
  1. 关于我国中药行业加入WTO的市场分析

    Marketing Analysis of which Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Enters WTO

  2. 中药行业在我国是一个具有浓重的传统文化色彩的工业经济。

    Chinese Traditional Medicine industry has heavy culture color in China .

  3. 新型分离技术在中药行业的应用

    The Application of Reparation Technology in Herbal Medicine Industry

  4. 知识产权保护对于中药行业有着非常重要的作用。

    The intellectual protection in the pharmaceutical industry plays a very important role .

  5. 中药行业发展之思考

    Thought about development of traditional Chinese medicine industry

  6. 论全面提高中药行业工程素质

    Guarantee of Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Through Overall Enhancement of Engineering Quality of TCM Industry

  7. 达到从事中药行业所要求的知识及技能水平。

    Achieve a standard and acquire skills which enable them to work in the Chinese Pharmaceutics related fields .

  8. 此前,跨国企业与中药行业从业者之间也开展过一些合作,但主要是临时性质的。

    There have been previous , mostly ad hoc , co-operations between multinationals and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine .

  9. 目的:分析我国中药行业现状,为其现代化、国际化提出建议。

    Objective : To analyze the current situation of traditional Chinese medicine industry and raise suggestions for its modernization and internationalization .

  10. 从对我国中药行业现状的分析看到了我国中药业的优势,但也存在许多问题,如低水平重复生产、经营管理不善、研究开发新药能力弱等。

    But there are also some problems , for example , low capacity , repeated producing , weak research and development ability , bad management .

  11. 尽管中药行业是我国的传统行业,但无论是在市场占有方面还是知识产权方面,我国都不再占有优势。

    Although Traditional Chinese Medicine is a traditional industry in China , China does not have any advantages in market share or in the intellectual property .

  12. 中药行业的发展状况标志着我国医药产业在该类产品国际竞争中的地位。

    Development of traditional Chinese medicine industry position in developing status competing in owing a kind product an international to be indicating our country medicine estate .

  13. 第三部分归纳总结了我国中药行业面对的机遇与挑战,分析了我国中药行业的优势与劣势;

    In the third section , author summarized the opportunities and challenges facing our TCM industry , analyzed the advantages and inferior situations in our TCM industry .

  14. 随着国民经济的日愈发展以及国家一系列医疗领域政策法规的调整和实施,中药行业在国民经济中的地位不断攀升。

    With development of national economy and implement of series of policies and regulations in medicine industry , Chinese medicine industry has a rising position in national economy .

  15. 切碎机也可供其他用途,比如中药行业可用来切碎较硬的中草药茎杆等。

    The chopper also may supply other uses , for instance the Chinese native medicine profession available cuts to pieces the hard Chinese medicine stem pole and so on .

  16. 广东是中药行业举足轻重的大省,在我国中医药国际化过程中发挥了十分关键的作用,但国际化进展十分缓慢。

    Guangdong is an important province in Chinese pharmaceutical , it had played an important role in the international process of Chinese medicine , but very slow pace of internationalization .

  17. 第二部分通过对中国中药行业内部条件的历史与现状的分析,找出了现在中药行业中存在的问题,进行了我国中药行业与国外中药行业对比分析;

    By analyzing the history and the present situation in our TCM industry , author found the exiting problems and compared our domestic TCM industry with the foreign in the second section .

  18. 然而整个中药行业的水平还很低下,由于中药行业集中度较低,企业规模较小,产品的同质化生产较为严重,中药企业面临着激烈的竞争。

    However , the development level of Chinese medicine industry is still very low , such as low industry concentration , small scale , and serious homogenization of products produced , Chinese medicine enterprises are facing fierce competition .

  19. 为制定我国中药行业的技术标准战略,受国家科技部委托,我们负责中药技术标准管理体制的战略研究部分。

    In the formulation of the strategy of technological standards in the industry of Chinese medicines in China the authors of this article , entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology , are responsible for the strategic study of the management system in the technological standards of Chinese medicines .

  20. 其研究成果将在中药生产行业加以推广。

    The research achievements will be spread in the whole CTM 's production industry .

  21. 不仅可以为中药饮片行业提供理论与方法的借鉴,也希望能够丰富企业战略管理学的内容。

    The purpose of the paper is not only provide the , theory and method of reference for Pieces industry , but alse enrich the strategic management of the enterprise content .

  22. 近年来有关冷冻浓缩技术的研究成果时常见诸报道,在我国已经开始运用到酿酒、果汁、中药等行业,而在茶叶方面的应用才刚刚起步。

    In recent years , the freeze concentration technology is often seen in research reports . In China , the freeze concentration technology has been applied to wine , juice , medicine and other industries , and in the tea has just begun .

  23. 正在发展的中国中药材批发网乃至中国中药资源电子商务行业具有非常积极的意义。

    Chinese herbal medicines are being developed distribution networks and even traditional Chinese medicine resources , e-commerce in China has been very positive .

  24. 中药生产属于流程行业是一种典型的批流程生产形式,它对批次的跟踪有着特别的要求。

    Production of Chinese herbal medicine belongs to process industry , and is a typical batch process production , which demands specially on the trace of batch .

  25. 山东东阿阿胶股份有限公司,简称东阿阿胶,是全国最大胶类中药生产基地及行业龙头企业。

    Shan Dong Dong-E E-Jiao Co. , Ltd. , called for ' Dong-E E-Jiao ', is the largest production base and leading enterprises of the traditional Chinese medicine ' E-Jiao ' in China .

  26. 中药消费者强调便利造成传统中药行业的浪费和效率低下。

    How a consumer obsession with convenience made a traditional industry wasteful and inefficient .

  27. 而且,利用现代知识产权制度对中药的创造性智力成果进行保护是中药行业发展的必然。

    Moreover , the use of modern intellectual property system for traditional Chinese medicine for protection of creative intellectual effort is the inevitable development of traditional Chinese medicine industry .

  28. 外国大型医药公司对我国中药的研发来势汹汹,这对我国中药行业而言既是一种威胁又是一种前所未有的挑战。

    Major foreign pharmaceutical companies on research and development of Chinese medicine in our country come back , which is not only a threat but also an unprecedented challenges for traditional Chinese medicine industry in China .

  29. 本文的研究论证了中药制药浓缩系统的能源利用现状,为中药行业的节能工作奠定了理论基础。

    The research in the paper has expanded and proved at the present situation of energy utilization for concentrate system of Chinese traditional medicine , and which can be laid the foundation of rationale for energy conservation of Chinese traditional pharmacy industry .

  30. 本论文简述了现代化的生产管理方式与我国传统的中药制造企业生产管理的关系,分析了中药所属行业的特点和属性,以及中药生产具有的自身特点。

    This paper briefly describes the relationships between the modes of modern production management and the Chinese herbal medicine manufacturing production management , and analyzes the characters of process industry including the Chinese herbal medicine industry .