
  • 网络Unmanned driving technology;Unmanned Technologies
  1. 制造商将几乎可以完全自由地在公共道路上测试他们的无人驾驶技术。

    Manufacturer would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads .

  2. 密歇根州的立法者显然希望使该州为无人驾驶技术的商业应用做好准备。

    Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology .

  3. 相比之下,被誉为硅谷之乡的加利福尼亚州最近则出台了更为严格的规定,要求人类司机做好开车的准备,并禁止无人驾驶技术用于商业用途。

    In contrast , California , home of Silicon Valley , recently proposed far more restrictive rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel , and commercial use of self-driving technology .

  4. 未来五年,无人驾驶技术更趋主流的时候,未来学家语言,很多汽车都会与高街商家实现聚合。

    Within the next five years , as self-driving technologies become more mainstream1 , futurologists predict that many cars will converge2 with the high street .

  5. 随着无人驾驶技术的进步,汽车行业正努力阻止谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)和其他科技竞争对手的入侵。

    With advances in self-driving technology , the automotive industry is wrestling to block incursions by Google , Apple and other technology rivals .

  6. 牛津大学(UniversityofOxford)能源政策教授迪特尔?赫尔姆(DieterHelm)认为,许多对无人驾驶技术的担忧都是没有必要的。

    Dieter Helm , professor of energy policy at Oxford university , dismisses many of the concerns about driverless technology .

  7. 王振辉是京东物流的CEO,他表示京东现在正在转向无人驾驶技术以提高效率。

    Wang Zhenhui , CEO of JD Logistics , notes his company is now moving into the unmanned vehicle sector to try to its efficiency .

  8. 在本月的拉斯维加斯消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)和底特律车展(DetroitAutoShow)上,无人驾驶技术显然已摆脱实验阶段:汽车制造商正竞相把这项技术推向道路。

    At this month 's Consumer Electronics Show and Detroit Auto Show , it was clear that driverless technology has graduated from the experimental : carmakers are now racing to bring this technology to the roads .

  9. 中国最大的搜索集团百度(Baidu)发起一项努力,试图通过共享其无人驾驶技术,成为汽车界的安卓(Android)。

    Baidu , China 's largest search group , has launched an attempt to become the Android of the automotive world by sharing its self-driving technology .

  10. 谷歌(Google)自己的无人驾驶技术主管不久前离职,优步在这样一个时候收购奥托(Otto),会加剧优步在无人驾驶方面与谷歌(Google)的东家Alphabet的竞争。

    The acquisition of Otto will heighten Uber 's driverless competition with Google owner Alphabet , at a time when Google 's own head of driverless technology has recently left .

  11. 汽车业的高管已经开始推测谷歌在无人驾驶技术上的商业策略。谷歌从2009年起开始研发这项技术,并在丰田(Toyota)和雷克萨斯(Lexus)的专用车型上进行了论证。

    Auto industry executives have speculated about Google 's business strategy for self-driving technology , which it has been developing since 2009 and demonstrating on specially adapted Toyota ( TM ) and Lexus vehicles .

  12. 在因向中国潜在用户推销半无人驾驶技术的方式而收到投诉仅仅几天后,特斯拉(Tesla)曾于上周末把“Autopilot”一词从其中文网站上短暂撤下。

    Tesla briefly removed the word " autopilot " from its Chinese language website over the weekend , only days after receiving complaints about the way it markets the semi-driverless technology to potential owners in the country .

  13. 优步一直在大力投资无人驾驶技术,其首席执行官特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(TravisKalanick)认为,这种技术将成为未来城市交通网络的基石。

    Uber has been investing heavily in driverless technologies , which chief executive Travis Kalanickbelieves will be a cornerstone of future city transportation networks .

  14. 沃尔沃(Volvo)力求让多达100辆自动驾驶汽车在中国上路,希望在以拥堵和危险闻名的中国道路上试车将使其跑赢研发无人驾驶技术的竞赛。

    Volvo is aiming to put up to 100 self-driving cars on the roads in China in the hope that testing them on the country 's notoriously congested , hazardous roads will enable the carmaker to pull ahead in the race to develop autonomous vehicle technologies .

  15. 这预示这中国开始有能力自主研发地铁无人驾驶技术。

    This signals China can develop its own technology for automatic subways .

  16. 研究无人驾驶技术的公司绝非特斯拉一家。

    Tesla isn 't the only company taking steps toward autonomous cars .

  17. 美国当局正在调查可能由无人驾驶技术引起的首例死亡案件。

    US authorities are investigating the first death potentially caused by self-driving technology .

  18. 在中国,百度和乐视正在研发无人驾驶技术。

    In China , Baidu and LeEco are both working on driverless technology .

  19. 最近,该软件巨头获得了“可与行人沟通”的无人驾驶技术专利。

    The software giant recently secured a patent for technology to communicate with pedestrians .

  20. 麦肯锡估计,即便没有新的无人驾驶技术,更换成本就将高达3200亿美元。

    Even without new driverless technology , McKinsey estimates it would cost $ 320bn .

  21. 虚拟现实初创企业落后于国外的同行,谷歌的无人驾驶技术领先于百度。

    Virtual-reality start-ups trail foreign counterparts , and Google has a jump on Baidu in driverless car technology .

  22. 百度与宝马联手,并在最近称,它正在美国测试无人驾驶技术。

    Baidu has teamed up with BMW and recently said it was testing its technology in the United States .

  23. 一些人担心,无人驾驶技术将会带来更多私家机动车出行,而不是促进更节省道路空间的公共交通。

    Some fear the technology could prompt more journeys by private motor vehicles rather than more space-efficient public transport .

  24. 随着无人驾驶技术和辅助驾驶技术研究的不断深入,交通标志自动定位和识别技术也成为人们研究的一个热点。

    With the further research of automatic driving and assisted driving , automatic identification technology of traffic signs has become a research hotspot .

  25. 中国政府肯定更希望由中国最大的移动通信运营商来组建一家合资企业,率先发展属于未来的车联网和无人驾驶技术。

    The Chinese authorities would certainly prefer a joint venture involving the country 's largest mobile operator to pioneer future car-to-car networks and autonomous driving .

  26. 针对因驾驶员因素导致的交通事故问题,目前存在两种解决方案:无人驾驶技术和辅助驾驶系统。

    As for the traffic accident caused by drivers , there are two traditional solutions : autonomous driving technology and driver assistant system ( DAS ) .

  27. 专家们担忧无人驾驶技术会对行为产生影响,他们主张,关键的一点是,推广自动驾驶车辆技术应该与重新思考这种技术的运用方式同步进行。

    Experts concerned about such impacts on behaviour argue it is vital that the rollout of autonomous vehicle technology goes hand-in-hand with a rethink of how it is used .

  28. 这起个案将引燃围绕特斯拉对其无人驾驶技术推介的进一步辩论。在今年佛罗里达州发生一起致命事故之后,这种技术受到严密关注。

    The case will ignite further debate around the company 's promotion of its driverless technology , which has come under scrutiny following a fatal crash in Florida this year .

  29. 可能还得过好几年&甚至好几十年,变道警示系统、车车通信、自适应巡航控制、先进视觉和刹车系统才能彻底演进为无人驾驶技术。

    It might take years or even decades for systems like lane-change warning , car-to-car communication , adaptive cruise control , advanced vision and braking to evolve into fully driverless technology .

  30. 虽然其他公司,如最著名的电动汽车制造商特斯拉,已经设法将无人驾驶技术的元素到推广到真正的道路上,但是谷歌一直采取更加谨慎的方法。

    While other companies , most notably electric car maker Tesla , have managed to roll out elements of self-driving technology to real roads , Google has been taking a far more cautious approach .