
  • 网络niche strategy
  1. 摩根大通进入信用担保公司和信托公司领域,实施的是一种利基策略(nichestrategy),在某种程度上来说是顺势而为。

    In pursuing its niche strategy involving credit guarantee firms and trust companies , JPMorgan is to some extent making a virtue out of necessity .

  2. 为此,对方正、华为和朗科形成核心技术能力的案例进行了分析,指出其共同点是采取了利基策略;

    Therefore , the cases of Founder , Huawei and Netac developing core technical competencies are analyzed and the results suggest that niche strategies are adopted by the enterprises .

  3. 研究表明,利基策略是中国企业形成核心技术能力的有效途径,而建构能力成长是形成核心技术能力的关键环节,利基策略的实现还需要企业整体战略的支持。

    The studies show that niche strategies are the effective approaches to develop core technical competencies for Chinese enterprises , architectural capability growth plays an important role in developing core technical competencies and aggregate plans are required to support niche strategies .

  4. 企业利基营销策略研究

    Study of Niche Marketing Strategy

  5. 本文简要论述了实施利基营销策略的理论背景、现实背景以及适合运用利基营销策略的企业类型。

    This thesis expatiates on the theory background , practice background of niche marketing strategy and the enterprises being fit for niche marketing strategy .