
  • 网络CapaCity;Ability
  1. 战略实施后将有助于提高XY煤矿的生产经营能力,增强企业效益,从而在激烈的市场竞争中保持竞争优势。

    The implementation of the strategy would help to increase the production and management capacity of XY Coal Mine , in order to maintain a competitive advantage in the fierce market competition .

  2. 应用信息技术提升非营利组织的持续经营能力

    Using IT to Promote the Capacity of the NPO 's Sustainable Management

  3. 她的经营能力绝非一般。

    She has considerable business acumen .

  4. 加入WTO,将极大提高我国金融企业的经营能力,金融经营政策也将进一步放开,加快与国际市场接轨的步伐。

    The financial operation policy will open more , which will speed up the adaptation to the international market .

  5. CEO经营能力与企业绩效的关系研究

    A Research on the Relationship between CEO of the Viability and Enterprise Performance

  6. MG公司是H市的一家资产状况良好,有相当的经营能力和发展空间的国企。

    MG corporation , one national enterprise of H city , enjoys well assets , outstanding business power , and great future .

  7. 第四章利用SWOT方法分析了京城中水公司的整体经营能力和发展情况;

    In chapter 4 it analyzed the whole management ability and development of the Beijing reclaimed water company according to the method of SWOT ;

  8. 基于此假设,本文运用了二项logistic回归分析法,将选取好2006-2008年某定义下反映持续经营能力的各个指标与审计意见类型之间的关系通过函数的形式展示出来。

    On this foundation , using the logistic regression analysis , we show the relationship between every index affecting going-concern ability and the types of audit opinion with function .

  9. 一方面,借鉴博弈论思想,运用定量方法确定高层管理者合理的剩余分享比例,选择基于高层管理者自身经营能力而获得的经济增加值(F)作为剩余分享的业绩基础;

    In view of game theory , some quantitative methods are applied to determine the rational proportion of surplus sharing , depending on the economic value added to the enterprise by each and every manager 's individual ability as his / her performance standard .

  10. 之后,本文从人力资源、数据资源、资产状况、研究能力、经营能力与管理能力六个维度,对SDIS的内部资源进行分析,并在此基础上得出SDIS的优势和劣势。

    Secondly , the advantages and disadvantages were obtained on the basis of analyzing the internal resources of SDIS , from six dimensions of human resources , data resources , assets conditions , research ability , management ability and organization ability .

  11. 加强分承包管理,提高企业经营能力

    Enhance Sub-contract Management to Improve Operating Ability and Level of Enterprise

  12. 跨国公司跨国经营能力构建研究

    The Study on the Building of Transnational Operating Capabilities of TNCs

  13. 消除不确定性因素,提高持续经营能力

    Eliminate the uncertain factors to improve the ability of going concern

  14. 有利于企业增强经营能力和竞争能力;

    Help enterprises to strengthen management ability and competitive power ;

  15. 创业投资机构经营能力的一种模糊评价方法

    An Intangible Evaluation on the Management Capability of Venture Capital Investment Organization

  16. 如何提升零售企业核心经营能力

    How to advance the core management abilities of retail enterprises

  17. 森林可持续经营能力评估模型研究

    Study on the model of evaluation on the capacity of sustainable forest management

  18. 企业的经营能力对企业的违约概率影响较大,且负相关。

    The business operation capacity affects default probability greatly with a negative correlation .

  19. 大学技术经营能力的系统构成及其演化分析

    The System Frame and Evolutionary Analysis of Universities ' Management Capability of Technology

  20. 财务危机是企业持续经营能力丧失的前奏。

    Financial crisis is the prelude for enterprise continually losing its business capacity .

  21. 武冈林场森林可持续经营能力模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Capacity of Sustainable Forest Management in Wugang Forest Farm

  22. 企业应致力于经营能力和内部制度的改革。

    Enterprises should be devoted to the reforms of management ability and internal system .

  23. 供电企业经营能力评价指标体系及评估模型研究

    Study of the Appraisal Index System of Power Plant 's Management Capability and Appraisal Model

  24. 可持续经营能力审计中的平衡计分卡模型

    The Evaluating Model of the BSC in the Audit of the Capacity of Sustainable Operation

  25. 对已经具备经营能力和条件的企业,本次赋予其进口经营资格;

    Import operation qualification is granted to enterprises that meet the operation ability and requirements .

  26. 农业上市公司的持续经营能力与投资价值研究

    The Analysis of the Ability of Lasting Management and Investing Value about Agricultural Listed Company

  27. 审计判断中的时近效应和肯定性倾向&基于持续经营能力判断的实验研究

    Recency and confirmatory effect in audit judgment & An experimental study on a going-concern task

  28. 上市公司的持续经营能力对公司相关利益者的决策是非常重要的,自由现金流量是反映公司持续能力的重要指标。

    The ability of continuing operation is very important to the interests of listed companies .

  29. 航运企业通过船舶投资来增加自身的经营能力、盈利能力和竞争能力。

    Shipping enterprises can improve the abilities of operation , benefit , competition by ship investment .

  30. 企业经营者经营能力的重要性早已成为共识。

    It has already become a consensus that the capability of enterprise managers is very important .