
  1. 穆腾古是位著名的养蜂人,自然也为女王准备了美味可口的蜜饼。

    Mutengu was a famous beekeeper and cakes of delicious honey were also set out in preparation for the Queen 's arrival .

  2. 可能不是很科学,但是建议在晚餐后喝杯好茶,吃块泡过蜂蜜的果仁蜜饼(里面当然有富含脂肪酸的坚果),绝对是最完美的小吃。

    It may not be entirely scientific to suggest , but a nice cup of tea and a slice of honey-soaked baklava ( containing omega-3 rich nuts of course ) might be the perfect snack after a healthy dinner .