
  • 网络Stakeholder;stakeholders & interest groups
  1. 相反,环境保护组织如果认为该项目损坏环境的话,就可能成为消极的利害关系者。

    Conversely , environmental groups could be negative stakeholders if they view the project as doing harm to the environment .

  2. 利害关系者的命名和分类主要是作为判断哪些个人和组织把自已视为利害关系者的一种辅助手段。

    The naming or grouping of stakeholders is primarily an aid to identifying which individuals and organizations view themselves as stakeholders .

  3. 利害关系者的需要、愿望与期望经过分析变成了要求说明书。

    Stakeholder needs , wants , and expectations are analyzed and converted into requirements .

  4. 项目干系人一般包括最终用户、项目团队、公司的管理层等一些主要的利害关系者。

    Stakeholders typically include end users , project team , the management and other major stakeholders .

  5. 利害关系者分析识别各种各样利害关系者的影响和利益,并将其需要、愿望与期望形成文件。

    Stakeholder analysis identifies the influence and interests of the various stakeholders and documents their needs , wants , and expectations .

  6. 然后对企业的内外部利害关系者进行全面分析,为制定信息和诱因策略提供依据。

    Then an in-depth analysis is given about the external and internal stake-holders to provide evidence for the design of the information and incentive strategies .

  7. 项目范围说明书还是所有项目利害关系者对项目范围的共同理解,说明了项目的主要目标。

    The project scope statement also provides a common understanding of the project scope among all project stakeholders and describes the project 's major objectives .

  8. 在项目规划过程中,项目团队应根据对项目和项目结果的影响大小,邀请所有有关的利害关系者参与。

    While planning the project , the project team should involve all appropriate stakeholders , depending upon their influence on the project and its outcomes .

  9. 项目团队和其他对于项目初步范围说明书有深入看法的利害关系者,可以进行这样的分析并将结果形成文件。

    The project team and other stakeholders , who have additional insight into the preliminary project scope statement , can perform and prepare the analyses .

  10. 利害关系者的利益可能受到项目执行或完成的有利或不利影响,因此他们也会对项目及其可交付成果施加影响。

    Stakeholders'interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project and they may also exert influence over the project and its deliverables .

  11. 在经济活动中,信息披露不仅影响着投资者的价值判断和决策,同时也会影响到债权人等利害关系者。

    In economic activities the information disclosure not only can influence the investor 's value judgement and decision but also can influence interest-related persons such as the creditors .

  12. 大而复杂的项目可能要求某些过程反复多次才能确定和满足利害关系者的要求,并就这些过程的结果达成一致意见。

    A large and complex project may have some processes that will have to be iterated several times to define and meet stakeholder requirements and reach agreement on the processes outcome .

  13. 如果某利害关系者认为某一具体产品、服务或成果是项目的组成部分,则项目边界清楚地说明了哪些事项不包括在项目之内。

    It states explicitly what is excluded from the project , if a stakeholder might assume that a particular product , service , or result could be a component of the project .

  14. 基于沟通计划编制、信息发布、利害关系者管理等沟通管理基础理论,建立三个针对不同沟通对象的沟通模型,并编写制定不同阶段期间的沟通计划。

    Using communications planning 、 information release 、 stakeholder management and others base management theory of communication , Produce three communication models for different communication object , and produce different period communications planning .

  15. 因此,从遏制有利害关系者对虚假会计信息需求,寻找治理会计信息失真的对策,是一种实事求是的积极探索。

    Therefore it is a practical , realistic and active exploration to hold back the demanding to inveracious requirement for accountant information to those whose benefits are related and find the countermeasure to administer the distortion of accountant information .

  16. 行政机关可自由决定是古允许利害关系人向决策者提交证据或提出口头论点。

    It has discretion to decide whether interested persons will be allowed to submit testimony or to present oral argument to the decisionmakers .

  17. 经公告期满无其它利害关系人声明异议者,即出售予申请人,发给权利移转证明书;

    Upon expiration of the announcement period , where other parties interested do not state dispute , the land will be sold to the applicant and the rights transfer certificate will be issued .