
  • 网络Blood Draw
  1. 方法婚检人员空腹静脉抽血,分别检测HIV抗体、梅毒抗体、HBV五项标志物。

    Methods Fast blood was taken to test Anti-HIV , anti-syphilis , and HBV ( five items ) .

  2. 分别于术后1、3、7、14天从股静脉抽血检测ET、NO、PGI2/TXA2。

    The rabbits were tested the ET , NO and PGI2 / TXA2 AT 1,3,7,14 day after operation .

  3. 术后行灯光照射保温,并加强营养。术后24h颈静脉抽血,并行水迷宫及旷场实验。

    Postoperative lights and insulation to keep warm , and enhance nutrition.24h after the operation draw the blood , then measured them by the means of Morris water maze and open field test .

  4. 目的对比分析静脉抽血与动脉留置针抽血凝血酶原时间(PT)值,探讨瓣膜置换术患者是否可以由动脉留置针替代静脉抽血测PT值。

    Objectives To compare and analyze the prothrombin time ( PT ) between vein blood sampling and through artery indwelling needle , and to study the PT of artery indwelling needle instead of vein sampling for patients with valve replacement .

  5. 4组平行实验8周,实验后第5周、第10周末由兔耳缘静脉抽血测血清总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)浓度。

    The plasma levels of triglyceride ( TG ), total cholesterol ( TC ), low density lipoprotein cholesterol ( LDL-C ) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-C ) were measured at 5th and the 10th week of experiment .

  6. 观察PCA后4h、24h、48h患者的生命体征,镇痛效果以及各种副反应,并由肘静脉抽血以放免的方法测定芬太尼和吗啡的血药浓度。

    The vital signs , analgesic effect ( VAS , VRS ) and side-effects were recorded and venous blood samples were taken for determination of plasma fentanyl and morphine concentrations at 4 h , 24 h and 48 h after PCA was commenced .

  7. 静脉抽血4m1进行血常规检测,掌握血红蛋白含量,了解儿童贫血状况。

    To draw blood from vein for haematoglobin detection , understand anaemia state of children .

  8. 老年患者静脉抽血后按压针眼方法的观察

    Observation of a new method of pressing the point of vain puncture after phlebotomize for elderly patients

  9. 术前进行水迷宫训练和旷场实验,并颈静脉抽血。

    All of them took the preoperative training of the Morris water maze and open field test , and were draw the jugular vein blood .

  10. 目的探讨老年患者静脉抽血后采用不同按压针眼的方法减少局部皮下淤血的效果。

    Objective To discuss the effect of different methods of pressing on the point of vain puncture to reduce the rate of hypodermic gore after phlebotomize .

  11. 此前人们曾预计,霍姆斯将利用本次会议陈述相关科学数据,为她的公司专有的验血技术辩护,包括“Nanotainer”指尖采血小瓶子。她声称,仅这点血液就足以产生精确的检验结果,而无需传统的针头或静脉抽血。

    Ms Holmes had been expected to use the session to present scientific data in defence of her company 's proprietary blood-testing technology , including a tiny finger-prick vial or " nanotainer " that she claims can generate accurate test results without traditional needles or venous draws .

  12. 缺血前及再灌注末经下腔静脉穿刺抽血,测血清ALT、AST含量;取左叶肝组织,测丙二醛(MDA)含量和P-选择素表达情况。

    Serum ALT , AST level , MDA content and expression of P-selectin in the ischemic liver tissue were measured .

  13. 术前及术后7天、14天、21天经实验兔耳缘静脉各抽血约2m1分别检测血常规及甲状腺功能。

    About 2ml vein blood were used to detect blood and thyroid function of all rabbits at pre-TAI and post-TAI on 7 days , 14 days , 21 days .

  14. 小儿头皮静脉针抽血法的临床研究

    Clinical Study of the Method of Infantile Scalp Intravenous Needle Hemospasia

  15. 目的探讨离心性静脉穿刺抽血法的临床实用性。

    Objective : To investigate the utilization of drawing blood of centrifugal vein .

  16. 离心性静脉穿刺抽血法的临床应用

    Clinical Utilization of Drawing Blood of Centrifugal Vein

  17. 没有一位护士或医生戴过手套,从来没有,包括静脉注射和抽血的时候。

    None of the nurses or doctors ever wore gloves , ever . This includes the insertion of the IV and drawing blood .

  18. 目的探讨从中心静脉留置针抽血检验血浆电解质(K~+、Na~+、Cl~-、离子Ca~(2+))的意义。

    Objective To study the feasibility of drawing blood sample from central vein catheter to examine plas - ma electrolyte including K ~ + , Na ~ + , Cl ~ - and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .

  19. 双止血带结扎法在浅静脉穿刺输液并抽血中的应用

    Application of double tourniquet ligation method for patients accepting superficial vein puncture fluid infusion and blood samples collection

  20. 方法:对重症新生儿高间胆红素血症患儿采用脐静脉或桡动脉抽血与外周小静脉输血的同步换血法,并于换血前后进行血常规、生化、胆红素、血培养等检查。

    Methods : Hyperbilirubinemia of newborn was treated with synchronous exchange transfusion ( umbilical vein or radial recurrent artery and peripheral vein ) .

  21. 行头皮静脉、四肢浅静脉抽血,多发生采血量不足而影响采血成功率;

    Scalp vein and extremities superficial vein hanmospasia may unable to draw the adequate blood and then affect the success rate .