
jìng qū
  • shadow region;silent zone;zone of silence;radio shadow
静区[jìng qū]
  1. 本文建立立体结构的VSB系统模型,从数值模拟和实验两方面说明在噪声来自于多个方向的普通房间中,通过该系统产生人头大小的静区是可行的。

    In this paper a numerical modal of VSB system which has a three-dimensional structure is investigated . It can generate a quiet zone of a human head size in a normal room where the noise comes from many different directions .

  2. 大型屏蔽暗室静区静度测试初探

    Testing Reflective Level in the Quiet Zone of a Large Shield Chamber

  3. 长方体微波暗室内静区大小的设计

    The Pure Area Design for the Cubic Dimension Microwave Chamber

  4. 射频仿真暗室的静区分析

    Quiet zone analysis of a RF simulation anechoic chamber

  5. 暗室静区反射电平计算中的波束修正模型

    Beamwidth Modified Model for Calculation of Reflected Level of Quiet Zone in Anechoic Chamber

  6. 根据静区性能指标,选用一定的吸波材料。

    Choosing some kind of absorber in terms of the performance requests of quiet zone of microwave anechoic chamber .

  7. 吹塑过程中,降低静区的大小同样可将涉及的消耗成本最小化。

    During blow-moulding , a reduction in the volume of dead space can likewise minimise the consumption costs involved .

  8. 目前,国内外对一定形状微波暗室中静区大小的计算还没有成熟的方案。

    However , there is no report at present about the computation of the pure area dimension and shape at home and abroad .

  9. 在微波暗室静区反射电平计算时常采用点源发射模型模拟天线的特性,它适用于低频段或方向性差的天线。

    In calculation of reflected level of quiet zone in anechoic chamber , a spot emission model is often used to simulate antennas ' characteristic .

  10. 在伦敦、利兹和曼彻斯特的皇冠假日酒店,鼾声监督员在指定静区的走廊巡查。

    " Snore monitors " patrol corridors in the designated quiet zones of Crowne Plaza hotels in the cities of London , Leeds and Manchester .

  11. 静区性能是电波暗室综合性能的体现,也是暗室设计的关键。

    The quiet zone performance not only characterizes the performance of radio anechoic chamber , but also is a key factor for designing the anechoic chamber .

  12. 南海北部陆缘磁静区及与全球大洋磁静区对比的研究评述

    Review of Researches on the Magnetic Quiet Zone at the Northern Continental Margin of the South China Sea and Its Comparison with Those in the Global Oceans

  13. 本文首先根据菲涅尔区原理,给出了反射面主反射区的计算模型和求解公式,并结合主反射区参数和几何光学法推导出了静区范围及其中心点坐标的计算公式。

    Besides , the computational formulas of quiet zone and its center coordinates are derived , on the basis of the high-reflecting region parameters and geometrical optics approach .

  14. 静区的存在是短波通信的重要特征之一,克服静区,实现战术通信是研究的主题。

    The existence of dead zone is one of the characteristics of shortwave communication . Conquer it and realization tactics communication is the research topic of this paper .

  15. 在高性能微波暗室技术设计中,由于静区指标较高,采用一般的几何光学技术不能进行准确计算,因此需采用几何绕射理论技术。

    In design of anechoic chamber with higher quality , when requirements of quiet zone index are higher , it must use the geometrical theory of diffraction instead of the geometrical optics for accuracy .

  16. 根据平面波谱理论,对静区空间场做反傅里叶变换,可以在角度域反演出干扰波分布规律,从而为排除干扰源提供理论依据。

    According to Plane Wave Spectrum ( PWS ) theory , distribution of extraneous waves in angular domain will be obtained by making inverse Fourier transform to test zone field , which provides the guidance for eliminating them .

  17. 最后指出可以通过提高静区静度指标要求到达提高试验精度的目的,并研究了静区指标与被试品主瓣宽度、角模拟精度之间的关系。

    At last this paper points out that precision of test can be improved by enhancing reflection level of quiet-zone , and researches the relation of reflection level , precision of test and main lobe of testing radar .

  18. 介绍了户型中不同功能空间的布局设计,从动区、静区以及细节设计三方面分析了普通住宅户型的设计方法,以提高设计水平,满足居住者的生活质量要求。

    It introduces arrangement design of residential style for different function space , analyzes design method of common residential style from sportive area 、 static area and detail design , which to improve design level and meet living quality of people .

  19. 中国热带静风区林缘水平热力特征的初步分析

    Horizontal thermal characteristics at forest edge in calm tropical region of China

  20. 利用我国热带静风区西双版纳橡胶林西南向边缘1月的温度观测资料,探讨了昼间林缘区域热力特征及时空变化规律。

    The temperature measurement at southwest facing edge of a rubber forest was conducted in a calm tropical region of Xishuangbanna , Yunnan , China in January 1998 , and the daytime thermal characteristics and their time space variations nearby the edge of the rubber forest were discussed .

  21. 计算结果表明,静叶弯曲能有效地控制静叶端壁区二次流动,降低端壁区流动损失,特别是有间隙的根部区流动。

    The results indicated bowed stators control the secondary flow near end walls and reduce the local losses , especially at the root with clearance .