
  1. 近年来,地方政府投融资平台数量和规模迅速膨胀。

    In recent years , the amount and scale of the local government investment and financing platform expends extremely .

  2. 目前,国内的相关研究是在宏观层面对地方政府投融资平台存在的问题和不足进行简单地定性分析。

    At present , the relative researches are limited simple qualitative analysis of financing platform deficiencies at the macro level .

  3. 随着地方政府投融资平台融资规模和数量的加速发展,信用风险过大成为地方政府投融资平台最突出的问题。

    With the accelerated development of financing scale , credit risk becomes one of top priorities in the development of local government financing platform .

  4. 尤其是在全球金融危机发生后,地方政府投融资平台在城市建设和应对金融危机中发挥了积极作用。

    After the global financial crisis , the local investment financing platforms have played active roles in urban construction and dealing with the financing crisis .

  5. 在这轮投资热潮中,各级地方政府投融资平台起到了融通资金,为地方城市建设提供财力支持的作用。

    In this round investment boom , local government at all levels play a financing platform for local city construction , the role of providing financial support .

  6. 通过对平台运行模式的研究,提高地方政府投融资平台的运行效率,为更好的服务于地方政府对当地的投资与建设。

    Through the study of the running of platform , it will improve the efficiency of local government investment and financing platform in order to serve the local economic .

  7. 因此,本文旨在研究如何加强地方政府投融资平台信用风险管理,防范信用风险,确保其平稳、有序运转。

    Therefore , this thesis aims to study how to strengthen credit risk management of local government financing platform and prevent credit risk to realize its smooth and orderly operation .

  8. 运用模糊综合评价法作为判定地方政府投融资平台预警机制的方法,并设定了一套较为完善的指标系统。

    Apply the haziness synthesizes performance evaluation method as the method of the judgment of the local government investment and financing platform early warning system and establish a more perfect target system .

  9. 在此基础上本文提供了地方政府投融资平台信用评价的方法,并建立了地方政府投融资平台信用综合评价的指标体系及评价方法。

    On this basis , this paper provides a method of credit evaluation for the local government investment and financing platforms , and builds a credit evaluation index system and an assessment method .

  10. 地方政府投融资平台企业是我国应对国际金融危机冲击下,一个非常活跃的投融资主体,是我国宏观调控的一项重要举措,其快速发展得益于政策环境和市场条件支持。

    Investing and financing platform enterprises of local government are active power in dealing with the impact of international financial crises and important measure of macroeconomic-control . Their rapid development profits from both political environment and market conditions .

  11. 同时,地方政府投融资平台企业也存在着债务风险突出,监管法律法规还不够健全,管理欠规范等弊端,应当对其加强管理。

    In addition , investing and financing platform enterprises of local government have the problems of debt risks , insufficient supervising laws and rules , and ill-formed management . Therefore , it is necessary to strengthen their management .

  12. 地方政府投融资平台公司模式出现,它代表地方政府以合法的身份从银行等金融机构处融资,投资、管理、经营地方基础设施建设。

    Just in this situation , local government investment and financing platform company model appears . It acts as the legitimate identity of the local government , gets the fund from banks or other financial institutions , and manages details of infrastructure .

  13. 但另一方面,作为信贷投放主体的地方政府投融资平台负债迅速扩增,既加大了地方政府的债务负担,也加大了平台自身和银行业金融机构的经营风险。

    But on the other hand , as the subject of the supply of credit financing platform of local government debt , which increases the rapid expansion of local government debt burden , also increased the platform itself and the management risk of the banking financial institutions .

  14. 最后得出上海市政府投融资平台风险结论及对我国地方政府未来投融资平台预警机制建立的政策建议。

    In the end , come up the conclusion of the risk of Shanghai investment and financing platform and the suggestion to establish the early warning system of local government investment and financing platform in the future .

  15. 在高速信贷投放的主体中,地方政府的投融资平台是其中最为活跃、也是最为引人注目、同时也是最值得关注的融资主体。

    Then the business of credit loans grew more rapidly . The local government investment and financing platform is the main body , which is the most active and most eye-catching in credit loans of commercial bank .

  16. 最后,本文针对政府投融资平台可能出现的信用风险,从地方政府、政府投融资平台以及商业银行三个层面给出了系统性的风险防控建议。

    Finally , this paper provides systemic recommendations to control the risks from three levels involving local government , local government investment and financing platforms and commercial banks .

  17. 于是,许多地方政府开始通过投融资平台公司变相发债以筹集经济建设资金。

    So , a lots of local government start to raise economic construction funds through the disguised form of bond issuing by investment and financing platform companies by disguised debt .

  18. 然而现实中,为了保证市政建设的顺利进行,地方政府通过包装地方政府投融资平台或城投公司,由地方政府提供担保或向银行借款来发行债券,即是所谓的城投债。

    However , in order to ensure the smooth progress of municipal construction , the local government establishes Urban Construction Investment Company guaranteed by local governments to issue bonds , that is , the so-called " City Investment Bond " .

  19. 第一,从我国地方政府财政收支情况,政府投融资行为经济学基础理论,地方政府投融资平台发展状况分析地方政府投融资行为理论。

    First , analysis the theory of government investment and financing due to Chinese financial revenue and expenditure , theory of government investment and financing action economics and the condition of local government investment and financing platform .

  20. 在我国,地方政府无权发行政府债券,为筹集基础设施建设等公益性项目的建设资金,地方政府通过搭建投融资平台公司(城投公司)进行融资。

    In China , local governments have no right to issue government bonds to raise funds for infrastructure construction and other public welfare projects , so the local governments built some financing platforms ( Urban Construction Investment Company , " UCIC ") for financing .