
zǔ zhī ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • tissue engineering
  1. 目的综述近年来碱性成纤维生长因子(Basicfibroblastgrowthfactor,bFGF)在组织工程肌腱相关研究中的进展。

    Objective To review the recent researches of basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) in tendon tissue engineering .

  2. 结论大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)是骨组织工程中适宜的种子细胞。

    Conclusion MSCs are ideal seeded cells in bone tissue engineering .

  3. 利用CT扫描资料构建基于图像分析设计组织工程支架;

    Tissue-engineered scaffold materials are designed on the basis of CT scanning data and image analysis ;

  4. bFGF基因修饰组织工程骨移植修复颌骨缺损及相关机制的实验研究

    Research on Repairing Mandibular Defect with Tissue Engineering Bone Graft Modified by bFGF Gene

  5. 组织工程材料PLGA与组织细胞生物相容性的体内实验研究

    Study on the biocompatibility of PLGA with tissue cell in vivo

  6. 结论同种异体幼年动物的软骨细胞PLA复合物在有免疫力的动物体内形成的组织工程软骨可以作为气管壁缺损的修复材料。

    Conclusion Allogenic tissue-engineered cartilage can be an ideal material to repair defect of tracheal wall .

  7. 骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)来源丰富、安全,是软骨组织工程的理想种子细胞;

    The plentiful and safe bone MSCs is an expected seed cell of cartilage tissue engineering .

  8. PLGA多孔支架适合作为组织工程食管支架;

    The porous PLGA scaffolds are suitable for TEE .

  9. 目的:探讨不同种子细胞及种植方法对构建组织工程心脏瓣膜(tissueengineeringheartvalve,TEHV)的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the feasibility of fabrication of tissue engineering heart valve ( TEHV ) with different seeding cells and multiple implantation methods .

  10. 目的:探索煅烧骨(calcinedbonecalcium,CBC)作骨组织工程支架材料的可行性。

    AIM : To investigate the feasibility of calcined bone calcium ( CBC ) as scaffold material in bone tissue engineering .

  11. 目的:研究以聚羟基丁酸已酯(PHB)为支架材料形成的组织工程软骨作为隆鼻填充材料的可行性。

    Objective To study on PHB as scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering used in augmentation rhinoplasty .

  12. PHBV共混物纤维制备组织工程支架的研究

    Study on the Tissue Engineering Scaffold Prepared by PHBV Composites Fiber

  13. 目的实现绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)报告基因在组织工程化细胞中的高效、稳定、长久表达。

    Aim To achieve efficient , and stable expression of green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) reporter gene in tissue-engineered cells .

  14. 目的探讨组织工程骨修复骨缺损,内源性骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)在组织工程骨再生过程中的分布及作用。

    Objective To explore the distribution and effect of endogenic bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP ) in repairing rabbit skull with tissue engineered bone .

  15. 两种DNA提取法对不同色泽肋软骨STR分型成功率的比较两种组织工程化人工肋骨支架材料的制备及体内外降解实验研究

    Comparative Study of Two Methods of DNA Extraction from Different Colour Costal Cartilage in STR Genotyping ; The Preparation of Two Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Rib and Comparison of Their Degradability

  16. 结论生物衍生骨材料和猕猴MSCs复合构建组织工程化骨植入异体猕猴体内其术后12周内免疫反应水平低,可用以修复猕猴节段骨缺损。

    Conclusion Tissue engineered bones constructed with bio-derived materials and allogeneic MSCs showed low immunogenicity within 12 weeks and could be implanted to repair bone defects in monkey .

  17. 结论:成功培养全层人口腔黏膜,PLGA可作为口腔黏膜组织工程支架材料。

    Conclusion : Human oral mucosa can be developed successfully with tissue-engineering methods , and PLGA can be used as scaffold for tissue-engineered oral mucosa .

  18. 目的探讨应用改良Percoll非连续密度梯度离心法分离纯化培养组织工程用肌卫星细胞。

    Objective To investigate separation and purification of skeletal muscle satellite cells with improved incontinuous density Percoll gradient centrifugation technique .

  19. 以BMSCs为种子细胞构建的组织工程软骨已经在治疗骨关节炎(ostarthritis,OA)患者受损的关节软骨方面取得了满意的效果。

    BMSCs-based tissue engineering has obtained satisfactory results in repairing the articular cartilage defects in osteoarthritis ( OA ) models and patients .

  20. 目的:探讨用骨髓基质细胞(MSC)作为种子细胞,三维多孔纳米羟基磷灰石为支架材料构建组织工程化骨组织的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of using marrow stromal cells ( MSC ) as seed cells and three-dimensional porous nano-hydroxylapatite as scaffolds for constructing tissue-engineered bone .

  21. 结论未诱导的MSC是骨组织工程适宜的种子细胞,与同种异体脱钙骨复合可作为骨组织工程的载体。

    Conclusion Naive MSCs are ideal seeding cells for bone tissue engineering , and the allogenic decalcified bone matrix loaded with MSCs may be used as a good scaffold .

  22. 目的制备山羊脱钙骨基质(decalcifiedbonematrix,DBM),研究其物理和生物力学特性,为其作为理想的组织工程骨支架材料提供理论依据。

    Objective To prepare completely decalcified bone matrix ( DBM ) and study its physical characteristics and biomechanical properties in order to afford theoretical base for DBM as ideal scaffold of bone tissue engineering .

  23. 对比研究ESC作为种子细胞与未分选的表皮细胞作为种子细胞构建的组织工程皮肤的组织结构特性的差异。

    Tissue structure specificity of the tissue-engineered skin using the selected ESC as seed cells were compared with which using original cells as seed cells .

  24. hBMP-7基因强化的组织工程技术是修复牙周组织缺损的一种较好的方法,有很好的临床应用前景。

    HBMP-7 gene enhanced tissue engineering could be a better way to repair the periodontal defects .

  25. 结论:组织工程化周围神经可修复大鼠坐骨神经15mm缺损。

    CONCLUSION : The artificial nerve from tissue engineering can repair a 15 mm sciatic nerve gap in rats .

  26. 目的探讨密度梯度离心法分离培养兔骨髓基质干细胞(MSCs)的条件,为组织工程选择合适的种子细胞奠定基础。

    Objective To investigate the isolation and culturing condition of mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) of rabbits in vitro by density gradient separation method and select the suitable seed-cells for bone tissue engineering .

  27. 结论:封闭群SD大鼠肾被膜下和肠系膜内环境有利于同种异体牙胚的生长,可为组织工程化牙齿的体内构建提供新的发育环境。

    Conclusion : The environment under the renal capsule or in the mesenteries of closed colony rat is favorable for the growth of allogeneic rTGs and can be used as a new alternative for bioengineered tooth development in vivo .

  28. 目的:研究人关节软骨细胞在PLGA三维支架上的贴附和生长情况,利用组织工程技术培养工程化关节软骨。

    Objective : To verify the ability of PLGA , a three-dimensional biodegradable polymer , to support the growth of human chondrocytes , and to reconstruct human articular cartilage by tissue engineering .

  29. 方法:在计算机中利用3DMAX软件设计组织工程带瓣静脉支架模型,然后转换为快速成型系统兼容的STL格式文件,最后利用快速成型系统制作出来。

    Methods : The tissue engineering vein scaffold with valve was designed by 3D MAX software , then it was transferred into the STL file that could be used for compatible rapid prototyping system before the scaffold model was accomplished .

  30. 目的:探讨应用经血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)转染的骨髓基质干细胞(BMSC)复合胶原蛋白海绵构建的血管化组织工程骨修复牙槽嵴裂的可行性。

    Objective : To investigate the feasibility of the restoration of cleft alveolar with vascularised engineered bone constructed by collagen combined with vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) gene transfected bone mesenchymal stem cells ( BMSC ) .