
  • 网络China audit
  1. 我曾经做过中国审计事务所的高级审计师。

    I was the senior auditor of the China Audit Firm .

  2. 中国审计高层论坛综述

    A Review of China Audit Forum

  3. 加入WTO,中国审计环境发生了变化,国家审计会受到影响。

    The environment of our audit has changed after China entered into WTO .

  4. 深入研究入世对我国国家审计环境的影响及应对问题,目的在于正确把握WTO规则,优化国家审计环境,加快中国审计的国际化步伐。

    The deep research into the influence of WTO to nation audit environment and the countermeasures is to properly grasp rules of WTO , to optimize nation audit environment , and to speed the internationalization of Chinese audit .

  5. 我们应该从中国审计市场的现状出发,对影响审计质量的诸多环境因素加以系统分析,并提出相应对策和措施,以从根本上解决CPA的独立审计质量问题。

    This article , proceeding from the actual situation of Chinese audit market , makes a systematic analysis of environmental factors influencing CPA 's audit quality and puts forward a series of appropriate countermeasures that have proved to be successful .

  6. 中国审计市场动力转换分析

    The Analysis of Auditing Market 's Power Conversion of China

  7. 由于中国审计市场结构集中度低,竞争强度大,可能会导致产生低价揽业行为。

    Low market concentration and high competition intensity will lead to low-balling .

  8. 中国审计制度恢复以来,一直关注绩效问题。

    Performance has been paying attention from resuming of Chinese audit system .

  9. 当代中国审计立法的发展研究

    Research on the Development of Contemporary Auditing Legislation in China

  10. 中国审计在知识经济时代的创新

    The Innovation of Chinese audit in the Knowledge Economy Age

  11. 中国审计市场行业专门化经营绩效与战略的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Performance and Strategy of Industry Specialization in Chinese Audit Market

  12. 中国审计判断质量的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Audit Judgment Quality in China

  13. 论中国审计准则由规则导向到原则导向的转变

    China Auditing Standard Transforming from Rule-based to Principle-based

  14. 中国审计史的研究,必须严肃认真、实事求是。

    The study of audit history of China should be serious and respecting truth .

  15. 中国审计行政管理的理论体系探析

    Theoretical System Exploration for Audit Administration in China

  16. 解析跨入21世纪的中国审计创新

    China 's Auditing Innovation in the 21st Century

  17. 从竞争型到寡占型:中国审计市场结构调整的路径选择

    From Competitive to Oligopoly : The Path Choice of Chinese Audit Market Structural Adjustment

  18. 对中国审计学20世纪的回眸与21世纪的展望

    Review of the Chinese Audit in 20th Century and Its Expectation in the 21st

  19. 审计师非自愿性变更与审计监管&来自2001年中国审计市场的证据

    Involuntary Auditor Change and Auditing Supervision & Evidence from China 's Audit Market in 2001

  20. 证券市场;中国审计;定价模式;

    Stock market Chinese Audit Pricing model ;

  21. 而过度竞争问题的根源,则在于中国审计市场结构的不合理,中国审计市场是一个分散竞争型市场。

    The audit market of China is a market which is decentralized and competitive market structure .

  22. 这恰恰反映出了中国审计市场目前的竞争秩序混乱、市场效率低下。

    It just reflects the confusion of competition and lowness of efficiency in Chinese audit market .

  23. 中国审计署反驳了北京奥运会是有史以来最贵奥运会的说法。

    The Audit Office refuted claims that the Beijing Olympics had been the most expensive ever .

  24. 第2章主要是从市场集中度指标的角度对中国审计市场结构进行了深入分析。

    The chapter thoroughly analyzed audit market structure of China mainly from the perspective of the market concentration .

  25. 审计收费信息强制披露与审计环境的改善&来自中国审计市场的证据

    Regulated Changes in Audit Fee Disclosure and Improvement of Audit Environment : Evidence from China 's Auditing Market

  26. 中外会计师事务所在中国审计市场审计质量的对比研究

    The Contrast Research on Audit Quality of the Local and Overseas Auditor Firms in the Audit Market in China

  27. 事务所类型、强制轮换制与事务所行为&来自中国审计市场的经验证据

    Accounting Firm Type , Mandatory Rotation and Behavior of Accounting Firm & Evidence from the Audit Market in China

  28. 在过度竞争的审计市场结构形态和市场行为下,中国审计市场审计质量的情况不容乐观。

    In the circumstances of excessive competition , the audit quality of audit market of China is not optimistic .

  29. 探索和选择新的审计体制已成为中国审计进入21世纪后所面临和必须解决的首要问题。

    Exploring and choosing the new audit system is a prime question to be faced with and resolve in 21c .

  30. 近年来,我国发生了众多的审计失败案例,中国审计界出现了严重的诚信危机。

    In recent years , China has repeatedly failed the audit cases ; a serious credibility crisis appears to China audit sector .