
  • 网络Pomelo;Honey pomelo
  1. 琯溪蜜柚果皮中果胶提取工艺优化研究

    Study on the Extraction Technology of Pectin from Guanxi Honey Pomelo Peel

  2. 琯溪蜜柚果实粒化症矫治研究

    Studies on the correction of granulation of juice sacs in Guanxi honey pomelo fruits

  3. 应用改良CTAB法提取琯溪蜜柚汁胞的RNA,获得的RNA质量高。

    By the improved CTAB method in ' Guanxi-miyou ' juice sacs RNA extraction , the obtained RNA was of high quality .

  4. 100个土样(0~30cm土层)分析测试结果表明,平和琯溪蜜柚果园土壤酸性较强,有机质含量偏低;速效氮磷钾含量较丰富。

    The test results of 100 soil samples taken within 0-30 cm soil layer indicated that the soil in Guanxi pomelo garden has higher acidity and lower organic matter , but its contents of the available N , P , K are abundant .

  5. 植物生长调节剂对王官溪蜜柚汁胞粒化的影响

    Effects of growth regulators on juice sac granulation in pummelo fruits

  6. 平和琯溪蜜柚果园养分状况与平衡施肥研究

    Balanced fertilization and nutrients condition of Guanxi pomelo garden in Pinghe County

  7. 蜜柚中主要苦味物质的快速测定方法研究

    Determination of Main Bitter Substance in Guanxi Pomelo by High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic

  8. 琯溪蜜柚园有机-无机肥不同配比试验

    Experiment of organic-mineral fertilizer ratio in Guanxi honey pomelo orchard

  9. 琯溪蜜柚贮藏期间果实主要性状的变化

    Changes in main characteristics of Guanxi pummelo fruit during storage

  10. 琯溪蜜柚果实汁胞粒化的研究现状与展望

    Recent situation and prospect of juice sac granulation for Guanxi honey pomelo fruits

  11. 琯溪蜜柚汁囊分化和粒化过程的解剖学观察

    Anatomical Observation on Differentiation and Granulation Processes of Juice Sacs in Citrus grandis

  12. 涂膜与冷激处理对琯溪蜜柚品质的影响

    Effects of Postharvest Granulation of Guanxi Honey Pummelo Treated by Applying-film and Cold-shocking

  13. 琯溪蜜柚中主要苦味物的丙酮提取工艺研究

    Study on Extraction Process of Bitterness from Guanxi Pomelo

  14. 本病具有传染性,能通过病梢嫁接传染给琯溪蜜柚的健苗。

    This disease is graft transmissible from the diseased plants to healthy ones .

  15. 冷激与涂膜处理对采后琯溪蜜柚的生理效应

    Physiological Effects of Film-coating and Cold-shocking Treatment on Post-harvest Guanxi Honey Pummelo Fruits

  16. 官溪蜜柚气调保鲜贮藏条件优化研究

    Study on the Optimizing of Condition About Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Guanxi Pomelo

  17. 渗透调节物质和水分状态与琯溪蜜柚抗寒性的关系

    The correlation of osmoregulation substances and water states with cold tolerance in Guanxi pummelo

  18. 琯溪蜜柚海带复合果汁加工工艺的研究

    Study on processing technology of compound fleshy juice of Guanxi honey pomelo and kelp

  19. 据了解,平和?溪蜜柚是我国在国际注册证明商标成功的第一家。

    It is understood that calm pomelo is the international registration marks the first success .

  20. 平和县水土流失区栽植蜜柚效益评价

    Benefit Evaluation of Planting Grapefruit Trees in Soil and Water Loss Area in Pinghe County

  21. 你还可以吃到蜜柚。

    You also have the sweet pomelos .

  22. 琯溪蜜柚原产福建平和县,是栽培柚类的名品。

    Pomelo is native to Fujian County , is the cultivation of the quality of Pinghe .

  23. 蜜柚果园施用有机肥与化肥对土壤酶及土壤养分的影响

    Effect of applying organic and chemical fertilizer on enzyme activity and nutrition in the soil of pomelo garden

  24. 平和县琯溪蜜柚产业具有悠久的发展历史和良好的资源条件。

    Pinghe is a county blessed natural resources for the development of Guanxi honey pomelo industry , with a long history .

  25. 这也是常见的有月下烧烤外,并把自己的头部蜜柚外皮。

    It is also common to have barbecues outside under the moon , and to put pomelo rinds on one 's head .

  26. 琯溪蜜柚果大无核质优,适应性强,高产,商品性佳,可谓柚中之冠。

    Pomelo fruit without the nucleoplasm and , strong adaptability , high yield , commodity nature is good , is the crown of pomelo .

  27. 深加工后的蜜柚果脯增加了蜜糖的风味,又保留了柚子的营养价值,深受消费者欢迎。

    Candied pomelos are added the taste of sugar and the nutritive value of pomelo is retained , so this kind of snack is popular with consumers .

  28. 琯溪蜜柚果型大,口味好,可食率高,营养成分丰富,品质优良,驰名中外。

    Guanxi pomelo is very famous in the world due to its good qualities , such as good taste , high edible ratio , rich nutrition and so on .

  29. 试验主要以蜜柚为悬浮果粒,以菠萝香精调汁,开发蜜柚果粒悬浮饮料。

    The suspension beverage of honeyed shaddock grain was new-type beverage that the honeyed shaddock grain as main raw materials was suspended evenly in the blended juice with pineapple flavor .

  30. 以琯溪蜜柚为试验原料,采用吸附剂脱苦的方式,系统地研究了利用树脂吸附脱除柚汁中苦味物质的工艺。

    Guanxi shaddock was chosen as experimental raw material , and the technology of bitter matters ' desorption by resin was studied systematically in this paper by means of adsorbent-debitterizing method .