
  1. 货币文字书法艺术考

    On the Calligraphy Art of Currency Characters

  2. 对战国秦汉的货币文字进行研究仍然是一项艰巨的任务。

    Qin and Han dynasties of the Warring States currency text study is still an arduous task .

  3. 战国秦汉货币文字是个丰富的体系,也是一个不断发展更新的体系。

    In the Qin and Han Dynasties Warring States a rich text monetary system is an evolving system updated .

  4. 以每阶段有代表性的货币文字为目,结合书法三要素,对其书法艺术进行探讨;

    Representative currency characters of each stage are regarded as detailed outline , connected with three essential factors , the calligraphy art is discussed ;

  5. 清代著名古文字学家吴大澄一生潜心治学,发展了古文字考释方法,在先秦货币文字、古玺文字、古陶文字以及金文的考释方面均有建树。

    He developed the method of explaining Chinese ancient characters , and achieved great success in explaining the ancient characters in coins , seals , potteries and bronzes .

  6. 货币文字的复杂性使得对它的释读有相当的难度,在与《说文解字》这类对古文字的释读专著相对照时,并不会完全一致。

    Currency text to the complexity of its interpretation is quite difficult , and " things " such ancient writing team dedicated to the interpretation contrast , and not totally consistent .

  7. 货币是记录文字的有效载体之一。

    Currency is an effective carrier of the written record .

  8. 很多专家学者为此写了大量的文章和专著来论述这些货币上的文字,有修正有创新。

    Many experts and scholars have write a lot of articles and monographs on these currencies to the letter , that there has been innovation .

  9. 货币作为记载文字的载体,相对于其他载体如贝壳、丝帛等有其特殊性,这不仅有其材质上的不同,也是因为其功效的特殊。

    Currency as a vector text records relative to other carriers such as shellfish , silk , etc. are unique , not only has its different materials , but also because of its special effects .

  10. 货币不是用普通文字表示,而是使用代码(例如,usd代表美元,或者cad代表加元)。

    The currency is not written in clear , but as a code ( for example , usd for U.S.dollars or cad for Canadian dollars ) .

  11. 战国时代龟贝上的文字主要是指当时楚国境内流通的货币上记载的文字。

    Warring States Period turtles Pui the text on the state of Chu was mainly refers to the currency in circulation recorded text .

  12. 文章以货币史为纲,把货币文字的发展过程分为三个阶段;

    Currency history is regarded as the outline ; the development of currency characters is divided into three stages ;