
dì qū xié zuò
  • regional cooperation
  1. 联合国IFAD扶贫项目的可持续性评价坚持开展东部和西部地区协作扶贫。

    Evaluation of the Sustainability of IFAD Poverty Alleviation Project of UN ; Persistent efforts were made to coordinate poverty-alleviation programs of the country 's eastern and western regions .

  2. 当前,在以经济全球化和区域合作化为主要特点的世界经济活动中,现代企业相互融合、取长补短,以合并或联盟的方式积极开展跨国、跨地区协作。

    At present , economic globalization and regional cooperation become the main characteristics of the world economic activities and modern enterprises work positively to collaborate with each other despite territorial limitation through amalgamation or alliance .

  3. 坚持开展东部和西部地区协作扶贫。营建良好的合作环境是中国东西部地区协调发展的重要条件之一。

    Persistent efforts were made to coordinate poverty-alleviation programs of the country 's eastern and western regions . Constructing excellent co-operative environment is an important condition for the co-operative development of West China and East China .

  4. 欠发达省区毗邻地区区域协作的问题及对策

    Issues and Policies of Regional Cooperation of under-Developed Provinces ' Neighboring Areas

  5. 金钥匙跨地区服务协作的典范

    Examples of Golden Key Inter-regional Service Coordination

  6. 三是建立市场化的跨地区企业协作机制和支援项目的跟踪协调制度。

    Third , set up market-based trans-regional enterprise cooperation mechanism and follow coordination system of supporting projects .

  7. 通过该系统提升了人力资源社会保障管理服务能力、各项人社业务的协同办理以及跨地区业务协作能力。

    From this system , it improves service capability for human resources and social security management as well as coordinating capability for other related business .

  8. 完善就业服务体系,健全劳动力输出输入地区协调协作机制,引导劳动力特别是农民工有序流动。

    We will improve the employment services system , strengthen coordination and cooperation between labor-exporting and labor-importing regions , and guide workers in an orderly fiow , especially rural migrant workers .

  9. 通过跨区域地方政策协调,有利于扫清地方体制障碍,创造区域间要素的无障碍流动空间,建立各地区分工协作关系,整合跨区域地方关系。

    It helps to clear away the local system obstacle , to create mobile space for key element among regions , to establish division of labor and cooperative relation in different areas , and to combine the transregional local relation through coordinating transregional local policy .

  10. 诗趣的培养、激发与巩固巩固发展广西与西南地区的经济协作

    Consolidation and Development of the Economic Co-operation Between Guangxi and South-west China

  11. 长江上游地区旅游资源协作开发研究

    Regional architecture On Tourism Resources Cooperating Exploitation in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

  12. 组织东部盛市同少数民族地区开展扶贫协作。

    Organizing the provinces and municipalities in east China to start help-the-poor cooperation with the minority areas .

  13. 从山东省沿海地区旅游业协作发展的角度,研究了区域节庆旅游产品开发中的分工问题。

    The paper mainly deals with labor division in the regional events tourism development in Shandong coastal area .

  14. 最后以长江三角洲地区的旅游协作为例,运用区域旅游协作的运行模式对它进行了分析。

    At last , the study applied the operational mode to analyze the case of the regional tourism collaboration in the Changjiang River delta .

  15. 因此,该地区的产业协作主要依靠市场力量,政府要为此提供政策环境。

    Therefore , industrial cooperation in this area depends mainly on the market power , and the government must provide policy and surroundings to it .

  16. 长三角区域旅游合作的创新体系研究长江上游地区旅游资源协作开发研究

    On the Innovation of Regional Tourist Cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta Region ; On Tourism Resources Cooperating Exploitation in Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

  17. 随着生产力的社会化和地区分工与协作的发展,区域经济协作和区域经济一体化正在演变成为一个世界性的趋势。

    Along with development of productivity socialization and regional division and coordination of labor , regional economic cooperation and regional economic integration is being a cosmopolitan historical trend .

  18. 超声-微波协同萃取五味子中五味子甲素的工艺研究(五)织东部盛市同少数民族地区开展扶贫协作。

    Study on Extraction of Deoxyschizandrin from Schisandra Chinensis By Ultrasonic Wave and Microwave Organizing the provinces and municipalities in east China to start help-the-poor cooperation with the minority areas .

  19. (五)织东部盛市同少数民族地区开展扶贫协作。所以从婴儿起就开始快乐地庆祝这一盛大的日子。

    Organizing the provinces and municipalities in east China to start help-the-poor cooperation with the minority areas . that I had been celebrated the great day merrily since I was baby .

  20. 水资源保护工作应适应市场经济的要求,加强法制建设、机构和队伍建设、地区和部门协作,增大投入力度,加强科学研究,增强管理力度,确保水资源保护事业的健康发展。

    Some countermeasures for the healthy development of water resources protection are also presented , such as strengthening of juridical construction and organization , strengthening of the cooperation between regions and departments , increase of investment , reinforcement of management , and so on .

  21. 国际产业转移作为世界经济全球化和区域经济一体化的重要内容,对促进各国和地区的经济协作起着非常重要的作用;同时,产业转移也是转出地和承接地产业结构调整和优化升级的重要途径。

    International industrial transfer as an important part of the word economic globalization and regional economic integration , plays a very important role in promoting economic co-operation between countries and regions . It is also an important path of industrial structure adjustment and upgrade for the exit and undertake .

  22. 三峡重庆库区与周边地区旅游业的协作发展重庆市三峡库区水土流失特征及类型区划分

    Alliance and Cooperation between Tourism Industries in Three Gorges and Neighboring Area ; Study on the Soil and Water Loss Characteristics and Regionalization of Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing

  23. 分割力量的存在,将会增加区际贸易的交易成本,阻碍地区间的分工协作、贸易发展和国内统一大市场的形成,是影响国内市场整合进程的关键因素之一。

    Market segmentation forces impedes the development of inter-regional trades , raises the transaction costs , hampers the inter-regional cooperation and division of labor , and hinders the formation of a unified domestic market .

  24. 东北亚各国和地区具备开展分工协作的坚实基础,但同时也面临着诸多困难和障碍。

    Northeast Asian countries and areas possess the solid foundation of sharing the division and coordination of labor , but they have to face a great deal of difficulties and obstacles at the same time .

  25. 以上海地区文献资源共享协作网成员馆为对象,通过对资源共享工作现状的调研和结果的统计,全面认识网络环境下我国资源共享工作的开展模式,探讨更加科学有效的服务特色。

    The article is a statistics for today 's resource sharing program of Shanghai information resource sharing network , from which , the model of resource sharing program under the circumstance of network can be easily comprehended , and the great scientific and effective services are further discussed .

  26. 中俄毗邻地区非传统安全领域合作初探欠发达省区毗邻地区区域协作的问题及对策

    A Probe on Non-Traditional Security Co-operation between Neighboring Regions of China and Russia ; Issues and Policies of Regional Cooperation of under-Developed Provinces ' Neighboring Areas

  27. 推进长三角地区经济一体化,深化泛珠三角区域经济合作,加强环渤海及京津冀地区经济协作。

    We will promote economic integration in the Yangtze River Delta , deepen economic cooperation in the pan-Pearl River Delta , and further coordinate development in the Bohai Rim region and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region .

  28. 全国各地区的旅游业潜能和积极性被大大激发,各地旅游业出现了突破本地区、本系统、本行业界限,形成了跨行业、跨地区协作发展的良好开端和普及之势。

    The tourist potential and activity all over the country have been inspired . The tourism of each region has broken through the limits of area , system and industry . The good beginning and popularization of cooperative development which stride over the region and industry have been formed .