
  • 网络Rebirth Capacity of Organization
  1. 通过建立的SD大鼠皮肤缺损模型,用构建的人工真皮替代物在SD大鼠脊背两侧皮肤进行了移植实验,对人工真皮替代物促进组织再生能力进行了评价。

    The skin defect model was established in SD rats . The capcity of the artificial dermal substitute promoting tissue regeneration was evaluated by transplanting it on the back of the SD rats .

  2. 结果:5例早产儿通过应用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗,对皮肤无刺激,无痛苦,皮肤组织再生能力增强,方法简单,疗效可靠,患儿家属易于接受。

    Conclusion : It is acceptable very much by the family to treat the skin wound of the infant with MEBO since it is simple , reliable efficacy , no stimulation , no pain and strong ability of regeneration .

  3. 克服玉米幼胚培养对基因型的依赖,提高玉米愈伤组织再生能力是玉米基因工程的基础。

    To reduce limitation of maize genotypes on immature embryo culture and to enhance the regeneration efficiency of maize colli are the base of maize genetic project .

  4. 软骨组织再生能力有限,没有血管、神经和淋巴分布,其特有的组织器官特异性和生物学特性使之成为组织工程学的研究热点。

    Cartilage tissues have the limited regeneration ability , and no vascular , nerve and lymph distributions . Their organ specificity and biological characteristics are the research hot spots of tissue engineering .

  5. 干细胞或者前体细胞的利用对于提高组织再生能力有着重要的意义,同时也提高移植器官同周围组织融合的可能性。

    Use stem cell ( or cell precursor ) can enhance the ability that tissue regenerating , it can also enhance the possibility that the transplanted organs heal over with the surrounding tissues .

  6. 预分化实验表明:ABA能有效地提高原生质体愈伤组织的再生能力。

    Predifferentiation showed that ABA was effective to increase the frequency of regeneration of protoplast-derived calli .

  7. 结果表明,不同培养基和基因型的愈伤组织诱导再生能力差异大,单一培养基效果不如复合培养基。2,4-D和6-BA的浓度及比例是影响愈伤组织诱导的重要因素。

    The result indicated that the abilities of inducing callus and regeneration are different in different medium and genetypes , the multiplicated mediums are better than the single medium , combination of 2 , 4-D and 6-BA are important factors in inducing callus of shoot tip .

  8. 愈伤组织的再生能力取决于脱分化的过程。

    The quality of dedifferentiation determines the capacity of callus regeneration .

  9. 提高水稻愈伤组织植株再生能力几种方法的评价

    Evaluation of Some Culture Methods for Enhancing Plant Regeneration Ability of Rice Callus

  10. 由未成熟胚的子叶(其时种子长度约4&6mm)诱导的愈伤组织具有再生能力。

    Calli in - duced from the cotyledon of immature seeds ( 4 & 6 mm ) had a regeneration ability stronger than that from the seedlings .

  11. 本研究结果不仅为槐树的试管苗生产及基因转化打下基础,而且提出了基因型对植物组织培养再生能力的调控特点和规律的认识。

    The result not only put a foundation for proliferation of plantlets and gene transformation but also recovered the rules of regulation of genotypes on regeneration ability .

  12. 研究背景:肝脏是体内复杂的消化器官,具有很强的再生能力,肝部分切除后的再生情况依赖剩余肝组织的再生能力。

    Background : The liver is a complex digestive organ in our body , which has a strong regenerative capacity . Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy that is dependent on the regenerative capacity of the residual liver tissue .

  13. 结论:局部高表达CD151基因能够提高缺血组织的血管再生能力,促进缺血肢体的血运重建和功能恢复。

    CONCLUSION : High expression of CD151 in the ischemic tissue can stimulate the formation of the new blood vessels and promote the foundation of the blood flow and rehabilitation of limb function .

  14. 由于成人心肌组织无分化再生能力,其坏死心肌细胞只能由成纤维细胞取代而形成无收缩功能的瘢痕组织,终致心衰,甚至猝死,严重影响患者生活质量和寿命。

    Lacking the ability of differentiation , the infarcted myocardium can only be replaced by the fibroblasts to form the scar tissue and have no systolic function . Thus the patients are easy to suffer heart failure , even sudden death , and their life quality is also very poor .

  15. 软骨组织的修复和再生能力较弱,加之软骨种子细胞易于老化,这些因素限制着软骨组织工程在临床的应用。

    The limitation of cartilage tissue for self-repairing and regeneration , as well as the aging of seed cells , confines the clinical application of tissue-engineering cartilage .

  16. 草莓外植体在不同组合培养基上诱导产生3类愈伤组织,Ⅰ型愈伤组织的再生能力较低,Ⅱ和Ⅲ型愈伤组织具有较高的再生能力。

    Three types of callus , which present different regeneration capacity , were established in the tissue culture of strawberry . The ⅱ and ⅲ types of callus possessed higher regeneration capacity while ⅰ type of callus had much lower .

  17. 结论:胶原包埋型ADM具有良好的组织相容性和促真皮组织再生重建能力,是较好的组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion : collagen-coated ADM has good biocompatibility and the ability of regenerating dermal tissue , that can be used for the scaffold of tissue engineering skin .

  18. 目的:牙髓细胞是牙髓组织的主体细胞,是牙体组织损伤再生修复能力的重要成份。

    Objective : The dental pulp cell is the main point of the pulp tissue , which plays an important role in the tissue repair and regeneration .