
  • 网络center-left;centred-left;Centre-left;left-of-center
  1. 人们认为一个正在兴起的中间偏左政党将结束日本一切照常的局面,该政党保证要减轻全球化给日本人民带来的痛苦。

    The rise of a center-left party promising to soothe the pain of globalization is being seen as a major break with business as usual .

  2. 澳大利亚总理吉拉德星期二说,她的中间偏左工党准备执政。在此之前,工党以一席的微弱多数席位而保留执政权。

    Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said Tuesday her center-left Labor party is ready to govern , after retaining power by a tiny , one-seat majority .

  3. 她的观点是中间偏左还是偏右?

    Are her views to the left or right of the centre ?

  4. 经济表现同样糟糕的意大利,目前为止也抵挡住了贝佩•格里洛(BeppeGrillo)领导的五星运动党(FiveStarMovement)的诱惑,反而选择支持温和的中间偏左的马泰奥•伦齐(MatteoRenzi)政府。

    Italy , with a similarly poor record of economic achievement has also , so far , resisted the temptation of Beppe Grillo 's Five Star Movement , opting instead for the moderate left-of-centre government of Matteo Renzi .

  5. 费尔南德斯表示,她将继续追求夫妻二人的中间偏左的经济和社会政策。

    Fernandez said she would carry on in pursuing the couple 's left-of-center economic and social policies .

  6. 第三,中间偏左党派应该主张重新分配全球化的“战利品”,而不是将牺牲它们。

    Third , parties of the centre-left should argue for redistributing the spoils of globalisation , not sacrificing them .

  7. 由谢赫.哈西娜领导、主张政教分离并执行中间偏左路线的人民联盟赢得议会300席中的大约230席。

    The secular , left-of-center party , led by Sheik Hasina , captured about 230 of the parliament 's 300 seats .

  8. 意大利人也支持这种趋势,中间偏左、亲欧盟的民主党主席马泰奥·伦齐在选举中获得胜利。

    Italians also bucked the trend , giving an emphatic win to the center-left , pro-EU Democratic Party of President Matteo Renzi .

  9. 但西方中间偏左和中间偏右政府的政治计划遇到了更大的挑战。

    But an even bigger challenge has been posed to the political projects of western governments of the centre left and centre right .

  10. 这个声明似乎和竞选期间的内塔尼亚胡有所区别,因为他的竞选承诺是要让以色列在和平进程中尽可能少作让步。内塔尼亚胡在成功的赢得中间偏左的劳工党加入他的新联合政府第二天发表讲话。

    Mr. Netanyahu spoke a day after he succeeded in winning the participation of the left-of-center Labor party in his new coalition government .

  11. 就连中间偏左的党派现在也认同,公众不会容忍进一步提高税收在国民收入中的比例。

    Even left-of-centre parties now assume that there is little public tolerance for a further increase in the share of tax in the national income .

  12. 斯卡约拉和其他忠诚的部长们指责,中间偏左的反对党及其在媒体的支持者制造丑闻,因为他们拿不出任何政治论点。

    Mr Scajola and other loyal ministers accuse the centre-left opposition and their supporters in the media of creating scandals because they lack any political arguments .

  13. 评论员说,只有一个激励因素能解释为什么这位英国前首相(名义上是一位中间偏左的政治家)如此卖力。

    Commentators argued that only one prize could explain why the former British prime minister ( and nominally centre-left politician ) put himself through the ordeal .