
  • 网络syrup curing
  1. 甜菜废蜜制优质焦糖色素的研究报告(Ⅱ)

    The research report on processing high quality caramel pigment with residual beet sugar (ⅱ)

  2. 乌头蜜制的工艺研究及主要生物碱的含量测定

    Study of the Honey-Processing Technologies for Preparing Aconitum Carmichaeli and the Quantitative Determination of Its Main Alkaloids

  3. 烤羊肉串的辛香和蜜制蛋糕的甜香扑面而来。

    The acrid smell of lamb kebabs and the sweet smell of cakes soaked in honey predominate over everything else .

  4. 近年来,还出现了栀蜜制平性人参,褐参等产品。

    In recent years , there is some new products , such as : the gardenia the leveling honey ginseng and brown ginseng and other products .

  5. 栀蜜制平性人参的炮制方法因为是相反为制,虽然会降低人参的燥性,但亦会破坏人参的补益之性。

    The processing method of Gardenia Honey leveling ginseng is contrary to the black gardenia processing system , although it will reduce ginseng dry , but it will also undermine the nature of the ginseng tonic .

  6. 结果以蜜麸制山药中含磷脂量为最高(180.31mg/100g)。

    The result shows that the total phospholipid content in the sample processed by honey bran comes out the highest ( 180.31mg / 100g ) .

  7. 改善模塑料性能的苯酚改性蜜胺树脂的制备

    Preparation of phenol modified melamine-formaldehyde resin with advanced molding properties

  8. 目的:探讨蜜炙甘草和醋制白芍在复方中是否也同单味药炮制药理研究一样具有止痛作用。

    Objective : To study whether Radix Glycyrrhizae baked with honey and Radix Paeoniae Alba prepared with vinegar in compound prescription would have similar pain alleviating action to single medical materials processed .