
  • 网络color model;CMYK;color mode
  1. 印刷行业使用的一种颜色模型,建立在蓝绿色、绛红色和黄色相混合的基础上。

    A color model used by the printing industry that is based on mixing cyan , magenta , and yellow .

  2. 基于Gabor小波和颜色模型的阴影检测算法

    Shadow Detection Algorithm Based on Gabor Wavelet and Color Model

  3. 文章主要研究了贝塞尔曲线和B样条曲线,光照明模型和光照明因子模板,颜色模型及其之间的转换,给出了具体技术的实现要点和程序框架。

    Bezier curve and B-Spline curve , illumination model and illumination factor template , color models and their transformations are studied in the paper .

  4. HSV颜色模型和个性空间在商品选购中的应用研究

    Applying Research of HSV Color Model and Personality Space to Fashion Shop

  5. 基于RGB颜色模型棉花杂质的识别算法

    Distinguished arithmetic for cotton impurity based on RGB color model

  6. 基于RGB颜色模型的相位调制数字图像伪彩色编码

    Pseudo-color coding from phase-modulated image based on RGB color model

  7. 本文利用颜色模型RGB、HIS进行颜色分级。

    The color was graded by RGB , HIS .

  8. 系统采用单目CMOS彩色相机获取图像,并对图像进行颜色模型转换。

    A CMOS color camera and DirectShow software is used to obtain original images which are in RGB color space .

  9. 为了强调这一点,我用的RGB和HSV颜色模型。

    To emphasis this point , I have used RGB and HSV colour models .

  10. 基于HSI颜色模型的多层彩色细胞提取技术

    Technology of Multi-storey Color Cell Extraction Based on HSI Color Model

  11. 基于改进的HSV颜色模型及颜色均值对的车牌检测与定位

    Vehicle Logo Detection and Location Based on the Improved HSV Model and Color Pair Means

  12. HSI颜色模型在有核骨髓细胞图像分割中的应用

    The application of HSI color model on the segmentation of karyocyte image

  13. 采用RGB颜色模型,以色度为主要特征量,设定阈值对棉花和异物的像素点进行判别。

    Pels points of cotton and other things are distinguished by adopting RGB color model .

  14. 一种基于HSI颜色模型的目标提取方法

    An object extraction method based on HSI color model

  15. 针对这点,本文提出肤色平滑度的概念,并利用这一概念和HSV颜色模型对图像进行分割。

    By this concept and together with HSV color model , we can successfully segment the face image .

  16. 将RGB颜色模型转化为HSL颜色模型;

    By converting pixel value from RGB color model to HSL color model ;

  17. 然后根据足球机器人系统的特点,选择HSI颜色模型,实现对图像目标的分割;

    Secondly , HSI color model was applied to implement the partition of object images ;

  18. 该系统被称为在CIE颜色模型(或系统)。

    This system became known as the CIE color model ( or system ) .

  19. 从视觉心理属性来讲,HSI颜色模型较RGB颜色模型更易被接受。

    Compared with the RGB color space , the HSI color space is more acceptable in human visual attribute .

  20. 依据朗伯-比尔吸收定律和RGB颜色模型推导出溶液色度值与浓度的定量关系;

    Based on the Lambert-Bill rule and the RGB model , the function between RGB value of solution and concentration was obtained .

  21. 本文主要介绍了一种新型的CAD系统,该系统基于Internet网络平台,综合运用计算机图形学,数字图像处理,计算机颜色模型,网络编程技术,数据库远程管理等知识。

    This paper mainly introduces a new kind of CAD system based on internet , which utilizes computer graphics , digital image processing , color model of computer , internet programming technique , remote database management and so on .

  22. 我们研究表明,颜色模型VEP可很好地检测青光眼性视神经萎缩的功能。

    Our study indicates that the color pattern VEP can tests well to the function of glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy .

  23. 采用HSV颜色模型中的亮度分量和最佳阈值法对场景图像中标志区域进行二值化处理。

    Subvariable V in HSV color model and the optimal threshold value algorithm were used to process sign area binarization in freeway scene image .

  24. 本文将对每个检测到的人体目标建立基于HSV的颜色模型,舍弃V分量,从而有效的减少了光线变化的影响。

    This paper sets up the color model based on HSV for each detected human target . The discarding of V component could reduce the influence of light changing effectively .

  25. 该算法采用基于适合彩色图象相似性比较的HSV颜色模型,首先在颜色空间进行距离和相似度计算;

    Based on the HSV color model , the algorithm calculates the distance and the similarity in the color space to segment the color image .

  26. 并给出了离散场等值线的计算机可视化填充技术,即利用RGB颜色模型,对三角形网格进行处理。

    Besides , it supplies the computer visual filling technique of dispersed field isograms , treating triangular gridding by use of the RGB color model .

  27. 试验结果表明,与现在已有的车牌定位算法相比,提出的基于纹理特征和HSV颜色模型的新算法无论在速度上、算法复杂度上,还是精度上都有明显的优势。

    Experiments show that compared with the existing algorithms , the new algorithm has obvious superiority in terms of speed , algorithm complexity , and precision .

  28. 用HSV颜色模型的H和S分量,通过一种基于二值图像分割的快速聚类算法,从环境中分离出具有某种特定颜色的目标物。

    Using the H and S weight of the HSV color model , separate the target from the environment with a certain color , by a fast clustering algorithm for two-value image segmentation .

  29. 为了减少由光照变化产生的干扰,经比较提出了在RGB颜色模型下选取B分量进行叶片分割的方法。

    In order to reduce the disturbance produced by the illumination change , after comparison , a method was proposed , selecting B component under the RGB color model to conduct the separation of leaves .

  30. 同时,提出了基于HSI颜色模型的图像定位和校准方法。

    At the same time , a new method for image locating and adjusting is given , which is base on HSI color mode .