
  1. 在此基础上设计了基于强跟踪滤波器的PID悬浮控制方案并通过仿真对比强跟踪滤波器与经典滤波器的控制效果,验证了该方案的有效性及可行性。

    After that a PID suspension control solution based on Strong Tracking Filter was designed . By compare the simulation control effect between the Strong Tracking Filter and classical filter , the effectiveness and the feasibility of the solution was verified .

  2. 理论模拟的结果表明,经典滤波器和现代滤波器对薄膜监控信号的噪声均有较大的滤出作用,但均造成了信号的延迟。

    Theoretical analysis showed that the noise was decreased by digital filters .

  3. 滤波器的分类方法很多,总的来说可分为经典滤波器和现代滤波器两大类,自适应滤波器属于现代滤波器的范畴;

    Filter can be classified into classical filter and modern filter in many class methods and adaptive filter belongs to modern filter .

  4. 接着,分析了超窄带滤波器的特点,从信息恢复角度出发探讨了将经典滤波器应用于超窄带通信系统的可行性。

    Then it analyzes the characteristics of UNB filter , and discusses the feasibility of applying classical filter to UNB transmission system from the perspective of information recovery .

  5. 最后分析了经典Kalman滤波器在处理医用消耗性材料需求量数据时存在的缺点,提出用自适应Kalman滤波器替代经典Kalman滤波器的新思路。

    Discusess the shortcomings of classic Kalman filter and puts forward a new method using adaptive Kalman filter at last .

  6. 为了更好地进行图像数字水印的识别,基于对数极坐标仿射(LPM),设计和应用了5种滤波器,即经典匹配滤波器、振幅滤波器、相位滤波器、双态相位滤波器和改进的滤波器。

    Based on log polar mapping , five filters have been designed and applied in this paper .

  7. 和经典形态学滤波器相比较,新的形态学滤波器在其主要算子中使用了结构元素的轮廓。

    Compared with classical morphology filter , the new filter uses outline of structure element as its major operator .

  8. 实验结果表明,该方法的滤波效果不但弥补了模糊加权滤波器的不足而且较经典中值滤波器有更好的滤波效果。

    Experimental results show that this method makes up the drawbacks of weighted fuzzy mean filter , and excels the classical median filter .

  9. 从经典维纳滤波器出发,以自适应干扰对消为纽带,推演出各种自适应阵列处理算法的等效原理。

    Based on the wiener filter , various adaptive array processing algorithms are derived to be equivalent to each other by means of adaptive interference cancelling .

  10. 这种滤波器的输出是原始输入信号和经典中值滤波器的加权和,而权值则根据输入的信号序列由预先建好的可能性线性模型来决定。

    The proposed filter achieves its effect through a weighted summation of the input signal and the output of median filter , and the weights are set based on regularized possibilistic linear models concerning the states of the input signal sequence .

  11. 在对经典FIR数字滤波器的设计方法进行研究基础上,提出了一种基于近似最佳一致逼近原理的FIR滤波器设计方法。

    After investigating into the design of classical FIR digital filter , a method of FIR filter design based on proximate best uniform approximation is proposed .

  12. 在经理论分析得出经典有源电力滤波器(APF)中的谐波及无功电流检测不是必需的结论的基础上,推出经典APF电流控制策略与电源电流直接控制策略之间的等效关系。

    Based on the conclusion that it is unnecessary to detect the harmonic and reactive current in classical active power filters ( APF ), a direct AC main current control scheme is presented in the paper .

  13. 将经典的腔体滤波器用多层基片集成波导的思路进行实现,并且采用LTCC工艺,更有利于将其与其他有源器件无缝的融合在整个电路板上。

    If realize the classical multi-cavity filter with the idea of SIW , using LTCC technology , it will be more beneficial to its seamless integration of other active devices in the circuit board .

  14. 模拟式频率引导采用经典的晶体滤波器组,其数量大、成本高、重量体积大。

    Analogue frequency leading uses classic crystal filter group , it has many shorts , such as a great deal components , high cost and large bulk .

  15. 经典的卡尔曼滤波器要求假设系统的动态模型和观测模型的噪声统计特性已知,而组合导航系统的噪声具有非先验性。

    The conventional Kalman filter assumes that the statistical properties of the noise in dynamic model and observation system are exactly known , but the noise in integrated system is uncertain .

  16. 滤波器参数的设计对滤波效益有着重要的影响,本文在分析以往经典的无源滤波器设计方法的基础上,提出了一种基于人工免疫算法的无源滤波器参数优化方法。

    The design of the filter parameter is very important to restrain harmonics , On the base of making analysis of the classic of method , this paper proposes a new strategy to optimal passive filter performance by the artificial immune algorithm .

  17. DSP技术课程经典实验分析&FIR滤波器的实现

    Analysis of Classical Experiment of DSP Technology Course & Implementation of FIR Digital Filter

  18. 针对这种情况,作者运用经典PD控制加滤波器方法重新设计了控制器。

    In order to weaken the vibration and overshoot , classical PD control in company with filter is applied .

  19. 经典的微波腔体滤波器设计往往需要大量的复杂公式计算和繁琐的曲线查找。

    The design of Classical microwave cavity filter requires large numbers of complicated formulae and numerous curves .

  20. 受经典梯度倒数加权滤波器的启发,提出了一种应用于图像去噪的新型非线性数字滤波器,称之为新型梯度倒数加权滤波器。

    Motivated by the classical gradient inverse weighting filter , this paper proposed a new nonlinear digital filter : a new gradient inverse weighting filter for image de noising .

  21. 设计了多种对加速度信号进行滤波的经典数字低通滤波器,通过对滤波器的性能分析和滤波结果比较,总结了滤波器的优化方向;

    A lot of classical LPFs are designed for the filtering of acceleration signal , then the direction of filters ' optimization is put forward in terms of the performance analysis of the filters and the filtering results .

  22. 新滤波器能有效地滤除彩色随机脉冲噪声,并保持图像边缘与细节,其性能优于经典的矢量中值滤波器、方向一距离滤波器、方向一幅度矢量滤波器等非线性滤波器。

    Experimental results show that the proposed filters remove impulse noise and preserve edges and details very well , which perform better than the classical vector median filter ( VMF ), direction-distance filter ( DDF ), and directional-magnitude vector filter ( DMVF ) .

  23. 维纳滤波器是一种经典的线性统计滤波器,我们从最优滤波器的角度重新解释了维纳滤波器,指出:当滤波器的输入信号与期望信号是联合高斯分布时,维纳滤波器是真正的最优滤波器。

    The Wiener filter is a classical linear optimal filter , which is interpreted in another view . We point out that when the joint probability density function ( PDF ) of the observed signal and desired signal is Gaussian , the Wiener filter is a real optimal filter .