
  1. 信阳作为豫南地区经济中心,在中原崛起中有着十分重要的战略意义。

    As the economic center of the south of Henan Province , Xinyang is very important to the rising of central China .

  2. 天津是一个老工业城市,随着天津市工业化进程的不断推进,农业生态环境将面临越来越大的压力,这与作为国际大都市、环渤海地区经济中心的它来说,无疑是一个挑战。

    Tianjin is a traditional industrial city , but with the continuous development of the industrialization process , this city is now facing increasing pressure from the agricultural ecological environment , as is a great challenge for this international Metropolis .

  3. 宏观方面的对策主要是加快经济增长,加快农业现代化进程,控制人口增长,提高人口素质,以及分散发展,建立和发展地区经济中心。

    The countermeasure of macroscopic aspect : increases economy quickly , accelerates agricultural modern process , controls population increase , increases manpower capital investment , raises population quality , as well as scatters to develop , establishes and develops economic center areas .

  4. 重庆:长江上游地区的经济中心

    Chongqing : Economic Center in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River

  5. 城市是地区经济的中心。

    As a center of regional economy , city has its soul in CBD .

  6. 它是渤海地区的经济中心,同时也是通往中国北方的桥梁。

    It serves as a key economic centre for the Bohai region and acts as the gateway into North China .

  7. 特大城市群间的航空流反映了长三角地区的经济中心城市强盛的区域带动势头;

    And interactions among mega-city regions reflect the uprising of the Yangtze River Delta Region as the leading region of the nation .

  8. 天津市作为建设中的国际化大都市和环渤海地区的经济中心,用地问题尤为重要。

    As the abuilding international metropolis and economic center of the Rounding Bohai Area , Tianjin city has paid more attention in land utilization .

  9. 交通银行拥有辐射全国、面向海外的机构体系和业务网络。分支机构布局覆盖经济发达地区、经济中心城市和国际金融中心。

    BOCOM has a nationwide and internationally oriented structure and business network , with branches and outlets in developed regions , central cities and international financial centers .

  10. 但天津有着沿海的优势,是中国北方第一大港和环渤海地区的经济中心。

    However , Tianjin , which enjoys the advantage as a coastal city , is the largest seaport of North Chinathe economic center across the Bohai Sea Region .

  11. 环渤海经济圈具有独特的区位优势,是东北亚地区的经济中心和连接欧亚大陆桥的要地。

    The economic circle around Bohai Sea has a particular area advantage ; it is the economic center of Northeastern Asia and plays an important rule in the juncture between Asia and Europe .

  12. 西安是西部大开发战略实施下重点发展的城市之一,也是西北地区的经济中心,交通畅达,区位优势明显。

    Xi ' an is one of the key development cities under the great western development strategy implementation , and is also economic center of northwestern regions , having convenient transportation and advantages of location .

  13. 明代广州是当时岭南地区政治、经济中心,洪武和嘉靖年间,曾两次扩建城墙。

    Ming Dynasty , Guangzhou was the Lingnan region 's political , economic center , Hongwu and Jiajing twice expansion of the wall .

  14. 20世纪80年代,安阳、新乡、焦作、洛阳、三门峡沿铁路线地区形成经济增长中心。

    During the 1980s , the areas along railway , such as Anyang , Xinxiang , Jiaozuo , Luoyang and Sanmenxia , form the economic growth center .

  15. 沈阳市位于辽宁省中部,是全省的政治、经济、文化中心,是东北地区最大的经济中心城市,也是全国的特大城市之一。

    Shen Yang lies in the middle of Liao Ning Province , which is a political , economic and cultural center of the biggest economic central city in north east .

  16. 由此推动了重庆商业中心、金融中心的确立,并逐步向西南地区综合性经济中心以及近代科学技术和信息中心转变。

    By those , ChongQing will establish the position as the center of commerce and finance while gradually translate into a center of comprehensive city including economy , modern science and technology , information .

  17. 随着全球化以及随之而来的地方化,城市作为地区经济发展的中心,获得了前所未有的发展机遇,并发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。

    With the trend of globalization followed by localization , urban areas , as the economic development centre of a region , gained unprecedented opportunities , and it is playing more and more important role than before .

  18. 不过,边疆建设应该是在整个或某一边疆地区以经济建设为中心、政治、文化全面跟进的一个综合性工程。

    However , the border construction should be a comprehensive all-or-some borderland-oriented project focused on economical construction and coordinating with the politics and culture .

  19. 作为我国西南地区的经济和文化中心,成都市已经具备了现代蔬菜物流配送业发展的外部条件。

    As the economic and cultural centre of the southwest of our country , there is superior position advantage of developing vegetables delivery in Chengdu .

  20. 广州是华南地区的经济、文化中心城市,于国内外有举足轻重的作用,政治经济地位不断上升。

    Guangzhou is the central city of economy and culture in southern china . It plays an important role in and out of China , with its political and economic position elevated continually .

  21. 作为历史名园的香山公园,已经成为北京香山地区的经济文化生态中心,它是距离京城最近的一座天然山林风景名胜区。

    As a traditionally famous garden , Xiangshan Park has become the economic , cultural and ecological center of the Xiangshan Park area in Beijing . It is a natural forest scenic area standing nearest to downtown Beijing .

  22. 相比赣北地区,赣南地区缺乏强经济增长中心,整个区域产业结构落后,经济增长缓慢。

    In contrast with the north area of Jiangxi province , the south area lacks the strong economic growth pole and the entire industry structure is lag , therefore the economy of the south area grows slowly .

  23. 关中地区是陕西省和中国西北地区社会经济活动中心地域。近年来社会经济的快速发展,对该地区生态环境系统压力日益增强;

    The rapid socio-economic development in Guanzhong region , Shaanxi province , since recent years has produced ever greater pressure on the local eco-environmental system .

  24. 随着国民经济的发展和西部大开发战略的实施,关中地区作为陕西省发展中心乃至西北地区的经济中心,其地位愈发地重要。

    With the development of the national economy and the accomplishment of the strategy of the West exploiting , Guan-zhong area is more important as the economic center of the Shaanxi province and the West-north area .

  25. 因此,通过城市信息化建设,努力把武汉建成长江中游和华中地区的信息中心,近而发展成为华中地区的经济和文化中心就成为武汉现代化建设的重要目标。

    In conclusion , the current modernization building of Wuhan is not only aimed at the information center of the middle regions of China , but also at economic and cultural center of Middle China .

  26. 跨国公司总部和地区总部在一个国家数量的多寡,也就成为了该地区是否成为国际经济中心的重要因素和标志。

    The quantity of multinational corporation headquarter or regional headquarters in a country have become a important factor if the country is able to become an international economy center in an area .

  27. 加快川东北地区经济发展是四川省经济发展的重要一环,必须尽快培育和确立川东北地区的区域经济中心城市地位,以带动整个区域的发展。

    Thus , it is necessary for us to built and cultivate the major economical city in northeast Sichuan as quickly as possible to better promote the progress of the whole area .