
  • 网络jurisprudence of economic analysis
  1. 效率违约理论是西方经济分析法学派在新自由主义经济学说的理论基础上提出的一种全新的违约理论。

    Efficient breach is a new theory of the breach of contract , based on the economic analysis of law .

  2. 效率违约理论是经济分析法学派提出的一重要观点。它将违约损害赔偿制度的逻辑重心由受害人转移到了违约方,在一定程度上弱化了对受害人的保护。

    First , the compensation system for breach of contract is to protect the victim of a breach of contract .

  3. 效率违约理论是英美法系经济分析法学派提出的一个重要的观点。

    The theory of efficient breach is one of the key points in contemporary of Anglo-American contract law , which is also the important view of economic analyzing of law .

  4. 该理论是美国经济分析法学派提出的一种新的违约理论,其出发点仍是违约,但是其中引入了经济学中的效益概念。

    This theory is a new one of breach brought up by the scholars of economic analyzing of law in America . It is still based on breach , but it contains the idea of efficiency in economics .

  5. 波斯纳作为经济分析法学派的代表,在该书中提出效率违约理论,主张通过对交易过程中成本与风险关系的分析来重新评价合同责任的功能和价值。

    And we may find the book Economic Analysis of Law by Posner , in which he discussed the theory of efficient breach of contract , stating that the function and value of contract liability should be revalued by analyzing the relationship between cost and risk during the transaction .