
  • 网络Tissue Engineering Scaffold
  1. 目的:考察胶原/羟基磷灰石(HA)骨组织工程支架材料作为生物活性因子释放载体的体内外释放特性。

    In order to investigate the release properties of collagen / hydroxyapatite bone tissue engineering scaffold as the carrier for bioactive growth factor in vitro and in vivo .

  2. 本研究结果表明:以硫酸肝素复合胶原蛋白结合特定条件下冷冻干燥技术可以制备在组分和内部空间结构上高度仿生神经的新型神经组织工程支架材料,与Schwann细胞有良好的细胞相容性。

    Heparin sulfate-collagen scaffold , produced under special freeze-drying condition , is a new kind of nervous tissue engineering scaffold , which is highly mimic natural nerve in space structure and component and has nice cellular compatibility with Schwann cells .

  3. 超临界CO2技术制备组织工程支架材料初探

    Pilot Study of the Preparation of Tissues Engineering Scaffold Materials by Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Technique

  4. 超临界CO2反复循环萃取法制备PLA/TCP多孔组织工程支架材料

    PLA / TCP porous scaffolds for tissue engineering fabricated by repeatedly cycling extraction with supercritical CO_2

  5. 目的:探索煅烧骨(calcinedbonecalcium,CBC)作骨组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    AIM : To investigate the feasibility of calcined bone calcium ( CBC ) as scaffold material in bone tissue engineering .

  6. 结论所制备的PVP接枝壳聚糖具有良好的生物相容性,可作为组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion The novel chitosan derivative has excellent biocompatibility and can be used as a tissue scaffold material .

  7. 目的研究仿生矿化的聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA)作为骨组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of using biomimetic mineralized PLGA as scaffold material in bone tissue engineering .

  8. 目的:探讨PLGA作为中枢神经组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    Objective : To explore the possibility of PLGA as a scaffold biomaterial for central nervous system regeneration .

  9. 结论:CHA和藻酸盐均是较好的骨组织工程支架材料,复合成骨细胞后可构建特定形态和可注射组织工程骨。

    Conclusion : Both alginate calcium and CHA can be used as scaffolds of tissue engineered bone .

  10. 目的观察小肠粘膜下层(SIS)的生物相容性和作为组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the biocompatibility and feasibility of small intestinal submucosa ( SIS ) as a scaffold for tissue engineering .

  11. 方法以牛血清白蛋白(BSA)为模型药物,以壳聚糖为载体材料,应用离子交联法制备BSA胶体颗粒,并与胶原/羟基磷灰石骨组织工程支架材料复合。

    Methods Chitosan colloid particle carrying model drug BSA was prepared by the method of ionic gelatin , and incorporated into collagen / hydroxyapatite scaffold .

  12. 结论仿生矿化可以改善PLGA早期细胞黏附性能,是构建骨组织工程支架材料的较好方法。

    Conclusion Biomimetic mineralized can improve early stage cell adhesion rate of PLGA and is a good scaffold material for the bone tissue engineering .

  13. 结论:成功培养全层人口腔黏膜,PLGA可作为口腔黏膜组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion : Human oral mucosa can be developed successfully with tissue-engineering methods , and PLGA can be used as scaffold for tissue-engineered oral mucosa .

  14. 结论:PLGA膜具有较好的细胞亲和性,它的表面有利于细胞的黏附,是一种较好的组织工程支架材料。

    Four days later cells growed well . Conclusion : PLGA has preferable cellular affinity , which can be used as tissue engineering materials for scaffold .

  15. 结论:1.成骨细胞在CHA上增殖速度比在β-TCP上的速度快,更适宜作为骨组织工程支架材料。

    CHA on osteoblast proliferation rate than in the β - TCP on fast , more suitable for bone tissue engineering scaffolds . 2 .

  16. 人工合成的HA脆性大,不能满足组织工程支架材料在力学性能方面的要求,人工提取的胶原蛋白则易引起炎症等免疫反应。

    The synthetic HA is brittle , which does not meet the performance requirement of tissue engineering in the mechanical properties . The collagen extracted the animal always causes the inflammation and other immune responses .

  17. 复合应用聚羟基丁酸酯和PluronicF-127作为组织工程支架材料的可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study of Tissue-engineered Tissue Using PHB and Pluronic F-127 Together As Scaffolds

  18. [目的]聚乙二醇/聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PEG/PBT)嵌段共聚物具有良好的机械性能和生物可降解性,具备作为组织工程支架材料的基本特征。

    [ Objective ] The material consisting of poly ( ethylene glycol ) and poly ( butylene terephthalate ) segmented copolymer ( PEG / PBT ) has excellent mechanical properties and biodegradation characteristics .

  19. 目的:探讨珊瑚转化羟基磷灰石(CHA)作为骨组织工程支架材料的可行性,寻找最佳支架材料,为组织工程研究开辟新的途径。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of using coralline hydroxyapatite ( CHA ) as scaffolds in bone tissue engineering and to find out the best scaffold material .

  20. 目的:探讨经改性处理后的可降解生物材料聚β-羟基丁酯(PHB)作为血管组织工程支架材料与血管平滑肌细胞的细胞相容性。

    Objective To study the cellular biocompatibility of polyhydroxybutyrate ( PHB ) which acted as scaffold for vascular tissue engineering combined with vascular smooth muscle cells ( VSMCs ) .

  21. 此法制备的多孔HA具有均匀的开孔结构,孔隙相互贯通,孔径分布范围200-400μm,气孔率高达70-80%,作为组织工程支架材料具有很好的应用前景。

    The porous samples prepared have an open , uniform and interconnected porous structure with a pore size of 200-400 μ m and high porosity of 70-80 % which have a great future used as bone tissue engineering scaffolds .

  22. 结论:BCP与BMSCs复合后能够有效地修复颅骨缺损,证实该材料适合作为组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion : The BCP / BMSCs composites can repair calvarial defects effectively . This / our study suggests that this material could be a promising scaffold material for bone tissue engineering .

  23. 本研究的核心是利用该交联剂与N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮(NVP)进行交联共聚反应,制得目前国内外最新型的组织工程支架材料。

    A series of biodegradable crosslinked NVP scaffold materials were prepared by radical polymerization of the biodegradable crosslinking agents and NVP using azoisobutyronitrile ( AIBN ) as initiator .

  24. 结论采用CO2超临界法制备的PLA-BMG多孔复合支架材料具有良好的骨诱导活性,有可能作为一种有前景的骨植入材料及骨组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion The porous PLA-BMG composite material prepared by the use of SC-CO2 has a good osteoinductive activity and can be used as a promising bone biomaterial and a bone tissue engineered scaffold .

  25. 二者具有统计学差异性(P0.05)。结论体外构建的P24/PLGA-[ASP-PEG]仿生骨基质材料是一种理想的组织工程支架材料,能诱导启动典型的软骨内化骨过程,促进骨缺损的修复。

    And there was statistical difference between group A and B ( p0.05 ) . Conclusion This novel biomimetic material P24 / PLGA - [ ASP-PEG ] is an ideal scaffold for bone tissue engineering , which can trigger typical os endochondrale procession and improve repair of bone defect .

  26. 目的研究大鼠成骨细胞与Bio-oss骨粉体外复合培养对成骨细胞成骨效能的影响,探讨Bio-oss作为骨组织工程支架材料的组织相容性。

    Objective To investigate the osteogenesis of osteoblasts of SD rats cultured with Bio-oss powder in vitro and study the biocompatibility of the Bio-oss powder as a scaffolds in tissue engineering with the osteoblasts .

  27. 乌贼骨转化羟基磷灰石材料(CBHA)的制备及其作为骨组织工程支架材料的应用基础研究

    The Preparation of the Cuttlebone-transformed Hydroxyapatite ( CBHA ) and the Basic Studies on Its Application as the Scaffold in Bone Tissue-engineering

  28. 结论Sr-HA多孔陶瓷是较理想的骨组织工程支架材料,成骨细胞复合Sr-HA陶瓷用于骨缺损的修复,具有广阔的临床应用前景。

    Conclusion Sr-HA is an optimal scaffold material for bone tissue engineering , which can potentially find clinical application for bone defect repair .

  29. 目的:初步探讨多孔纳米羟基磷灰石(nano-hydroxyapatite,nano-HAP)对体外培养的大鼠牙乳头细胞(ratdentalpapillacells,RDPC)增殖和分化功能的影响,以及nano-HAP作为牙组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    Objective To determine the effects of nano-hydroxyapatite ( nano-HAP ) on the proliferation and activity of rat dental papilla cells ( RDPCs ) in vitro , and to evaluate the feasibility of using nano-hydroxyapatite ( nano-HAP ) as dental papilla cell scaffold in dental tissue engineering .

  30. 可注射型盐酸化壳聚糖基骨组织工程支架材料的研究

    Study on Injectable Chitosan Hydrochloride Based Scaffold in Bone Tissue Engineering