
  • 网络Chinese painting;Chinese Painting and Calligraphy;Fine Chinese Paintings;Chinese Painting & Calligraphy
  1. 为中国书画艺术打造一个美好的明天。

    For Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art to create a better tomorrow .

  2. 中国书画装裱艺术探析

    On the artistic of Chinese painting and calligraphy mounting

  3. 浅谈中国书画艺术在现代艺术设计中的应用

    On the Application of Traditional Painting Technique in Modern Art Design

  4. 行走在艺术与财富之间&第二届中国书画艺博会速写

    Between Art Fortune : The Second China Expo of Calligraphy Painting

  5. 中国书画文物修复装裱知识系统构筑及实现

    Framed Chinese calligraphy and painting restoration and building a knowledge-based system implementation

  6. 中国书画艺术品拍卖市场行情走势

    The Quotation Trend of Chinese Painting Calligraphy Artworks Auction Market

  7. 一种自动提取中国书画作品中印章图像的方法

    Method for Extracting Chinese Seal Image in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Automatically

  8. 中国书画艺术传播方式研究

    Research on Propagation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Arts

  9. 中国书画的审美精神是什么

    On the Aesthetic Spirit of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

  10. 中国书画艺术具有鲜明的民族特色。

    Chinese art of calligraphy and painting has its own peculiar ethical characteristics .

  11. 家有中国书画,美化你的生活。

    With Chinese paintings and calligraphic pieces , you can Beautify your life .

  12. 中国书画家协会会员。

    He is the member of Chinese painting association .

  13. 实处俱灵断处俱续&浅析中国书画艺术中的虚实关系和美学特征

    Relationship Between Nothingness and Essence and Aesthetical Features of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Arts

  14. 中国书画的传统欣赏习惯与现代发展前景展望浅议传统书法的精神归宿

    Traditional Appreciation Convention of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting and Prospects for Their Modern Development

  15. 基于分形技术的中国书画风格化绘制探索

    The Exploration of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Style Rendering Based on Fractal Technology

  16. 中国书画是具有鲜明民族特点的文化艺术形式。

    Chinese calligraphy and painting are the artistic forms characteristic of its national character .

  17. 祝愿本次中国书画展和演出圆满成功!

    May I wish the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and Show complete success !

  18. 中国书画鉴定因素构成述略

    Factors in Identification of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

  19. 浅谈中国书画的收藏与前景

    Collection and Prospects of Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings

  20. 文人气或者书卷气,是中国书画­理论中的一个重要概念。

    Being scholarly or intellectual is a key concept in Chinese painting and calligraphy theories .

  21. 中国书画艺术界关于传统与创新的争论常常不绝于耳。

    The dispute about tradition and innovation has frequently been heard in the art circles .

  22. 中国书画的美学精神在现代书籍装帧中的运用

    The Usage of the Aesthetic Spirit of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in Modern Book Design

  23. 当代艺术异军突起中国书画精品受宠&2006春季艺术品大拍综述

    Summary of the 2006 Spring Art Auction

  24. 知白守黑与太极图S曲线&中国书画的美学思想探微

    Know and Observe All but Stay Obscure and the S Curve in the Taiji Diagram

  25. 中国书画扇面艺术为我们再现了一幅典雅清醇的中国文化长卷。

    Chinese Painting and Calligraphy fan art for us to reproduce a classic of Chinese culture long .

  26. 祝愿本次中国书画展和演出圆满成功!谢谢!

    May I wish the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition and Show complete success ! Thank you !

  27. 现为神洲画院画师,中国书画家协会会员。

    Presently he 's the painter of Shenzhou Art Academy , member of China Calligrapher and Painter Association .

  28. 《中国书画》,人民美术出版社,北京,1986年,第10页。

    Literature Zhongguoshuhua ( Chinese Paintings ), People 's Fine Art Publishing House , Beijing , 1986 , p.10 .

  29. 这种艺术价值与市场价格的错位,成为中国书画艺术及其市场发展的瓶颈。为此,本文对这种瓶颈的现象、成因及其对策做了深入的探讨和论述。

    This variance of art value and market price block the development of the Chinese paintings and its market .

  30. 作为世界文化的瑰宝的中国书画,积淀了中国上下几千年的文化。

    Chinese Painting and Calligraphy , as world cultural treasures , reflect the accumulation of Chinese culture for thousands of years .