14. 新型无机离子交换剂的研究&Ⅰ.锑酸锌的合成及性能

    Studies on New Inorganic Ion-Exchanger & Zinc Antimonate

  15. 新的复合无机离子交换剂回收铯-137的研究

    Investigations on the recovery of caesium-137 with a newly developed complex inorganic ion exchanger

  16. 含铯亚铁氰化钛钾无机离子交换剂的分解┐催化氧化法处理

    Treatment of potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate (ⅱ) inorganic ion exchanger using thermal decomposition catalytic oxidation process

  17. 其中无机离子交换剂分离富集铷是一种重要的方法。

    It is an important separation and enrichment method which is Exchange method of Inorganic ion .

  18. 无机离子交换剂研究进展

    Advances in Inorganic Ion Exchangers

  19. 无机离子交换剂磷酸钛的合成及其吸附色谱性能的研究

    Studies on Properties of Inorganic Ion Exchangers Ti ( IV ) Phosphonate as Adsorbent of Gas Chromatography

  20. 用无机离子交换剂制备~(90)Sr-~(90)Y发生器的研究

    Searching inorganic exchangers for preparation of ~ ( 90 ) sr - ~ ( 90 ) y generator

  21. 用钛酸盐陶瓷固化含铯亚铁氰化钛钾无机离子交换剂的初步研究

    The initial study of solidification of cesium loaded potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate inorganic ion exchanger by a titanate ceramic

  22. 本文对在我国高放废液全分离流程中产生的含铯亚铁氰化钛钾无机离子交换剂的固化进行了初步研究。

    Immobilization feasibility for cesium loaded potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate inorganic ion exchanger generated from Chinese HLLW total separation process was studied .

  23. 磷酸钛在无机离子交换剂和聚阴离子型锂电池正极材料等领域有着重要应用。

    Phosphate titanium has important applications in many fields , such as inorganic ion exchanger and polyanion cathode materials of lithium battery etc.

  24. 砷酸锡无机离子交换剂性质研究&33种金属离子的薄层电泳层析行为

    The investigation of the properties of the stannic arsenate exchanger & the thin-layer electrophoresis behaviours of 33 metal ions on the stannic arsenate layer

  25. 为了制备适用于热中子截面测量用的135Cs,建立了用无机离子交换剂磷酸锆和阴离子交换树脂从裂变产物中分离无载体放化纯135Cs的方法。

    The separation of carrier-free cesium from fission products has been investigated using ion-exchange chromatography with zirconium phosphate inorganic exchanger and anion exchanger resin .

  26. 从热力学和动力学角度分析了用不同形态的无机离子交换剂磷酸钛作为气固色谱固定相的分离机理。

    Bsed on the standpoint of thermodynamics and kinetics , the separation mechanism for titanium phosphate under different states on the gas-sdid Chromatographic pakings is investigated .

  27. 着重讨论了影响无机离子交换剂的离子交换行为、物理一化学稳定性、交换反应动力学、离子交换选择性序列及金属离子在无机离子交换剂上的离子交换机理。

    Special interests were plaid in factors affecting ion exchange behavior and stabilities , reacting kinetics , selectivity sequences as well as ion exchange mechanisms of metal ions in inorganic ion exchangers .