
  • 网络Freight forwarding business;Sales
  1. 基于SOA的海运货代业务模型分析及其系统实现

    Freight Forwarding Business Model Analysis and System Based on SOA

  2. 这对从事货代业务有相当大的帮助。

    It will be great helpful for the job as a forwarder .

  3. 本文分析了国际货代业务中诚信管理的重要性,提出加强国际货代企业诚信管理的措施和方法。

    This paper points out the important of trust management and the methods of trust management for international forwarding agent business .

  4. 随着外部市场环境的不断恶化,传统船货代业务的市场份额面临巨大挑战和冲击。

    With the worsening of external market environment , the market share of traditional COSCO Ningbo Logistics freight agency business encountered huge challenges and impact .

  5. 随着货代企业业务的快速拓展,数据挖掘技术应用于货代企业业务的数据分析将成为一种必然的趋势。

    Along with the rapid development of freight company , it should be a trend that data mining be applied to freight company 's data analysis .

  6. CILP每年在中国举办面对国内和国际物流、货代企业的业务合作会议,邀请海外企业参加;

    CILP hosts business cooperation conferences every year in China for logistics companies and freight forwarders both home and abroad and invites overseas companies to participate in .

  7. 目前,由于国际贸易市场竞争激烈,人民币升值,我国国际贸易外需发生重大改变,经济形势变得越来越复杂,直接影响到国际货代企业的业务和生存。

    At present , the international trade market competition is intense , the appreciation of the renminbi , the our country international trade now produces major change , the economic situation becomes more and more complex , directly affect the international freight forwarding enterprise business and survive .

  8. 不少海运货代客户倒闭,客户弃货,甚至大量的弃货堆积并产生法律纠纷,运费收不回来,导致部分货代企业没有业务可做。

    A number of sea freight forwarding clients , customers closed , they abandoned goods . And the accumulation of a large number of goods leaded to legal disputes , some freight forwarding companies have no businesses to do .